Lost in Island

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When Valt guides the way....

Lui : We are lost.

Valt : No! We aren't! *Pouts*

Lui : Yes we are. *Leans against a tree*

Valt : No! We aren't! *Trying to make sense where the hell they're currently* I'm telling you we got this! Don't worry!

Lui : *Raises a brow* Oh really? Then tell me where are we now, Mr. Navigator

Valt : *flinched* Um...  Err... You see.. on the right way! *Shuffles through his bag to find a compass* this will help us! Ta da! Mr. Compass!

Lui : Idiot the compass won't work here, there's a lot of magnetic waves here.

Valt : *internal screaming* *Inhales* GAHHHHHH!!!!! SOMEONE SAVE USSS PLEASE!!!!

Lui : So you are finally convinced we are lost and that's because you're stubbornly crying over me to let me give you the leader role?

Valt : *sniffles* Yeah sorry *gives the map* Here you can be the leader and I'll be a follower

Lui : Don't fuck with me, you're pushing the responsibility onto me now?!

Valt : Don't scold me.. *sniffles* I didn't know we will end up like this.. you should have warn me before we start off! What can a little child like me will do?

Lui : Oh yeah?

Two hours ago...

Lui : Alright I'll be the leader and lead us. This island is really nice.

Valt : Whaaat! Noo! I wanna be the leader because it sounds cool!

Lui : Scratch it, you will get us in trouble.

Valt : *whines stubbornly* NOO!! I WON'T I PROMISE!! PLEASE GIMME THE MAP!!

Lui : No.

Valt : *sits on the ground, start sobbing loudly* WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Lui : Tsk. Cry all the way you want, but I'm not giving it.

Valt : *lays down and starts sprawling his arms and legs vigorously, rolling* WAAAAAAHHHHH AAAAAHHHH WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! 。:゚(;´∩';)゚:。

Twenty minutes later......

Lui : Ugh. *Annoyed with the noise* Shut up

Valt : *ignores him and cry even more loudly* LUI IS A MEANIEE!!! WAAAAAAHHHH AAAAAHHHH!!!!

Lui : *think : I know I'll regret this later* Fine. Just stop crying here you can lead us. *Toss the map to the Bluenette*

Valt : *sits up straight* Thank you hehe!

Lui : *sweat drop* Weren't you crying a moment ago?

Valt : Hehe! *Wipes his tears* Did I?

Lui : Seriously. You little- I swear if you get us in trouble I'll not take responsibility.

Valt : Okie sure you can count on me! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

End of the flash back....

Lui : *pinches Valt's cheeks* Didn't I tell your dumbass will get us in trouble?!

Valt : Wahh!! Staph!! That hurts!!

Lui : We don't even have a fucking sleeping bag or food or water dammit at this rate we will die! *Pushes Valt to the ground and sits on top of him*

Valt : Oof! You're heavy!! Let me goo!! *Whining*

Lui : Shut up! *Covers his mouth* You should have listened to me earlier.

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