Heads or Tails

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Lui : *sat on the couch with crossed legs, smiling*

Free : Only idiots smiles for no reason *points at Lui*

Lui : At least I'm making more facial movements than you sleep-deprived-looking-dead-ass.

Free : I'm having an allergic reaction to life.

Lui : Yeah whatever lifeless-wonder.

*Clumsy Footsteps, screaming, loud thud, baam*

Free : Valt tripped over the stairs again.

Lui : Nothing new. He's the dark horse after all, will survive.

Free : Dark horse?

Lui : Hush, he's heading here, let me show you how innocently dumb he is.

Free : I already know tho-

Lui : Shh.

Valt : *opens the door* HEYAA BOYFRIENDS! *Throws glitters everyone* I LOVE YOUU ALL LOVELIES  *has a flashy entrance, Zac influenced the Cinderella boy*

Free : Shu's gonna get mad if he sees the glittered floor.

Lui : Hey Valt, let's play toss the coin, winner gets a wish per win.

Valt : *eyes sparkles like the glitters in his hands* Woah! I'm up! I'm up! Let's play! Let's play!

Lui : Rules are simple, Heads I win. Tails you lose.

Valt : Just flip! (≧▽≦)

Free : ...

Lui : I told ya, very easy.

Valt : *tilts his head* ?

Lui : Okay, I'll flip the coin and the loser have to do whatever the winner says got it?

Valt : Gotcha! Double okay!

Lui : *flips the coin and gets tails* Looks like I won this one.

Valt : Aw man!! Alright, tell me what to do! *Cheers up because he doesn't care about losing*

Lui : Give me a shoulder massage.

Valt : Okie *gets behind Lui and massage his shoulders* *smiling softly* I'm gonna win the next one! And you gonna have to give a dozen of beybreads!

Lui : Sure sure, only if you win.

Free : Not possible in this one.

Later that night....

Valt : Who loses 89 times in a row! *Slams his head on the table, actually having a bad time because he lose every single time*

Free : Like I said there's no fun in losing

Valt : Oh please don't make it worse!

Lui : *smirking* Maybe you have no talent for this one.

Shu : *knitting a scarf* What game was it this time?

Valt : Flip the coin. Heads and tails *sad valt noises*

Shu : That's strange not even one possibility?

Valt : No luck for me today! Heads Lui wins and tails I lose.

Shu : Huh what? *Looks at Lui and Free* You two morons go to hell

Free : I only played the disinterested bystander.

Lui : Heh. I came from the hell Shu.

Shu : Then go back to the hell you moron.

Valt : But Shu, Lui played it fair! Maybe I just don't have the talent for it.

Free : Oh shit, this one must be an angel *moved from Valt's generosity*

Shu : Are you guilty now idiot? *Glaring at Lui*

Lui : This is what they call guilty pleasure?

Valt : Lui, I'll do my best and the next time I'm gonna win no matter what! Just you wait! *Challenges Lui*

Shu : *face palm* Valty please don't associate with this moron anymore.

Free : Yes you're too pure for him to ruin you.

Valt : But Lui loves me so he won't do anything to me! *Has infinity plus+++++ trust on Lui*

Lui : C'mere love *pulls Valt and make him sit on his lap* You're my puppy.

Valt : Then you're the cool wolf! *Worships Lui, hailing him like a god*

Shu : Sometimes I'm more worried about Valt than myself.

Free : Yeah. He needs a therapy.

Lui : Says the two who needs a therapy.

Valt : *snuggles Lui like a puppy* Woof! Woof! *Wagging his imaginary tail* Wuv you Lui!

Lui : *kiss him* Good boy.

A/N : Blue Sparks has returned! For those people who were patiently waiting for it, Please do check it out! ❤️

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