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Valt : *sees his boyfriend's turns into cats* AHH!! SO KAWAII!!!!!!

Shu : Meow?

Lui : How we turn into cats?

Free : Zzz....Zzz... *lazily sleeps like a cat*

Valt : *cuddles with Lui and Shu* Aww I love cats!!! You guys are adorable!!!

Shu and Lui : O//w//O *loves cuddling with valt*


Dante : *see Delta as a cat* Oh no Delta what happened to you?!!

Delta : I don't even know myself....

Dante : *picks him up as he kissed him*

Delta : *blushing* ???

Dante : Why didn't you turn back into a human?

Delta : I'm not a frog-

Dante : Hehe I just tried OwO;;


Hyuga : *see lane as cat* Karma turns you into a cat?

Lane : but I apologized to you already!!!

Hyuga : Oh but still lookie! I still love you!

Lane : *licks Hyuga* Meow~

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