42. Lethargy

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(A few writing tips for those who wish to write, but don't know how<3)

"He's exhausted. The cortisol (stress hormone) level in his blood is too high. I can put him on some anti-anxiety pills, but only after a few sessions of therapy with him. Try not to stress him out too much, coddle him if you have to. Also, his serotonin level is low, does he get any nightmares?" Hyungsik asked.

"Frequently," Yoongi said, nibbling on his lip.

"How much does he eat?" Hyungsik asked.

"Not a lot. He's lost quite a bit of weight," I said.

"I could give him some anti-depressants too. But again, I need to have a few sessions," he said.

"Can we see him? Is he awake?" Hoseok asked.

"You can see him, but he's not awake. I gave him some Propavan(this is prescribed to help with insomnia.) to help with his insomnia. Its a small dose, but hopefully its effective. " he said. "Take it easy and let him rest."

We all started heading inside when Hyungsik stopped me.

"Jin, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked. I nodded and stayed back, closing the door once everyone was inside.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"How's your medication? Is it working?" he asked.

"It did. But not since Jungkook," I said.

"Can I... talk to Seokjin?" he asked.

"No," I said, bluntly.

"Okay. That's fine. Unfortunately I don't have any more medications. That was the strongest I could give you," he apologized.

"It's fine, I'll figure something out," I said.


"We're not going to do it," Yoongi mumbled, breaking the silence that dawned upon us.

I looked at him. "Not now," I said, ignoring the confused stares the others threw at us.

"Yes, now. Jungkook is our mate, he's a human, not a toy. We can't do that to him. You heard Hyungsik, don't stress him out. And what are we all doing? Stressing him out," Yoongi snapped.

"I don't want to torture him either. But you know he would never consent to be a vampire," I said.

"Well after all he's been through, I don't blame him," Yoongi spat, earning a small gasp from Jimin.

"Wait, Yoongi, weren't you the one who said that if Jungkook did not consent, we would turn him?" Namjoon asked.

"That was until I had some empathy knocked into me," Yoongi defended, in a small voice.

"I don't think that's it," Taehyung said. Yoongi looked at him, confused. "What? You don't think I've noticed something going on between you and Jin? My eyes aren't big for no reason."

"Taehyung..." I trailed off. I didn't know how to continue.

"It's related to our... past," Yoongi finished for me, fumbling with his fingers.

Silence once again dawned on us. I looked at Jungkook, who was peacefully sleeping on the bed.

"Maybe it's best if we get his consent," I muttered, knowing they heard me.


^Jungkook's POV^

"Maybe it's best if we get his consent," I heard Jin mutter. Did they not know I was awake? Or did they know and were just pretending to be... considerate?

I slowly opened my eyes, the feeling of lethargy hitting me heavily. I felt rested, but light-headed.

"Jungkook?" I heard Jin call out to me. I could feel his figure hovering over me.

"Yeah?" I muttered, sitting up with Hoseok's help.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked.

"Lethargic," I answered.

"Well, that should be normal. The sleep medicine I gave you is a strong one, despite being a small dose. Your body will get used to it in a week or so," the doctor said, walking in. I looked at him cautiously. Catching my gaze, he introduced himself. "I'm Hyungsik, your psychiatrist."

"I don't need a psychiatrist," I said.

"You do, doe. You know that," Yoongi said, rubbing my shoulder to provide comfort. I stayed quiet, knowing he was right. I was in denial. I knew my health was not good, but I refused to take help from vampires.

"Yeah, well I can take care of myself. I don't need any help from you," I said, coming off a bit too harshly. I changed the topic. "What happened to the person who I uh... stabbed?"

"He's locked up. We'll take care of him," Namjoon said. I looked around the room, observing everyone. My eyes settled on Taehyung, who was watching me with an unreadable expression. He clenched his jaw before walking out, ignoring the confused stares sent his way. Jimin followed him.

Was he okay?

Ok, this is the last time I'm posting the rankings

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Ok, this is the last time I'm posting the rankings. But honestly, I love you guys so much. I can't thank you enough. I'm literally planning on studying Creative Writing in university. You have no idea how much your support means to me!!! 💜💜💜💜

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