Found Happiness || Shui

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Takes place in an alternative universe where Shu and Lui had children!

Hana Shirosagi (Girl) -  11

Yuki Shirosagi (Boy) - 6

Shall we start now~

Shu continued to struggle with the paper work throughout the afternoon, it had been quite a hectic schedule for the past week. He knew these documents should be finished by the end of the day, part of him was guilty for asking Lui, his husband to take care of the kids when the white tyrant just had his day off after what seems like three months straight. Lui is the CEO of his father's company, he had been traveling overseas with business trip and others, but he was more considerate with Shu and gladly agreed to spend his day off with his loving children.

He shuffled through the desk drawer obviously looking for something, when Fubuki knocked at the glass door. "Come in." Letting his gaze fall on the blonde male, while his hand searched for the document he was looking for, "I'm almost done with the print outs." He stated.

"Shu san, you have been over working yourself, let me take care of the works here. Besides isn't it today Yuki's sports day? Shouldn't you be there?" Fubuki strode across the office room, placing the files on his desk and stared at the albino. He noticed a flash of guilt passing through his pale features.

"Lui took care of it," Shu replied dragging his crimson orbs around the multiple stacks of documents, print outs scattered on the desk. Clenching his fist, he exhaled an exaggerated sigh. Shu wondered whether his son would even consider see him as a dad, he himself had disliked those times back in his childhood where his parents would be always away with works and Shu used to thought that he wasn't loved that's why they never cared to spend time with him and now he's just doing the same with his own son. He just realized the responsibility of a parent and adult, surely he had to repent for his mistakes.

Fubuki nodded turning his attention to the door when Lain entered, "Yo teach, you should better hurry home or else the brat will get mad."

"Yuki is still papa's boy, he won't get mad at me," Shu replied. But as if he doubts himself with the statement he muttered under his breath, "I hope so."

Fubuki beamed a smile, pressing his hands on the desk, "That's right Shu san, he loves you. You should show him that you love him too. Don't worry about the work, Lain and I will take care of it!"

Behind him Lain cocked an eyebrow, racking his brain to find in which part he agreed to help with the office work, but otherwise shrugged off. "Don't decide for me, kiddo" Lain slightly smacked the blonde's shoulder.

"Hey we are the same age!" Fubuki protested.

Shu chuckled lightly, of course his students haven't changed at all, reminding the good old days tinged with nostalgia. Although he wasn't certain whether or not he should slack off with his office work with his family as an excuse. With a disgruntled look on his face, Shu hurriedly go through the last page of the document before calling it a day.

Yet it all seems like a dream, Shu had never thought he would marry Lui shirosagi. Looking back at the days, they were mutually against each other, despised one another. They went through so much in their childhood revolving around the sport that seemed the world to them, a means of distraction from the reality. They enjoyed those moments tremendously. As time passes through its phase, Shu realized the another side of his lover, he was a different person compared to the 'white tyrant' facade. From the beginning Shu had always believed he needs a mature person who would guide him through the toughest times of his life and someone who would mutually have reasonable understanding and patience with him.

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