88. Cuddle (M)

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"Jungkook, what were you asking us?" Seokjin asked. I had the whole of dinner to think of the response.

"I wanted a distraction," I responded. Yoongi, Seokjin and I were sitting in Seokjin's office. "But I didn't want to disturb you six. I know how much work you guys have."

"Jungkook, you're our mate. You're our top priority," Yoongi said. "Now, for a distraction... Seokjin?"

"Take him to the cliff for a swim in the morning? It's too cold at night, so morning would be the warmer option," Seokjin said. "Are you okay with that? Or do you want to do something else?"

"I'm okay with that..." I trailed off, biting my lip to hold back another question.


I grabbed my pillow and my blanket with a huff and a pout and headed to Seokjin's room. I quietly opened the door to see that he was not there, which only added to my annoyance. So I made way to his office. I barged in without knocking, a whimper leaving my mouth when I saw Seokjin sitting at his desk, his serious face on.

Guilt instantly hit me as I realized that I disturbed him. He looked up at me, his serious face instantly softening. "Jungkook. Is everything okay?" he asked. He looked at the pillow in my hold and the blanket that was trailing after me along the floor. Putting the pieces together, his face broke into a small graceful smile.

"Y-yeah. Go back to work. S-sorry," I muttered and turned to leave.

"Jungkook," Seokjin called me. I looked at him. "Come here. You're not disturbing me, baby." He motioned me over, so I went to him. He took the blanket from me, and let me curl up on his lap, my side pressed against his torso. I rested my head against his shoulder and held the pillow close to me. He pulled the blanket over me, kissing my head and going back to work.

The way he gently held me in his embrace to comfort me made me miss my family even more. Hyung would comfort me whenever I felt down. He would hold me in his arms and whisper comforting words. And that was exactly what Seokjin was doing. It made me tear up at the memory.

I made the mistake of sniffling. Seokjin was quick to drop the pen and tend to me. He cooed at me, tightly wrapping his arms around me. "S-Sorry," I stuttered out.

"Baby don't apologize. It's okay to feel emotions," he said. He grabbed a tissue and started wiping my cheeks. He cooed and kissed me to comfort me, hushing the whimpers that escaped my mouth, yet letting me cry into his shirt. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I didn't like it. "Do you want me to help you sleep, love?"

I sniffled once more and nodded. Almost instantly, I was hit with Seokjin's pheromones. He hummed the tune of some. The vibration, his soothing voice and the soothing scent eventually allowed me to doze off on his shoulder.


"Jungkook," Namjoon said, waking me up by gently shaking my shoulder. I mumbled incoherently and turned around, latching on to someone's body. It wasn't Seokjin, he woke me up when he was leaving sometime in the morning, but I instantly fell back to sleep. I opened my eyes a little, making out Yoongi's figure. I sighed in content, scooting closer to him and tightening my hold on him. "Jungkook, we're going to the cliff today. Actually, we're going to the cliff in thirty minutes."

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah I'm awake," I said, fighting an internal battle of whether I should or should not get up. Sleep was my ticket to escape, I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to sleep into oblivion. "Pick me up." Namjoon picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom.

Once we were done, we met up with the others in the car. Seokjin and Yoongi upfront, Jimin and Namjoon in the middle row, cuddling, and Taehyung, Hoseok and I in the back. Taehyung and Hoseok sent playful touches to each other while I brought my knees to my chest and stared out the window.

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