35. New Plan

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"Hyung!" I exclaimed, rushing to his side. He was paled, his head in mom's lap. He was unconscious.

"Jungkook, what's going on? Who are these people? Why are you here?" mom questioned.

"I'll answer later. Right now, we need to get out of here," I said, picking up hyung. Mom stood up. Just as we were going to leave, a bunch of werewolves ran in, baring their teeth at us.



I let out a muffled scream of protest as I watched the werewolves throw my hyung and my mother to the ground like they were a toy. I glared at Melissa, who was approaching me. I was chained to the wall, my hands behind my back and my mouth duct-taped.

She crouched down to my level, smirking. "Well, that was pretty stupid of you, wasn't it?" She asked, squishing my cheeks with one hand. I kicked her in the shin in response. She growled and dug her nails into my cheeks, drawing blood. "Don't test me, human. You and your family are under my mercy."

Once she and the other werewolves left, I started attempting to escape. I harshly repeatedly tugged at the chains until my mom stopped me.

"Jungkook! You'll hurt yourself!" She exclaimed. I looked at her as she walked over to me. She ripped the duct tape off my mouth, mumbling a 'sorry' when I yelped in pain.

"H-how's hyung?" I asked, wincing when she touched the wounds on my cheek.

"He's... losing blood," she said, looking down sadly. I bit my lip in worry If he lost too much blood, he would die, that was obvious.

"Can you bring him here?" I asked, eyeing my mother's figure. She was weaker than the last time I saw her. I didn't know if it was because of her age, or because of the lack of food in her body. Were they starving them?

She nodded and carefully dragged my brother's body over to me. She lay her head on my lap before taking a seat beside me. I looked down at my hyung, tears in my eyes.

"Well, on the plus side," she started. "Your mates will come to save you."

"We wouldn't be in this place if it wasn't for them," I spat out bitterly, my hatred for them overcoming the bond. I ignored the tug at my heart, knowing it was the bond.

"Yeah, but what happens, happens. We can't change outcomes," she said, resting her head on my shoulder. I didn't respond, knowing she was right.

"I promised you a better life. I only needed one more year and we could execute the plan. We could have been happy," I said.

"You're just like your father, you know. As good as that is, it scares me," she said. I sent her a confused glance. "I'm worried about how far you would go to protect the people you care about."

I knew what she was indicating. My father died protecting us.

"Well, if I have to do what dad did, I will do it in a heartbeat. I can't imagine anything happening to you two," I said, clenching my jaw. I had a new plan to get my family to a better life. Yes, it involved me staying here in Seoul, but if it meant that my family would be safe, I won't hesitate.

"I know, that's what scares me," she said. I stayed quiet.


It had been two days since they brought us here. Hyung stopped bleeding, which was a good sign, but he was pale and still didn't wake up. They gave us food, but very little, I made sure to let my mom eat some of my share. She was weaker than me, she needed to eat more than I.

When I awoke, I could hear screams and growls. Mom shifted a bit closer to me in fear. I let her pull hyung up to make him sit on my lap, his head tilted back on my shoulder. His blood was staining my body, but I didn't care about that. My main focus was on protecting my family, which was hard to do because I was chained.

The door flung open to reveal Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin covered in blood. They rushed to our side. Jimin took my mother while Hoseok took my brother. Taehyung quickly snapped the chains connected me to the wall, my shackles still on, as he picked me up. He pecked my forehead as he made his way out.

"You're going to be fine, little one. We got you," he reassured. "Close your eyes, we're going to be running." I did as he said.

"Take his brother and mother to the medical ward. I'll take care of Jungkook," Taehyung said. I opened my eyes to see Jimin and Hoseok carrying my mother and my brother in the direction of the medical ward.

Taehyung placed me on the counter of his bathroom and stood between my legs. "Hey, little one. I'm sorry we didn't come sooner," he said, running his hands through my hair.

"It hurts," I whimpered, my hands behind my back.

"Alright buddy, I got you," Taehyung said, leaning forward. He placed his chin on my shoulder to look over it and break the shackles that bound my wrists. His cold hands made contact with mine as he broke the shackles, causing me to wince at the burning sensation of the air making contact with my red skin. I brought my hands to my chest, they felt heavy. I was chained to the wall for two days, my arms were pretty much dead and the blood circulation to my hands was also thin.

Taehyung rummaged through the cabinet and removed a medical kit.

"Jin said he wanted to heal your wounds if you had any, he wants to talk to you. He'll be here soon," Taehyung said. Just as he finished, Jin appeared at the doorway. Taehyung glanced at him once, before leaving. I could hear the bedroom door shutting, indicating that he left the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked, analyzing his exposed skin to check for any wounds. I doubt he had any injuries though. He was a vampire, he had enhanced healing abilities.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he apologized, opening the medical kit.

"Wasn't your fault," I mumbled, wincing when he softly dabbed alcohol-soaked cotton ball on my wrists.

"Well, it kind of was. I should have been more alert. The werewolves had originally planned to break into the palace three days later, according to the message they left on the wall. Then they saw the chance and did it the very day. So, it is my fault," he said.

It was silent. I didn't know how to respond. Moreover, it didn't look like he was going to believe me if I did say anything.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked. He hummed in response, indicating that e was listening.

"Is it possible for my family to be sent out of Seoul, with whole new identities?" I asked. Jin looked at me with worry.

"I-I'll discuss with the others," he said. I'm getting the feeling that he misunderstood me.

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