Omega Valt 2

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Another omega Valt fanart (with short hair)

Another omega Valt fanart (with short hair)

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Valt : Where did my ears go?

Lui : You actually learn to keep them in, when you're still in human form after some great practice

Free : I want my wolf baby, give my wolf Valty back

Shu : I mean he is always cute with or without those things. And is that me or Valt looks kinda sad?

Valt : Yesh I'm sad because I'm hungrryyyy!

Lui : No no, there's a reason behind.

Free : And that is?

Lui : Nope. Not telling ya

Shu : C'mon. Stop being a jerk and say the word.

Lui : I'd rather be a jerk

Valt : *his stomach grumbled* Uhhhh.... *Sad puppy noises* I'm hungryyy.... QwQ

Shu : I'll make spaghetti for you, until then you can eat the pudding if you want

Valt : Yes! Yes! I love it!

Free : Nothing makes me more happy than seeing you smile.

Lui : *looks at the living room where Aiden and Zen watching Netflix* This is so wrong, he shouldn't be having great time here. Hmmmmm.

Aiden : Are we watching that horror movie?

Zen : Nope. That's so childish. It is foolish to even waste your time watching something that doesn't exist idiot.

Aiden : Fair point but tell me, you're nervous aren't you?

Zen : Why the hell would I be?

Aiden : You have been shaking your leg for a while now.

Zen : That's because it's really uncomfortable wearing this shitty clothes *wearing a plain blue tshirt and shorts* how do people wear stuffs like this?

Aiden : I actually like these man, they're more comfy and I can move even more faster with this lighter clothes. *Wearing a white t-shirt that says "In my defence I was left unsupervised" and dark sweats*

Zen : What the fuck is wrong with that tshirt? *Scrutinizing gaze*

Aiden : It's okay if I break things because the reason is on my tshirt !

Zen : Were you born stupid or did you take lessons?

Aiden : I'm super fabulous *having his own charms*

Zen : You're the reason God created middle finger

Lui : Wow. Shit talking about another shit. *Claps his hand* you're most shittiest person in the world that even the toilet is jealous of you.

Zen : Excuse me, what did you just say?

Lui : Became a deaf?

Them : *glaring menacingly, growling and cursing out loud*

Aiden : Hahaha you two are really funny <33

Lui : Don't lump me in with that shit.

Zen : *throws the pillow at Lui* You fucker

Lui : *caught the pillow* You asked for it. 💢

From the kitchen....

Valt : What's the noise?

Free : Probably them starting yet another war.

Shu : Ever since those two came, Lui is even more moody these days. I'm starting to miss the flirty Lui

Free : Oh you thought the same too?

Valt : Hey me too! Num num

Aiden : Hey

Shu : Yeah?

Aiden : I smell something good from here, Are you making dinner?

Shu : Yes. It will be ready soon, wait for a few more minutes

Aiden : Yup. *Leans against the countertop* I knew Zen for a long time, but what's up with Lui? He picks a fight intentionally it seems. Is he always like that?

Free : Nah. He's just annoyed with Zen's existence.

Aiden : I get it now. Well can't help it then.

Valt : What did you do to get this taller? *Jealous Valt noises*

Aiden : Eat your green vegetables! :)

Shu : *teasingling looks at Valt with side eyes* Green vegetables? What are those? I only know sweet stuffs. *Says in a childish voice to mimic Valt's mind voice*

Valt : OH!? BUT HOW- *shook that Shu reads his mind* MAGIC :0

Free : Valty we all know about you like the back of our hand.  You're like an open book, easy to read.

Aiden : hahaha yeah.

Valt : Ack! I'll be a closed book from now on! *Snaps his fingers* I'm invisible~

Shu : I can see you

Valt : No no no! You are not supposed to! *Pouts*

Free : Huh. Where are you Valty, I can only hear your voice. Where are you?~

Valt : Hehehe! o((*^▽^*))o I'm an invisible man!

Shu : *smirks* Oh no. Since Valt is no longer here, what will I do with the beybreads I bought earlier now? Hmmmm... Guess I'll feed it to the dog then.

Valt : ?! Noo!! I'm here I'm here! Right here!!! Give my beybread! *Flails his hands* (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

Shu : But I can't see you though. That means you're not here right.

Valt : nonononono! I'm here! *Tiptoes to get Shu's attention, who looks away purposefully* Shuu!!!! I'm here!! Please look at me!

Free : Where are you Valty?~

Shu : Do you see him anywhere, Free?~

Free : Nope~

Valt : Ah! I'm heree! Please look at me! (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)

Shu : Maybe I can see you if you kiss me~

Valt : !! Really?! *Tiptoes again, trying to reach Shu's face* hmm! *Still struggling to reach his height*

Shu : Mhm~ *leans down for Valt and kiss him softly*

Valt : *holds on to his sleeves, blushing faintly* mwah~

Free : Valty I can't see you~

Valt : uh! *Awkward little run to Free and tip toes again* hmm!

Free : *pins him against the countertop, pecking his forehead before giving into a sweet kiss*

Valt : Mhhmm~

Aiden : You guys forgot that I'm still here? *Awkwardly leaves the room, giving the love birds their privacy*

Shu : Wait, Aiden- *face palms* Crap, I totally got carried away this time.. *embarrassed* ugh

Free : It's not a big deal. He knows about us anyway.

Valt : *panting from the kiss* Hufff... C-can you s-see me n-now?

Free : *smiles softly* Yes, I can see you now~ *cuddles him*

Valt : phew! *Cuddles back* Shu I want my beybread!

Shu : It's in there *points at the cupboard*

Valt : *bounces his way to there, happily* beybread~ my sweet beybread~

A/n : there will be another Zen art soon, because I felt the previous one wasn't that good so far compared to Aiden's. Which is why I'll do it again, I'm already at it so it will be out soon ig. After that, Free and Lui fanart will be next

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