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There he was back at home, neither hurt nor dead.

He was surprised himself that they just let him go.

Now he just stood there in his room and couldn't trust his own thoughts. He just witnessed a murder, was at gunpoint and was threatened to get killed, yet he felt happier than ever that he was still alive and didn't even think about the murdered guy one bit.

Was that bad? Maybe.
Did he care? No.

He kept his normal lifestyle. There wasn't heard anything about the death and for a few days he had absolutely no problems.

That was until he had to go back to college.
The lessons were boring as hell, nothing special or new.
But as he made his way out of the building, there stood a black van with a person that seemed pretty familiar to Yoongi.

No surprise it was Taehyung.
Some people stared at him weirdly, some gushed over him and some looked at him with fear.

The smaller tried his best to sneak around him, and hide behind some students.

"Yoongi Doll we're waiting, don't let us wait" the male spoke in a chilly calm voice, making Yoongi stop in his spot.

'Doll?' was all Yoongi could think about at the moment, staring a little confused at Taehyung who had to chuckle at his look, pulling Yoongi on his wrist towards the van.

"Wait wait we had a deal!" the younger immediately said trying to pull himself off. Taehyung sadly was stronger than Yoongi, and shortly after the smaller was on the floor of the van rubbing the back of his head and leaning up only to be greeted by Jimin who looked excitedly at him.

"I can't believe we did that! You're gonna have a lot of fun with us Yoongi!"

"Boy shut up for a moment. You're already scaring the shit out of him" the guy who drove said.

Yoongi stared around the van, unsure what to do or what would now happen. He was scared and wanted to just jump out the window, that wouldn't have been the best idea though.

"No worries, we simply want to introduce you to a few of our friends."Taehyung shrugged only to get a dumbfounded face from Yoongi

".. That's more than enough to worry about! Are you fucking crazy!? You kidnap me after promising you'd let me go and wouldn't bother me anymore that's aga-"

"Shush!" Jimin said holding a finger onto Yoongis lips.

"Sorry sorry, but namjoon couldn't shut up about you. He really must've liked something about you, and well.. Because of that some got curious and wanted to see you as well, we basically let you go again therefore we don't break the promise."

The smaller stared at them, leaning up only to stumble around in the van and fall back laying half on Taehyung who sat there grinning down at Yoongi.

"Jin you're really an awesome driver"

".. Was that sarcastically? I swear to god Taehyung I'm so done with your shit"

"No no! I mean it this time Hyung" the younger said looking back at Yoongi who leant up and now sat down in the corner of the van crossing his arms.

"Come on, Jungkook gets impatient if we don't hurry up" Jin said as he got out of the van, followed by Taehyung and Jimin who pulled Yoongi with them towards a bigger house, which also could be described as a mansion.

And this was the point Yoongi really understood what he got himself into would be even more problematic in the future.

Sitting on a way too big couch and getting stared at by Namjoon and Jimin. Something he didn't wish for nor would anyone else wish.

They may look hot af but that made him nervous, uncomfortable and extremely scared because he knew they could just kill him at any moment.

"I made some sna-.. You two fuckers really are head over heels" The guy who drove spoke, putting down a tray and sitting down on the couch as well, now taking a look at Yoongi.

"And you are Yoongi?.. So how old are you?" Jin asked trying to start a simple conversation.

"I'm 19." Yoongi answered, not daring to look up, what got him a small sight from Seokjin who found it slightly disrespectful.

"Could you look at me while you speak? That'd make it less awkward and would be respectful. After all I'm still older than you"

"Of course. Sorry.. I'm 19" the smaller now said looking up at Jin and trying to ignore the two besides him.

"FUCK OFF TAE!" Was heard after another minute of talking.
Then a scream followed by another one.

"Ah.. Nothing to worry about, those two always do some stupid stuff" Jin explained and gave Yoongi a small smile, only to get distracted by Taehyung running through the room with a playstation controller in his hands, followed by another guy who threw whatever he could grab after Tae.

"I can't believe he's managing all this" a quiet mumble could be heard behind Yoongi, the younger immediately turning around to see another unknown guy behind him.

"You must be Yoongi, I'm Hoseok but call me Hobi, or whatever you prefer actually" the guy introduced himself and got a small nod from Yoongi.

The male wanted to say something else but then Tae pushed the controller in his hands and ran off. The other guy now jumped onto Hoseok to grab the controller and then give him a slap.


That guy clearly had some anger issues.

".. Ehm.. Jungkook.. Yoongi is here"

"WHO?" He asked loudly leaning back up and then staring at Yoongi who looked kinda overwhelmed at him not understanding what just happened.

To everyone's surprise, Jungkook wasn't screaming around anymore, not making any dumb remarks or something stupid after he saw Yoongi.

"You're single?"

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now