43. Yoonjin History

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"Jungkook, Yoongi and I want to talk to you," Jin said.

"Did I do something?" I asked.

"No, not at all, doe. It's about... something else," Yoongi said.

"Oh okay..." I trailed off.

It was silent for a while. Yoongi and Jin both looked uncomfortable. So I spoke up.

"If you're uncomfortable, then we can have this conversation later," I suggested. I know I don't like them, but that doesn't mean that I should be unempathetic towards them.

"No. We need to have this conversation," Jin said. "We're just trying to figure out where to start."

I stayed quiet, patiently waiting for them to start.

"You remember when I told you about the vampire-wolf hybrid?" Yoongi asked. I nodded. "You remember when I told you about the hybrid's disappearance?" I nodded once again.

"I-I'm that hybrid," Jin said.

"O-oh," was all that I could say. I didn't know how to digest that information. "I thought you were a pure-blood. Only pure-bloods can turn humans to vampires."

"Well, along with being a hybrid, I have powers. They give me the combined powers of a pure-blood werewolf and pure-blood vampire. Anyways, the two wars that you know of, were led by me. It was a year before the Epilepse when I first met Yoongi. At that time, I was more humane, so I approached him the normal way. We got to know each other well, even fell in love after a while," Jin said.

"Then the planning of the Epilepse started. In the beginning, I didn't get to meet Jin for two weeks. And when I finally did, I noticed he had changed a lot. He was rougher when we were together, more violent. He was always tense when we were together. I only knew about his vampire identity at that time, so I offered him some of my blood assuming that he was thirsty. That was the first time he had drank from me. That's when it happened," Yoongi said.

"My hybrid side surfaced. It grew stronger over time. I became... a monster. Then the war started. Human casualties were increasing, I got worried about Yoongi. So I... kidnapped him," Jin said. My eyes widened as Jin's ears turned red. "I don't have any control over the hybrid. He's much stronger than I am and much more ruthless. Yoongi was terrified of me. A part of me- the hybrid- didn't care, but the other did. I... uh..."

Seeing Jin struggles, Yoongi spoke up. "When the hybrid was in control, Jin remained grounded by me. Albeit, not very well, but to a certain extent. Supernaturals have different instincts when it comes to human mates. Human mates keep the supernaturals more grounded."

"Jungkook, do you know why we're telling you all this before the others?" Jin asked before Yoongi could continue.

"I have a guess," I said, biting my lip in nervousness.

"Well, my hybrid self is surfacing. The last time he surfaced, something happened and Yoongi was in a coma for seven months. He had epileptic attacks because of me. I couldn't bear to watch him suffer and have seizures over and over again, so I turned him," Jin said.

They looked at me expectantly as I digested the information. "Y-your hybrid is surfacing?" I asked, receiving a nod in response.

"We call him a Monster. He killed so many people, innocent ones. He tortured vampires for fun, and after everything he did to Yoongi, we deemed it fit to call him that. But he goes by the name Seokjin, which is my birth name." Jin said.

"And you're grounded by you human mate... me," I said, slowly.

"Yes," Jin said, looking at me, worried.

"Oh. S-so now what?" I asked.

"You and I will be going on a trip," Jin said.


I groaned in frustration, slamming the book shut. I knew there was a term for what Jin was experiencing. I knew there was a condition! The way he described, it was different from what you would read in a fiction story. His seemed to be more psychological.

I knew who would be able to help me. Hyungsik. I ran from the library to the medical ward, passing by a confused Jimin on the way.

"Hyungsik!" I called out, barging into his room. "OH MY GOD I'M SORRY!!" I covered my eyes, rushing out of the room.

"JUNGKOOK!" He yelled, falling off his bed.

I bit back a smile as Gina and Hyungsik walked out of the room. Gina walked over to me and pulled my ear.

"Ow ow ow!" I exclaimed.

"Haven't you learn how to knock?" She said, her voice laced with embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were feeding the kitten!" I exclaimed, getting out of her grip and hiding behind Hyungsik.

"You brat! Come here!" She yelled. To be honest, I completely forgot that Gina and Hyungsik were mates. I let out a giggle.

"Hey hey hey, babe. It's okay. He's a kid," Hyungsik defended me, earning an offended 'hey' from me.

"Fine, but this is not over," she said, pointing her finger at me and looking at me with a stern yet lighthearted expression.

"So, Jungkook. What did you... need?" Hyungsik asked. I rubbed the back of my neck, my ears turning red.

"I uh... It was more of a diagnosis. Not mine... somebody else's," I said.

"Jin's diagnosis?" He asked. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Y-you know?" I asked.

"Of course. I've known Jin since he was born, I stuck with him through all these years. I was the one who prescribed him medicines to keep Seokjin under control," he said.

"O-oh... So I was wondering, while respecting Jin's right to confidentiality, of course, what is it called when one psychologically has alters of themselves? Like-" I was going to explain further, but he cut me off.

"DID?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder, or more commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder," he said.

"Multiple Personality Disorder! That was the one I was searching for. I saw DID in one of the books in the library, I just didn't know what it was!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well Jin was waiting for you to realize what he had. You should go talk to him," Hyungsik said.

"Oh okay. Thanks, dad!" I yelled while leaving his office. I froze when I realized what I called him. "I-I'm sorry. It just slipped o-out. I didn't mea-"

"It's alright kiddo. You can call me dad if you want," he said, smiling. "I'm guessing you see Gina as your mom?"

"A little. Yeah," I said, my body growing hot in embarrassment. "Though it did change when I walked in."

Hyungsik blushed. "Okay, I won't keep you here any longer. Go talk to Jin," he said.

"Y-yeah thanks," I said, before rushing out of the room, zooming past Gina who was headed to her mate's office.

"Don't run in the halls!" She yelled. A little chuckle escaped my mouth at her parental behaviour.

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