Valt can't sleep at night...

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Valt : *accidentally falls asleep in daytime and sleeps for 6 hours*

Lui : Cute *kiss him*

Shu : *worried* He didn't even have breakfast.. he will be hungry.

Free : Sleeping in daytime is a blessing -w-

In the night...

Valt : ⊙_⊙ I can't sleep...

Shu : *sleeping like a normal person* zzz...zzz

Lui : Oii.. yeah it's.. me your king.. *sleep talks which is surprising*

Free : *sleeps peacefully.*

Valt : *sees the dark shadow* Oh no- *pulls the covers over his head* this shield shall protect me from the demon!!

Lui : *hugs valt in his sleep* zzz...zzz

Valt : *feels hot* Gahh!!! *gasps for air* so hot... *put one leg off the blanket*

His mind : *plays the scary classic nerve wreckling background music* Remember the horror movie? That girl was sleeping and heard a noise under her bed? That she looks down under the bed and found nothing. She felt relieved and turn back surprise!!! The bloody ghost creepily smirks at her!


Shu, Lui : What the heck?!

Free : oof can't even sleep peacefully in this house *goes back to his sleep*

Shu : Valty it's 2 am!

Valt : Shu I can't sleep..!!

Lui : Thats because you sleep in the morning *yawns*

Valt : hug me I'm scared!!

Shu and Lui : alright fine. *hugs him and cuddles, kisses him*

Valt : hehe I'm protected by my secret weapon, the unbreakable shield duo!

Shu : *sleepy* Valty sleep its midnight. They neighbours gonna yell again.

Valt : okie

Lui : *already asleep*

Valt : *thinks : Lui looks cute when he is sleeping*

Also valt : *can't able to sleep for the rest of the night.*

The next day...

Lui, Shu : *looks fresh* Morning valty.

Valt : *has messy bedhair and got dark circles* *yawns* I feel sleepy...

Free : *pulls him down and covered him with blankets* Lets just sleep valty.

Valt : *snuggles and fall asleep as quick as possible* Zzz... *softly snores* Zzz...

Shu : he's adorable.

Lui : Yes, he is.

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