16. Bite

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"Relax, Jungkook. It will only hurt for a second," Jin said, pressing his body against mine, also sitting on Yoongi's outstretched legs.

He lifted my head from Yoongi's shoulder, placing it on his shoulder. He kissed the spot a few times, even licking it, before piercing the skin. I let out a soft cry of pain.

I felt Yoongi lean forward and do the same as Jin, on my collarbone. I whimpered, holding on to Yoongi's shoulders. It didn't hurt for just a second. They were drinking my blood, of course, it would hurt the whole time.

"N-no. S-stop," I whispered, as my body grew weaker. My head felt as if it was pierced with glass, it hurt.

Yoongi said he would protect me, why would he hurt me? Were all vampires just as deceiving? I thought they could control. I thought you cared for your mate, so why would they keep hurting me?

Eventually, I became weaker and let my arms drop to my side. I felt nauseous and dizzy, a small migraine forming.

Yoongi and Jin pulled away, breathing heavily. My eyes were drooping as I rested my head against Jin's shoulder. I could barely make out Yoongi's figure in front of me, but I could make out the horrified and guilt-ridden expression on his face as he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I'm so so-" I fell into a pit of darkness before he could finish his sentence.

I didn't want to wake up.


I softly whimpered as I felt someone lift me up. I was gaining conscious, and I hated it. The beings that claimed to be my mates didn't give two shits about me, they just wanted my blood. They were keeping me from my family to 'protect me.' I needed protection from them.

"It's okay, you're safe," someone whispered. No, I wasn't! I was a human, I could never be safe!

"H-how is he?" I recognized the voice to belong to Yoongi. Why would he care?

"He's starting to gain conscious. It'll be a matter of time before he wakes up," Jimin responded, placing me on a leathery surface. My head rested on someone's lap as I curled up in the seat. "It's not your fault, Yoongi. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to hold back. Him being our mate only makes his blood much more addictive."

"I-I guess so..." Yoongi trailed off, running his hand through my hair.

I slowly opened my eyes, shutting them right after when the headache came back. I was nauseous. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the rheum (rheum: thin mucus that is naturally released by the eyes, nose or mouth during sleep. Dried rheum is commonly known as sleep sand) that had accumulated.

"Don't rub your eyes, little lamb. It's not good for your eyes," Jin said, rubbing my leg comfortingly.

I hummed in response as Yoongi made me sit up and brought a Caprisun to my mouth. I stayed on his lap, my head resting on his shoulder as my feet lay on Hoseok's lap.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked, rubbing circles on my back.

"Fine," I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry, doe. I'm really sorry. I know it'll be hard to forgive me, but I genuinely hope you can," Yoongi apologized. I nodded in response.

"So... shall we tell him?" Namjoon asked, earning a smack from Jin.

"No, you idiot! He's still in a haze and you want to drop a whole ass bomb on him!" Taehyung exclaimed.

I pouted as I struggled to stay awake, but I failed to keep my eyes open in Yoongi's comforting hold.


"Doe, we've reached. Wake up baby," Yoongi woke me up. I groaned sitting up and getting out. I had much more energy as I took in the sight. I turned to look at the others in confusion.

Catching my silent question, Jimin answered as he made his way to me. "We're meeting your family, little one," he explained.

I subconsciously smiled at the thought of meeting mom and hyung.

Namjoon rang the bell as we silently waited for the door to open.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly. It took her a while to comprehend the situation before wrapping her arms around me.

Jimin gently pulled me away from the hug as Jin stepped forward.

"Hello ma'am, we're-" my mother cut him off.

"His mates? The same vampires who kidnapped him?" She asked glaring at him.

"I-I guess so?" Jin stuttered out, his ears turning red.

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