29. Vampire History

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^Jungkook's POV^

"I'm only going to tell you the clan history. Our individual histories are... complicated and sensitive to us. So it will take time for us to be able to open up about them," Yoongi said. I nodded, understanding. "Our clan history is something every supernatural creature knows. I don't know about humans, but I'm guessing some do."

"Are you comfortable with telling me, or do you think its an obligation because you want to strengthen the bond?" I asked, bluntly. I came out a bit harsher than I thought, so I mumbled a small 'sorry'. I may or may not have spent some time in the library and came across this bit of information about the mating bond.

"No no. It's fine. I understand why you asked. It's valid," he said, waving it off. "To answer your question, we are comfortable with telling you. If we want to court you, then you need to know what our history is. You need to get to know us, before validating the courtship."

"Oh..." I trailed off. So they could be considerable of my emotions. But I wouldn't push it.

"Anyways, our clan name is Bangtan Sonyeondan or BTS for short. We coined the name after happening a war named Epilepse(Not a real war). It was when the humans came to know of the supernatural world. And as you may have guessed, the named is derived from the term: epilepsy. The reason being, a lot of humans and supernatural creatures suffered from Post-traumatic epilepsy. Epilepsy is more common in humans now, they didn't mutate or evolve as fast as we did. The number of epileptic patients was baffling for the whole world. It's not mentioned in history books, only memories. Anyways, the Epilepse was just the introduction of the supernatural creatures. It took ten years before co-existence between the supernatural creatures and the humans existed. Now, Jin was one of the leaders of the Epilepse," Yoongi said.

"He was? Is that why you are the ones in charge of the Seoul district?" I asked.

"Yes. That, and another reason, but it's Jin place to tell you. It's very... complicated," he said. "One year after that, the Council was made to maintain the co-existence. Each country has a Council, and every creature in the world has a representative in the Council. It was only a matter of time before the werewolves and vampires clashed. We aren't natural enemies like many people think, it's because of our ancestral history. There was a mating bond between a vampire female and a werewolf man, and the child ended up having these unusual powers, which caused havoc since that child did not use his power for good. So whenever a vampire and a werewolf are mated, both are killed. Things got worse when the prodigy disappeared off the face of the planet. At that time, it was only Jin. I was about 11, human age at that time. I met him nine years later. Anyways, the prodigy has yet not been found," Yoongi explained.

"So why were vampires forced into hiding?" I asked. I hated interrupting, but he was kind of beating around the bush. It seemed as if he was being cautious about whatever came out of his mouth.

"The killings got to the point that vampires and werewolves started killing each other and accused them of being mates, even if it was a lie. So the World Council passed a new law, much to the vampires' distaste. We were to be eliminated, that's what the bill meant. They took a vote and decided vampires were the best to go since we feed on other living creatures. They killed a lot of vampires, including those that were in the Council. So most of us went into hiding. This was a few years after we met the rest. Jin was already one of the leaders, so naturally, the rest of us also joined his position. After years of discussion, we finally settled on the revolution. Although it happened recently, the government always turned down the rumors of the fact that the revolution took place across the world. They lost. We were supposed to take over the countries, but they negotiated, so we have two cities- or districts- in each country where vampires rule. Some allow other supernatural creatures to live there, others don't," Yoongi said.

"Our clan... How we met and who we really are is a bit complicated, so I'll leave it to the others to tell you their individual stories. However, there was this one time when Taehyung was...under attack. During the conflict between werewolves and vampires, not once were the high-status creatures attacked. That was a silent mutual agreement between the two. That was until a high ranked vampire killed a werewolf. That's when they started coming for us as well. This was during the time Taehyung was a newborn vampire, he was still learning the ways of living. One second the six of us were walking in the park during our date, the next, we were ambushed. Soon enough, they had managed to split us apart, Taehyung was much further than the rest of us. They saw the chance and they took it," Yoongi said. I could tell it was getting hard for him.

"You don't have to go on if you want to," I said, looking at him worried. Was that why Taehyung had anger issues?

"No, I'm fine. Moving on... It took us five days before we found him, malnourished. They were going to starve him to death, or probably force him to unleash his bloodthirsty side. It was hard to control him when we took him home, he wanted to rip us all apart. A mate's blood satisfies your hunger, keeps your bloodthirsty side at bay. However, when you're in your bloodthirst, you don't see your mates as your mates, only as food. It took five people to hold Taehyung back, while Jimin stepped up to be the blood bank. Taehyung was never the same. And eventually, we followed his path of behavior. We still don't know what happened to Taehyung, we never mention it and he's never told us. The reason why we don't let you see your family is because it's too dangerous for them. If the werewolves come to know that you have a family, they will use it against you. Anything that happens to you, who knows how the six of us would react. Since you're human, it makes us more protective over you, which is another reason why we aren't allowing you to see your family," Yoongi explained.

Oh. That was a... valid reason.

"Like Taehyung, we all have our own pasts that the others don't know about. Just because you have mates, you don't have to tell them everything about you. Sometimes secrets are best to be veiled," Yoongi said.

"I understand," I said, giving him a small smile.

"That's the first time I'm seeing you smile in a long time," Yoongi said, looking at me with an unreadable expression. "Jungkook, you're changing us... for the better. Thank you."

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