9. New Bedroom

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I looked at the bedroom in awe. It was a small cosy room with grey walls. I thought all rooms would be very royal-like and boring, but that room was amazing!

"Do you like it, little cub?" Taehyung asked. I nodded, staring at the painting above the bed in awe.

"Good, cause this is your room," Jimin said, taking a seat on the platform next to the window.

"Really?" I asked, with gleaming eyes. I was still scared of Taehyung and Jimin, but Yoongi's presence was quite calming.

"Yeah, after last night," Yoongi started, giving Taehyung and Jimin pointed looks. "We decided that you should probably stay in another room."

I hummed in response, playing with the bed comforter.

"We'll leave you to get cosy. Your clothes are in the closet over there, and the bathroom is on the other side of the closet," Taehyung explained before leaving the room with Jimin.

Yoongi stayed behind, observing me look around the room. "My room is just across. If you need anything, just knock on my door," he said.

I nodded, making eye contact with him. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. The bed was really comfortable. Mom and hyung would have loved it.

A wave of sadness washed me as I reminisced all the times we mocked the rich vampires. Once hyung even wore some clothes to make it seem like he was rich and did a whole catwalk for mom and me. We were poor, but we were happy.

I felt my bed dip, so I opened my eyes. I gasped when I saw Yoongi hovering over me. I tensed up in fear and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you sad?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I miss my family," I said, carefully. I didn't want to make him angry.

"Oh," he said, getting off me. "Get ready, we're going out." He left.

I stared at the door in confusion. Going where? Was he taking me to mom and hyung?


"Where are we going?" I asked with hopeful eyes. I hope we're going to see mom and hyung.

"Your family," he said, watching my reaction. My eyes lit up in excitement and a big smile broke out on my face. There was a bounce in my step as I followed Yoongi to the car. Honestly, they don't act like royals. I thought they would be all posh, and hold their tea like the British do, maybe even talk through their nose. But they were actually decent and pretty relaxed and wear normal clothes.

"Let's go!!!" I exclaimed, clapping out of excitement after I put my seat belt on. It was official, Yoongi was my favourite vampire, ever.


"This is where you live? Seriously? This dump?" Yoongi commented as he pulled over. We made our way to the stairs.

"Yeah, humans don't make much money, and are pretty much not allowed to live in palaces and mansions," I said, not realizing that I ended up being sassy. Thankfully Yoongi didn't comment on that.

"Damn, I didn't know about that. I mean I knew about the discrimination, but not about how serious it was," he said.

"We're poor, but we're happy. So it doesn't matter," I said, as we made our way to the door.

I knocked on the door impatiently. Usually, at that time mom was out working, but hyung would be at home.

"Calm down Jungkook," Yoongi said, watching me with amusement in his eyes. These vampires didn't smile, did they?

The door opened to reveal my puffy-eyed mom. She was crying.

Her eyes widened as she recognized me. "JUNGKOOK! My baby!" She yelled, hugging me. I laughed at her reaction, hugging her back. "You're home, just like you promised."

"I'm home, mom," I said, resting my head on her shoulder as she cried into my neck.

She noticed Yoongi behind me when we broke the hug. Her eyes widened as she realized that he was a vampire. "W-what are you doing here?" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he shifted his gaze between me and my mom as if he was expecting me to answer. "I uh... I brought your son home?" His response came out more like a question.

"Mom, let's talk inside," I cut in before she could say anything. "Is hyung here?"

"He's gone to take your paycheck. He should be back in a few minutes," she responded. I hummed in response. I knew hyung was not well and should have been resting, but mom was too old to go out much. It was bad enough that she worked, hyung and I refused to let her stress over anything else.

"Mhm... we'll talk later then. I missed your cooking," I said, walking in. I knew she would rush to make something for me to eat, distracting her from the vampire in the house. "I'll show Yoongi around while you cook."

I grabbed Yoongi by the wrist and dragged him to my room. "Your mom doesn't like me," he said, pointing out the obvious.

"I don't blame them. I don't exactly like vampires either. But, there's a chance they will bear with your presence," I said, as he started looking around my tiny room. "You have to smile."

His head shot up to look at me with a glare. I jumped back in surprise. "I'm not smiling," he said, sharply.

"Well, either you smile, or you face my mom's slipper when you explain why you dragged me out of my own house," I said, shrugging.

"Technically I didn't kidnap you," he said.

"Technically my family still hates your kind," I said, raising an eyebrow. He looked at me before sighing.

"Fine," he huffed out. I smirked in response. I knew I was definitely not afraid of Yoongi, he was probably the nicest vampire to exist.

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