Movies, rings and Tickles!

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Valt : *watching a Disney movie* Woah!! Cool! Cinderella and The prince are finally together now!

Lui : *was forced to watch it with Valt* How cringe.

Shu : Lui don't be mean

Lui : I'm honest with myself.

Valt : It's true love!~ Hehe they are meant to be together.

Shu : Yeah.

Valt : Alright now let's watch Tangled!

Lui : Geez my eyes are going to bleed, we have been watching these movies for God know how long. Give it a break.

Shu : It became a movie marathon.

Valt : Aw please please! This one and I promise to go to bed!

Shu : Fine.

Lui : Where the hell is Free? I haven't seen him for a while now

Valt : Yeah me too.

Free : Did someone summoned me?~ *walks to them with something behind him*

Shu : Hey. What's that?

Free : Oh this? It's something I bought for you three.

Lui : I hope it's not anything pervy.

Valt : Hey hey! Is that beybread!?

Free : Aw sorry love it's not beybread, I'll bring you next time. *Kiss Valt's forehead* now I want you three to show me your right hands.

Shu : Eh? Why?

Free : Just do it, snowflake it's not like I'm gonna bite you or something.

Lui : What's up with you, Free?

Free : You will see~

Valt : Here! *Shows his hand, curiously*

Free : Good boy, now you two.

Shu : Okay..? *Shows his hand but kinda nervous*

Lui : If it's anything creepy I'll kill you *complains but gives his hand*

Free : *picks out three small boxes from the bag he was holding behind his back* Alright now, this is a promise ring, from this day forth all four of us will keep it as a sign of our love. *Slides Red, Blue, Purple gem rings on their fingers*

Valt : Woah!! I love it!! Thanks Free!! *Has a blue ring*

Lui : Cringe *but secretly likes it, the purple ring*

Shu : Aw thanks Free, that's very thoughtful of you. *Smiles at the red ring*

Free : *pulls them for a group hug including a grumbling Lui* I love you three. *He has his own yellow ring*

Lui : Jesus, you're hot *refers to his body temperature*

Free : Thanks love, I know.

Lui : Why you little piece of shit *slightly blush*

Shu : *holds back a laugh* Pfft-

Valt : *grabs Free's cheeks* You're a good boy *kiss his nose and snuggles his face*

Free : *leans in and kiss his lips* You're my Valty.

Shu : Our Valty.

Lui : *stands up* Alright time for bed, kids. *Grabs Free's shirt and drags him* Valty, Snowflake, come on or want me to drag you pretty princesses lazy ass.

Free : I can walk on my own.

Lui : Welp if I let you go, you will definitely run to the forest. So, don't bother.

Valt : Heyy! What about my moviee?!!

Shu : *picks Valt bridal style* That's for tomorrow.

Lui : Good, Snowflake. *Proud of Shu*

Free : Valty love we are being dragged.

Valt : Yes my love save me!!

Shu : You two stop being over dramatic, we are just going to the bed.

Valt : It's not the bed, It's THE BED!

Lui : Sleeping early is good for you, babe.

Free : Why can't I sleep on the woods? It's better that way.

Shu : You don't want cuddles?

Free : Damn my weakness.

Valt : But but! The movie!! I wanna stay up!!

Lui : Shu do me a favor and switch places. I need that little hedgehog.

Shu : Sure sure. *Gives valt to Lui* I hope you don't run away from me.

Free : Don't trust me *gives his hand to Shu (indirectly says he wants Shu to hold him)*

Shu : *chuckle* There there, *holds his hand*

Lui : Oi stop wriggling around!

Valt : Uwahh!! Lemme gooo!! *Batting his arms around*

Lui : It always feels like babysitting, you two. *Looks at Free and then at Valt*

Free : Ah I'm honoured to say, Lui shirosagi can be the best nanny.

Lui : A what? 💢

Shu : Alright alright you two pipe down will ya? *Still chuckling* Valty, I love you *kiss Valt softly* Now be a good boy for me?

Valt : Okie only for my Shu (。・ω・。)

Lui : Oh yeah? I'm gonna tickle you to death~ *put the bluenette on the bed and get top of him* Hehehe~


Free : Poor baby.

Shu : Lui have some mercy

Lui : What's that now?~ *tickling Valt*


Free : He's going to cry

Shu : Lui stop being a moron

A few moments later ...

Lui : Here you go. *Stops tickling him*

Valt : UWAHHH!! I HATE YOU!!! GO AWAY!!! *crawls to Shu and Free*

Lui : Hah?~

Valt : Wah! Shu Free protect me!!!

Free : Roger

Shu : Don't worry he won't do anything

Lui : Oh yeah?

Shu : *pulls Lui making him lay down with them* You little shark stop being a jerk.

Lui : Really, try me. *Hugs Shu* Valty let's battle tomorrow and the loser have be a cute maid for the winner.

Valt : N-no! *pants* huff.... Imma sleep now

Free : There there *pat valt* We will get our revenge later. Goodnight love.

Valt : Yeah goodnight.

Shu : Goodnight Valty.

Lui : Sweet dream, Babylips.

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