Taking care of the boyfriends

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Valt : *laying wide awake, looking at the ceiling* ....  *Turns to see Lui and Free cuddling quietly* .... *Turns to Shu* Shuuu

Shu : *groans in his sleep* Hm?

Valt : I'm in a relationship right? I'm dating you guys so I call you boyfriends right?

Shu : Yeah

Valt : *reaches for Shu's hand* So what about my other boyfriends than you three?

Shu : *shook* Excuse me what?!

Valt : yeah. Honcho. Daigo. Ken. Wakiya. Xander. Zac. Silas. Aiga. Dante. And a lot more.

Shu : no they aren't your boyfriends.. *goes back to sleep*

Valt : So that mean they're not boyfriends but guyfriends? Male friends? Non romantic boyfriends?

Lui and Free : *shuffling under their duvet, possibly listening to their conversation and giggling while doing something unholy*

Shu : Valt it's 3 in the morning shut up and sleep.

Valt : Shu Why do you sleep in the bedroom and not the kitchen?

Shu : Valt I swear stop it *pulls him closer and hugs him to shut his mouth* *smooches* now sleep...zzzz

Valt : Why do people say goodbye when they again meet you the next day?

Shu : uh who knows. Now let's go to sleep please... *Pat his back softly*

Valt : What if birds walk and talk like humans?

Shu : Ugh. Did you drink coffee again?

Valt : Hehe just a sip! Lui told me I'll feel refreshed after I drink it!

Shu : Lui you idiot! *Looks at the other bed where Lui and Free are.* I know you're awake!

Lui : *pulls away the blanket* Oi when did I ever tell you that?!

Valt : Last week!

Lui : That was when we were on a date!

Free : c'mon let's go sleep *pulls Lui down*

Shu : If you're doing shit go do it somewhere else. I can hear the muffling noises

Free : Lui has an upset stomach. I'm helping him ace the pain.

Lui : 'cuse me?! Whaddya say?! *Hops off the bed walks over to other one, sat on top of Shu* say that again, Kurenai

Shu : Ugh you little shit get off me, you're crushing me *all he asked for was a good night's sleep*

Valt : Luuuiiiiii get off Shuu!!!! *Attacks him with a pillow* Geeeeeetttt oooooff!!

Lui : 💢 *twitching a smile* you c'mere *headlocks Valt* Shu, Shu, Shu always Shu. Shu here. Shu there. Shu everywhere. Shut up with your Shu crap. I'm getting sick of it!

Valt : *struggles to get out of Lui's hold* Aaghh..! Lemme goo!!

Shu : stop acting like a brat, you pathetic shark!

Lui : *holds his chin, looking straight into his crimson eyes* Perhaps you don't see who's pathetic right now, Shu. Oi, stop squirming, idiot *still holding Valt*

Valt : Fweee!!!! *Gasping for his life*

Free : *smacks his head* Enough with this shit, let them go. *Release Valt out of Lui's hold* Let Shu sleep he needs to rest. *Pushes the baby shark away*

Lui : Oi oi oi. *Yanks Free's forearm and slams him against the bed* since you let my prey escape, you shall become one now. *Licks his lips, his violet orbs screaming dominance*

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