7. First Night

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I woke up with a start, my eyes were wide in shock as they took in the sight. Taehyung was sitting low on the bed as I lay on his body and between his legs. He had folded his legs up on either side of my hips, blocking my sides. Jimin was... locking the door?

I let out a gasp when I saw his red eyes as he walked towards us. Panic set in me and my flight response kicked in. I started squirming, struggling to get out of Taehyung's grip, who slung an arm around my stomach, making it harder for me to escape.

"No! Please!" I yelled, hoping the others could hear. Jimin crawled between my legs, leaning down so his crotch was a centimetre from mine. Taehyung clamped one hand on my mouth, muffling any sound that left my mouth. Jimin hovered over my body.

"Our little Jungkook," He said, menacingly as he trailed his hand up my inner thigh. I let out a whimper, trying to push him away. What match would I be against a vampire?

He leaned down and attached his lips to my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as I remembered how things progressed that night.

I placed one hand on his biceps, and one on Taehyung's leg, pushing both of them. My eyes shot open as Jimin pierced my neck with his fangs. I screamed into Taehyung's hand, moving my legs as if that would help me escape.

Please make it stop. I want to go home. I want to go back to mom. I want to go back to hyung. I don't want to stay here. Please make it stop.

The pain increased as Jimin started sucking my blood. My pleas were muffled as Jimin's hand slid into my hoodie, and travelled to my lower back, pulling me up and making my back arch. My torso was flushed against his, while my butt was against Taehyung's crotch. I started feeling light-headed, slipping in and out of consciousness. My hands fell limp on the bed as my energy started draining.

"That's enough, Jimin. You'll kill him," Taehyung ordered. Jimin pulled back after licking the place where he sucked my blood from, taking in the sight of my limp body. Fear overwhelmed me when I saw my blood dripping down Jimin's chin and onto my black hoodie. I let out a very faint whimper when I saw his craze-filled eyes and sadistic smile.

He moved over my body, stopping when his crotch rested on my stomach. I heard sloppy lip-smacking sounds, giving me a faint idea as to what they're doing. Once Jimin pulled away, Taehyung rolled over to the side, keeping me in his hold. Jimin lay down in front of me, leaving barely any space between us. He shuffled a little closer, placing my head in the crook of his neck.

Taehyung leaned in to leave a small kiss on Jimin's lips, before pecking my nape. That was the last thing I remembered before closing my eyes.


When I woke up, people were yelling. My eyes shot open as I was ripped away from the two vampires I was sleeping with. I ignored my headache and focused on the argument taking place.

"The first thing we taught you both was control! What the hell happened?!" Namjoon yelled. I flinched, taking a step back.

I'm guessing Yoongi was the one who pulled me up, cause he had a very firm grip on my wrist.

"Don't blame us, his blood is too tempting!" Taehyung yelled.

Namjoon looked like he was going to bust a lung by yelling out his next words. Fortunately, Jin stepped in.

"Namjoon, stop. Not in front of Jungkook," he said, glancing at me. I gulped when everyone's attention turned to me.

"I'll take him," Yoongi said, before pulling me out of the room.

We walked in silence, his grip on my wrist was now loose.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as we entered the kitchen.

"I-I'm not hungry," I mumbled. He was very intimidating, and his eyes had the same look that Jimin had last night. In fact, if I think about it, everyone had that look.

"You didn't eat much last night, and then your body went through as well. Are you really not hungry?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not used to eating much," I answered. He hummed in response, before opening the fridge. He gave me some cranberry juice.

"Drink this," he said, turning around and removing a bunch of ingredients. I looked at the cranberry juice in my hand. Would I anger him if I told the truth? I didn't notice when Yoongi turned around and caught my gaze.

"What? You don't like the juice?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I pursed my lips and shook my head rapidly. "I'm allergic to strawberries and cranberries," I said, carefully.

He didn't hesitate to grab the juice from me and pour it down the sink. He poured some orange juice into another glass and gave it to me.

"C-can I ask you a q-question?" I stuttered out. He nodded in response as he started cooking a meal. Do they cook their own breakfast? What about the maids?

"W-will I be able to see my family?" I asked, with a small pout.

"Maybe," was all he said. But that was enough to give me hope. A small smile appeared on my face as I happily drank the juice. I swung my legs back and forth like a child.

However, my momentary happiness was cut short when the others walked in. My body went stiff once again.

"Good morning Jungkook," Hoseok greeted, his face stoic.

"G-good morning," I greeted. I stutter around intimidating people, I can't help it.

Namjoon took a seat beside me. My breath hitched when he placed a hand on my thigh and started rubbing circles on the shorts. I quickly reached down and started pushing his hand away. Why did vampires like manhandling so much?

He squeezed my thigh in response, giving me a look. I moved my hands, a small pout on my lips.

"Finish your juice Jungkook, we want to take you somewhere," Jin said, smirking.

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