If they're big brother.

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Valt :

Is already a loving big brother of two beautiful twin. But sometimes they're more like a big bro/big sis for smol bean.

Shu :

Will be the best caring big brother, loves to cook for his younger sibling and will take care of them way too much.

Lui :

Tells his younger sibling that their parents found them in the dumpster and adopted them. Scare them in the night by telling something scarier or show his scary face with a villain like laugh.

Free :

Welp. Sleeps with them, takes them out with his deer around the woods and yeah acts like he doesn't care but actually caring about them.


What if I tell ya I'm the type, combination of half Lui and half Free- I do care for my younger sib but I don't show it ;/

Any big sis/big bro hereeeee?

Oh I'm sorry for not being online for weeks now, I had school and stuffs... Like reaching adulthood shit and stupid feelings driving me crazyyy. Wish I was a stone heart bruhhhh 。:゚(;´∩';)゚:。

I need time to heal so this will be the last update from me until then see yaa *hugs you tightly*

Life goes on and on and on~


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