47. Hybrid

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I yawned, stretching my limbs when I woke up. I looked to my right to see Jin sleeping. A peaceful expression on his face as he reached over to wrap an arm around my chest, pulling me over to him. I let out a grunt as his fingers dug into my skin. Did they become stronger when they're asleep or something?

"Jin," I let out a small whine. He stirred but didn't wake. I huffed, slithering out of his grip and getting off the bed. I could make some breakfast for us, maybe let out a blood bag to heat up since vampires prefer warm blood over cold blood. I quickly brushed my teeth and got to cooking.

I was halfway in the process of making pancakes for us when two arms made their way around my waist. I tried slithering out of his grasp, but he tightened his hold on me.

"Jin," I let out a whimper at his tight grip. I don't know what it was, but he smelled good. It made me want to give into him, give into his touch and seek comfort from him. It made me want to soak every ounce of his comfort.

"Take another guess," he leaned down to whisper in my ear. his voice was husky and deep, sending shivers down my spine.

"S-seokjin?" I stuttered out. He chuckled dryly, sensing my fear.

"Good boy," he whispered. I took a deep breath, his scent overwhelming me. I subconsciously leaned back into him, my mind going hazy. What was that smell? Why did I crave it?

Seokjin leaned down to my neck and started littering it with kisses. "I've been waiting a long time for this, and now I have you. I've planned so much for the two of us," he said, chuckling. That snapped me out of a drunken state.

"N-no!" I yelled, ripping out of his grasp. The pancake was burning, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be away from him. He tsked in annoyance, taking the pan off the stove and turning it off.

"I'm guessing you're not trained," he said, his voice deep as he sauntered over to me.

"Trained? I'm not an animal!" I exclaimed.

He sighed in annoyance. "Fine. We'll work on it later. Let's eat, shall we?"


So far so good. I stayed in one part of the house while Seokjin stayed in the other. I did everything I could to avoid him.

"Jungkook!" He yelled from the bedroom. I flinched at the sudden voice. "Come here!"

I took a shaky breath before making my way to the bedroom. Upon entrance, I saw Jin sitting on the bed, his legs sprawled out as he looked at his phone.

"Y-yeah?" I asked, avoiding his gaze on me. He stood up from the bed and started approaching me, looking at me with lust in his eyes. I didn't move away, that would give him the upper hand. Instead, I put my hand behind me, making it seem like I put it in my back pocket where in fact, I was ready to use the dagger tucked into the waistband of my jeans.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach," he said, walking past me. I watched his retreating figure in shock. Snapping out of it, I hastily followed him, knowing that I didn't have a choice but to follow him.

"W-why are we walking?" I asked, keeping a distance from him.

"Well, I'm sure Jin told you that human mates would keep me grounded," he started, earning a nod from me. "That's actually a lie."

I snapped my head up to look at him with wide eyes. "W-what?" I stuttered out.

"I'm not a monster. Yeah, I surfaced during the war. Yeah, I was ruthless, but I was never out of control. I have pretty good control over my actions," he said, avoiding my gaze.

"B-but Jin said something happened to Yoo-" he cut me off.

"It wasn't me. It was Jin's father who did it. Jin... idolized him, so I took the blame for him right after killing him. Of course, I made it seem like he died during the war. Anyways, Yoongi didn't remember and nor did Jin, so I didn't say anything," Seokjin explained.

I stayed quiet as we walked, letting his words digest.

"I kept teasing Jin to continue playing the role of being the bad guy. In reality, I'm just a hopeless romantic," he said, his ears turning red in embarrassment.

"You are?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Uh... do you... uh, want to go out sometime? With me?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Maybe," I said, smirking at the ground.

"Okay, then maybe we'll go out," Seokjin said, smiling at the ground.

That  was a nice change.

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