14. Date

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I woke up to a lot of yelling. I tried to sit up but was held back by Hoseok and Jin who were hugging me while sleeping. How were they able to sleep through the noise? They had supernatural hearing, for god's sake.

Instead of wasting my time struggling out of their grip, I just looked at the doorway which connected the two hotel rooms. I could make out Jimin's and Taehyung's voice as they argued.

"I came here first!" Taehyung yelled.

"I'm the older one!" Jimin yelled.

"Well, that doesn't mean shit! We're born in the same year you knucklehead!" Taehyung responded. I furrowed my eyebrows. What were they fighting about this time?

"Stop yelling! You'll wake up Jungkook. He had a hard time sleeping last night. If you wake him up, I will ground you both!" Yoongi exclaimed. It grew silent at his outburst.

"You're not our father. You're our mate," Jimin said, earning a mumble of agreement from Taehyung.

Jin sleepily pulled me back down and into his chest, mumbling out an 'ignore them'. Hoseok shuffled closer to us, his hand now resting on Jin's waist as he inhaled my scent.

I couldn't sleep last night because of the fear of either Hoseok or Jin sucking my blood in the middle of the night. Jin had to hum a tune while Hoseok had to pet my hair. I had to reach over Hoseok to hold Yoongi's hand to get some comfort.

I hummed against Jin's chest, his body heat lulling me to sleep once again.


"Jungkook. Wake up," someone shook me awake. I whined, pulling the pillow closer to me. Then I felt someone jump on me, their body sprawled out on mine. I let out a huff, turning over on my back.

"Wakey-wakey Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled in my ear, causing me to flinch.

"Why?" I asked, pulling my cuddle pillow on my body. Namjoon ran his hands through my hair as Taehyung answered.

"The seven of us are going on a date," Taehyung said, flinging an arm around my chest and a leg over my hips.

"I don't wanna..." I mumbled sleepily. I was too out of it to let the information digest. His grip on me tightened as his heavy breath of anger hit my shoulder.

"Too bad you don't have a choice little one," he whispered into my ear, his husky voice sending shivers down my spine. My eyes shot open. D-did I just say no to them?

"S-sorry Taehyung. I-I was t-tired," I apologized, fear settling in my body. His grip loosened on me and he got off the bed.

"Get ready. You have one hour," he said, before walking out. I looked at Namjoon with wide eyes.

He sighed. "One hour," he stated, following Taehyung's footsteps.


I stared out the window, sitting beside Yoongi as Jimin drove us to a restaurant? I think that was where we were going. I wondered how mom and hyung were doing. Were they eating well? If dad was alive, he would have protected me from these vampires. And he would have succeeded since he knew how to kill vampires.

I wish I could have saved dad. It should have been me.

"We're here," Yoongi said, placing a hand on my leg to snap me out of my thoughts. I silently unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Humanly creatures walking by gave us confused looks at the sight of six vampires with one human. I bit my lip, tugging the sleeves of my hoodie to cover my palms as I took in the sight of our surroundings.

We were in a parking lot surrounded by a forest. There were people around us, but they were all dressed in workout clothes.

Hoseok wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he guided me through the forest. "Relax bub. You're safe," he whispered in my ear, leaning down to my level. His voice sent a shiver down my spine as I timidly nodded.

It took us a while, but eventually, we reached a... treehouse?

"Climb, bun. We'll catch you if you fall," Namjoon assured, peering down at me with gentle eyes. Well, that was a first.

I took a step towards the planks that were nailed into the trunk, letting out a shaky breath. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't scared of heights. Quite the contrary, actually. But I didn't trust the vampires to not pull something while we were that high up from the ground. There was no sign of anybody around us. The treehouse wasn't just a few planks up, it was quite a few planks to climb before having to climb a short rope ladder, whose both ends were secured to the trunk and the treehouse respectively.

I started climbing, looking down to see that Taehyung was climbing right after me, followed by Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin in order. Taehyung stopped noticing my pause. He looked up at me and smirked. I looked at him in confusion as I continued climbing.

Then it hit me. Well, Taehyung hit me. Right on my butt. I gasped, almost losing my footing. They all had a clear view of my ass. Why did I agree on climbing first?

"Taehyung! Watch it!" I heard Yoongi's voice as I continued climbing hastily. "Jungkook, slow down or you'll fall!" I did as he said.

I could hear Taehyung chuckle as he started catching up to me. I was breathing heavily. I worked out, sure, but I was not very agile when it came to climbing. I didn't have access to the resources for practicing climbing. It was exhausting.

"Come on little one. You can do it. You're almost there," Taehyung encouraged. I took a deep breath before continuing to climb the rope ladder. I reached the platform, but it was a good distance from the last step of the ladder. I tried to swing my leg over to the platform, but I was too tired to do so. I was panting heavily as I tried to jump so my torso could lie on the platform, but my legs were too tired.

"I'll help you, little one, don't worry," Taehyung reassured. "Jump, I'll boost you up."

I pursed my lips before complying. The second I jumped, I could feel Taehyung's hand on my butt, giving me the push I needed to make my way to the top. I rolled away from the path so the others could come up. I took a few breaths before getting up and making my way to the edge, ready to help the others up.

Not like they needed my help. They were taller and stronger than me and couldn't get tired. They easily jumped on to the platform.

I peered over the edge. We weren't very far from the ground, but far enough to get tired while climbing.

"Come on bun," Namjoon said, as he and Hoseok took my hand in theirs and walked inside.

I was in awe when we walked in. It was beautiful. It wasn't a big treehouse, it was slightly bigger than a treehouse you would build in your backyard as a kid. it was big enough for all seven of us to get comfortable inside. They had lined the walls with fairy lights, there was a huge comfortable mattress covering half the floor of the treehouse, pillows aligned along the walls. All-in-all, it was beautiful. There was also a cabinet of snacks in the corner, and a container of blood packets beside the cabinet.

Hoseok pulled me over to the mattress, removing his shoes before sprawling on the mattress. I followed his actions as everyone did the same. I wedged into the space between Hoseok and Jin, letting them move into a comfortable position. Taehyung cuddled up to Yoongi beside Hoseok, while Namjoon spooned Jimin beside Jin. I squirmed in my position before being held down by Jin and Hoseok.

My head rested in the crook of Hoseok's neck, inhaling his scent while Jin spooned me from the back, just like last night.

"Do you like it, little lamb?" Jin asked, running his hands through my hair. They all showed their gentle- a little bit of pervert- side. I was definitely less on edge.

I hummed in response, nodding my head against Hoseok's neck as his scent lulled me to sleep. Hoseok gently moved me away from his neck, making me pout. "Not now, bub. We still have the rest of the day," he said. I nodded, yawning. He looked behind me as Jin started shuffling about.

Hoseok seemed to have a silent conversation with Jin. He nodded before pulling me flush against him once again. I squeaked at his sudden actions as my hand instinctively shot up to hold his bicep.

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