Haircut be like XD

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Shu : Sir, don't cut too short I want that bangs covering my eye, do not touch the sides either, and don't cut too long! I want at least shoulder length then I'll look handsome.

The hairstylist : Um.... are you telling me to cut it or what?

Shu : Of course cut it but as I said.

The hairstylist : Hkagxhjwjahgahahkj-


Lui : *Reads the magazine* Give me perfect haircut you got it?

The hairstylist : But sir..... my scissor can't cut fire-

Lui : I F****** don't care!!!

The hairstylist : *gets a fire extinguisher* Alright I'll make you a bald then!

Lui : *curse at him* How dare you!


Free : *fall asleep* Zzz... zzz..

The hairstylist : Sir keep your head straight look at the mirror.

Free : *doesn't care and sleeps* zzz...zzz...

The hairstylist : *struggling to cut his hair properly but cut a way too much-* HOLY CRAP-!!!!!! *panics*


Valt : *don't like to cut his hair* Ahh!!! Let me go!!! I hate haircuts!! *tries to run away*

The hairstylist : Come on kid, I'll give you good looking hair cut! Don't worry I'm an expert in this!

Valt : Ahhhh!!!!! Help me!!! this person has a weapon!!!! He tryna kill me!!!

Cops : You shall come with us sir.



The hairstylist : I RESIGN THIS F****** JOB!!!

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