Shut up and Sleep!

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At 3 am.......

Shu : *lays wide awake* (ب_ب) • • • •

Valt : *snoring and kicking Shu in his sleep* Yum.. ah beybread... aaah honcho.. don't steal the...mhmm...

Shu : *gets another punch on his cheek* Lui...

Lui : *sleeping quietly beside Free* What..

Shu : Switch place with me.

Lui : I'm not gonna leave his side Free's warm, perfect to cuddle. *Puts his arm over Free and snuggles*

Free : *sleeping peacefully*

Shu : Lui *pokes Lui's neck* Luiiii

Lui : Don't touch there Shu it tickles idiot *scowls in his sleep*

Valt : *puts his legs around Shu* Hehehe... Va...ltryek....

Shu : *whined surprisingly* Don't annoy me....*pushes Valt's legs off him*

Everyone except Shu : *Sleeping soundly*

Shu : *With struggle he gets out of Valt's holds* I never realised how weak you get when you are older...

Lui : You are only 15 *Still in his half sleep voice*

Shu : *kicks Lui* But I deal with a bunch of stubborn six year old brats like an old geezer.

Lui : I'll get back at you later for kicking me. *Goes back to his sleep*

Free : Shu c'mere. *Wakes up by them*

Shu : *happy bunny noises* Really? Thank you, Free! *Gets in between Lui and Free* Ah you are too warm.

Lui : If he's anymore warm We would be burn to death *rolls to the other side because Shu kicked him away* Snowflake I hate you..!

Shu : The feelings mutual, mate. *Hugs free* Lui is right you're the perfect one to cuddle.

Free : *puts the blanket around them, hugging Shu* I love you *smoochies*

Shu : Who doesn't. *Enjoys the peaceful goodnight's sleep*

Lui : *gets some sleep without any interruption* .....

Valt : RUSH SHOOT!!!! *Launches himself at Lui*

Lui : WHAT THE FUCK?!!! *Groaning in pain oh pain* AAAAARGGHHH *clenching his stomach*

Valt : Yes! I won!!..... Ha..haha..

Free : Lui learn some manners. some of us are sleeping don't scream. *Still half sleeping*

Shu : Lui doesn't even know what it means to be quiet. *Snuggling against Free and continues his peaceful sleep*

Lui : Why you little- *Throws the pillows at Shree and turns around to face Valt* And you little shit!

After some time later....

Lui : *lays on the bed* How peaceful. *Finally gets to close his eyes* *pulls Shu over hugging him*

Shu : Ah... Don't hug me... Hot its hot Lui! *Spat Lui's hand*

Free : *turns the other way because of the noise* shit no peace in this house..

Lui : Shut up and sleep, idiot. *Fast asleep*

Shu : *trapped in Lui's bear hug* Ahh!! Lemme out lemme out!! *Too sleepy to fight for freedom and gives up for sleep* Lui.. moron... Zzzz...

Valt : *tied with blankets, rolled up* *still sleeping peacefully* zzzzz.... Zzzz ....

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