Why Shu has trust issues with his boyfriends

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Valt : *reading a manga while laying on his bed* haha. Hey this so hilarious! Hahaha!

Free : *hugging Valt while he lays beside him, head buried on the bluenette's neck* is it, hmm?

Valt : Freee..! It's tickles ahahaha *struggles for his life*

Free : heh. *bites him*

Valt : Ow! Ya!! Why would ya bite me all the timee?

Free : Cuz you're so biteable *kiss that spot where he bite him*

Valt : *bites him back* an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!

Lui : *wearing a mask, sweating slightly* ughhh...*sitting on the bed leaning his back against the wall, while Valt cradles his legs on Lui's lap* *playing an online game* damn pathetic. *Wins again*

Free : What?

Lui : The game. Its pathetic. *Tosses his phone and shifts around on the bed, moving towards Fralt*

Valt : Ahh Lui don't hug mee you're sick!! I'll catch your fever!

Lui : Damn that hurts my feelings *pretending to be sad*

Valt : *feels guilty* Heyy! I didn't meant to say that....I'm sorry!!!

Lui : Heh. Gotcha. *Flicks his forehead*

Valt : Ow- You are really something Lui *sweat drop* There's no way a man can't be perfect in everything

Free : That's right. He has a shitty mouth and has superiority complex.

Lui : You're the last person I want hear that from, shut up *sneeze softly* shit.

Valt : hehehe Lui is cute

Free : kawaii Lui~ *sarcastic smirk*

Lui : *pulls Free's cheeks* and you look funny

Valt : Hahaha yeah he's right lol

Free : Am I? *Smiles*

The door dramatically opens...

Shu : You guys! *Mama Shu voice*

Valt : Oh hey Shuuu! *A Shu fanboy*

Lui : He's definitely angry *whispers so only Valt and Free can hear*

Free : Yeah he looks mad

Valt : *a shiver ran down his spine* Crap! I forgot to clean my room! *Looks around his messy room*

Shu : Go clean it now.

Valt : Yes! *Shuffles on the bed and hops off, starting to pick up the comic books and other stuffs from the floor*

Shu : Lui what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in bed, resting!

Lui : I'm in bed though *cough*

Shu : Your bed! You want others to catch your sickness?! Did you take your medicines?

Lui : *looks away* .....yes

Free : He's lying. He's been here playing games.

Lui : You fucking traitor! *Kicks Free* diee!

Shu : *brings the medicines and a glass of water* Here. Take it.

Lui : I told you I'm fine! *Sneeze*

*Beep beep*

Shu : *takes off the thermometer* 40.1°

Lui : *looks pale* ahem. That's quite normal for someone like me.

Free : You mean short tempered, arrogant sharks right?

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