13. Proposal

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It was loud. The music was really loud. I tried to reduce the volume a little, but Jin gave me a look. He probably thought I was trying to listen in on their conversation.

Got to admit I was curious, but I knew my boundaries.

I looked around the room, observing everyone's reaction. The Council members looked tense as if they were going to be attacked. The fear was obvious when you notice their constant fidgeting and squirming.
The vampires, on the other hand, were calm and collected. They were clearly not worried about the meeting. They asserted their dominance in the room and were proud of the results. They knew they had power and weren't afraid of using it.

I sat beside Jin, my hand intertwined with his. Every once in a while, he would gently squeeze my hand as if it were calming him. Taehyung sat on my other side, controlling the music.

I looked down, playing with the tear on my jeans. Ripped jeans weren't exactly what one would wear when going to a formal location. But Jimin picked my outfit, so I didn't have much say. At least it was comfortable.

I didn't realize I was staring at Taehyung until he made eye contact with me. He sent me a playful smirk, winking. I yelped in response before looking down at my lap.

Suddenly, our table shook. I looked up in shock. What happened?

^Hoseok's POV^

The meeting was so boring. How did they even know that we found Jungkook? Did they have spies within our palace?

I sighed in annoyance as the representative of werewolves spoke up.

"Exactly what do you plan on doing with your...human?" He asked, looking at Jungkook in disgust.

I held back a growl at the disrespect he was showing towards my mate. Namjoon and Yoongi had the most patience out of all of us, so we let them do the talking.

"He's our mate. He will become a vampire in the future," Namjoon said through gritted teeth. Patience was always thin when it comes to your mate.

"He's none of your concern, mutt. What's the actual point of this meeting? It's surely not because of your interest in our love life," Yoongi snapped.

"It may not be his concern, but it is mine. As long as he's human, I represent him. I would like to know how you're treating him," the human representative spoke up. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"We take care of him. That's all you need to know," Yoongi responded.

The werewolf snapped, standing up in anger as he pointed a finger at Namjoon accusingly. "You're lying! I can smell two of you bloodsuckers on him! You had him for one day, and you two of you already drank his blood!" He yelled.

Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung and I stood up in anger, ready to protect our mates. Our eyes gleamed red as we bared our fangs at the shocked werewolf. Namjoon stayed silent, leaning back into his chair with a smirk as he looked at every one of the Council members.

"I would watch your words mutt. We have more power than this Council. One snap of the fingers and your families will be receiving your heads in the mail," Taehyung growled. Jungkook looked at us in shock and confusion.

We sat down when Namjoon motioned us to. I looked over at Jungkook to make sure that he was fine. Jin had pulled him closer just in case Taehyung had to fight. Taehyung pat his head before taking a seat, his gaze still hard.

"Moving on, we invited you here for a reason," the representative of warlocks started. "We would like control over Seoul again."

"Absolutely not," I said, glaring at them.

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