If Valt and Shu were girls

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Shu : What!! Why would I be a girl?!!!

Valt : Hmm.. I always wonder how it would feel to be a girl.

Asta : trust me it sucks to be one.

Free : oof.

Lui : *smirks* Free let's do rock paper scissors and the winner gets valty~

Free : sounds cool. But I guess I take Shu this time. She is a mature one~

Lui : that makes it very easy for me.

Shu : Wait I never agreed to turn into girl!!

Valt : how will we turn into girls?

Asta : I can. But I warn you-

Valt : I wanna try!!

Asta : alright you ask for it don't blame me later. *Turns them into girls*

Shu and Valt : *turns into girls* *wears girl's clothes and has long hair*

Free : Shu~ *hugs her*

Shu : *blushing mess* pervert stop touching me!!

Lui : Valty you look beautiful as an angel!~

Valt : I know! Hehe I love being a girl! And what are these things? Feels soft and bouncing......

Zoey : don't touch that thing-

Valt : *looks at her skirt* Ahh!! That's missing!!! How do I pee now?!!?!??! *Panics*

Zoey and Asta : da fak-

Shu : -////- valt don't panic....

Free and Lui : yeah... You will know-

Zoey : smol bean...

Asta : I wonder how will he react to periods.

Zoey : probably think he's dying XD

Valt : 0-0?? What that means??

Shu : I want to be a guy again!! Turn me back!!

Asta : nope.

Shu : What you mean by nope? 💢💢

Asta : I mean. I don't know how to turn you back to normal.

Shu : wtf-

Zoey : she is still learning though.

Valt : *touching her boobs*

Lui : *stares at Valt doing cute innocent things*

Free : *plays with valt. You know what I mean~*

Shu : Then Zoey change us back!! You of course know how too and Free take your damm hands off valt's butt I swear. Lui stop staring at her like a goddamn pervert!!

Valt : eh? Free it.. feels weird... Ahh...

Shu : *takes out a gun* Bish!! Stop it!! *Protects valt* Zoey turn us back before these pervert do something to Valty!!

Lui and Free : Shu~ stop whining already let's have fun.

Shu : I'm not letting you two touch Valty or myself. Zoey turns us back!

Zoey : :3 unfortunately I can't sorry Shu.

Shu : What? Why!!

Valt : *touch Shu's boob* big...... *Touch her own* small......

Shu : Gahh!!! Stop it Valt!! *Blushing*

Lui and Free : Shu C'mon at least give Valty!

Shu : Never! Zoey I swear turn us back to normal!! Or I'll kill you!

Zoey : sure go ahead. I'm already dead inside.

Shu : scratch that. I'll tell yui, you're kissing her photo in your room.

Zoey : AHHH!!! Stop blackmailing me!!!!

Asta : That's fun you know.

Zoey : You guys are acting as if you never had any crush or anything!! You have no rights to tease me!!

Lui : Whatever. Don't turn them normal.

Free : Yes.

Zoey : oh don't worry I won't. Lui take valt with you and Free take Shu with you. Give me inspiration to write that lualt, Shree book!

Lui and Free : with pleasure.

Shu : Tf!!!!

Lui : Valty let's go for a date~

Valt : sure!! I want ice cream!

Lui : Alright! Anything for you~

Free : Now Shu let's go watch a horror movie~ *he knows Shu hates horror movies*

Shu : not happening. I'm not coming anywhere-

Free : *picks her bridal style* there we go~

Shu : FREE!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!

Free : *kiss her and ignores her yelling and scoldings* hehe

Shu : E-eh!!!!

Zoey : Yeah give me more inspiration and ideas to write that book.

Asta : live examples huh?

Zoey : you bet. Wanna go grab something to eat?

Asta : Yeah sure. It's been a while since we hang out together.

Zoey : Let's invite Yui too!

Asta : screw it I'm not coming if she's coming.

Zoey : aww man why not?!

Asta : cuz I feel like a third wheel and you flirt with her.

Zoey : I never flirt with her before!!! O////O

Asta : yeah yeah I see you doing it with her photos.

Zoey : shut up!! I just practiced- wait when did you sneak into my room?!!!

Asta : I have my ways and you had dreams about her right?~ and who knows what you did to her~

Zoey : 0/////0 i-i didn't do a-anything!! And she's pretty dominant.... TwT

Asta : Ohhh~ you're a bottom then?

Zoey : ..... I dunno.... And hey we never did anything!!!!

Asta : And I never said you two did that thing. Now that makes me feel suspicious.

Zoey : oops- I got stuffs to do bye!!

Asta : Oii!! What about the hangout? You said you buy me food!!

Zoey : I changed my mind! Bye!!

Asta : screw you.

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