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Yoongi was again, kind of sleepless that night.
What Taehyung said made him question what actually was going on.

Was Taehyung just worried about Yoongi? Didn't he like him as much? Has he forgotten something?

"I'm not in the mood today for any shit okay!? Just give me the information and we're done here" Jungkook looked kind of annoyed at the guy in front of him.

It was an simple job that day for Yoongi, just standinh outside the door and making sure no one would walk inside the store, while Namjoon and Jungkook did the work.

Already 5 minutes and they still didn't seem to be done.
Just Yoongi thought he was done there happened something he didn't expect.

"Out of the way, we have to go inside" someone actually said, followed by a bunch of other guys.

What was Yoongi supposed to do now?

"Sorry the store is closed for today, I just met the guy and he drove off" he simply lied pointing in an direction.

The guys simply stared at him before looking at the store which seemed empty and deciding to trust Yoongi after he didn't really seem like someone who'd lie.

Around ten minutes after they left, Namjoon and jungkook finally walked out, the younger of the two pulling Yoongi closer to himself while walking to the car, while Yoongi told them what happened, to which they looked a bit concerned.

"He could've died if he had said one wrong thing. Are you fucking nuts!? Why would you go in this district of the city for some stupid information!?" Jin questioned a bit angry.

Namjoon had told him what had happened, knowing that it was a huge danger for Yoongi to be seen around them.
They may be the biggest gang around there but that didn't mean that there weren't any other gangs.

Jungkook knew the danger, he knew what he put them into.
"it isn't an stupid reason and you know that! Do you want me to just forget about it?! After all it wasn't my fault that it happened in the first place.. Who wanted ME to go to meet HIM because SOMEONE didn't want to see him again!?"

"JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon stepped in and tried to calm the situation a little down.

"You two should calm a bit down. It was neither of your faults and you both know that. Let's just hope that they won't see Yoongi near us or there will be a bigger problem. We don't want Yoongi to get hurt do we?" He asked both of Jin and jungkook nodding their heads.

Yoongi wasn't even with them, instead playing games with jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok, but he knew just by the looks of when he described the guy who spoke to him, that it was something serious.

"I'm kinda bored" Hoseok said and sighted a little, leaning against Yoongi who didn't do anything and just accepted it.
Taehyung then did the same and just when he thought that was enough jimin also joined in pushing Yoongi down to lay on top of him.

"You're such freaking clingy asses" Yoongi grumbled a bit, all of them chuckling a little.

"You're so cute though, even when grumpy" Jimin cooed, looking down at Yoongi.

"Jimin I don't wanna ruin your fun but your character is dying" Hoseok said once looking at the tv, jimin quickly jumping off Yoongi to put the game on pause and not die.

Just when Yoongi was about to lean back up Hoseok already pinned him down again staring down at the male and leaning closer inch for inch.

"Such a pretty boy"

"Hobi you're such a player, and I thought Jimin was the flirty one" Taehyung commented, sitting besides the two and sighting a bit at the sight as he was sure that if he'd try to make a move that Hobi would definitely get upset after he now had a chance himself even if Jimin and Taehyung were inside the room.

"You're honestly not doing better than the two of them" Yoongi mumbled a bit grumpy, not really in the mood for any of this stuff.

"That was harsh.. After all I'm still the nice one" Hoseok frowned and stopped right before Yoongis lips to lean back up.
"You're really not in the mood are you? If you ask me I'm pretty sure that I'm in the mood right now but I won't force you if you think that I can't change your mindset"

"Wait change my mindset? The fuck you mean by that?" Yoongi asked only for jimin starting to chuckle.

"Sucking your dick and boom you're blessed" Jimin grinned before Taehyung shook his head.

"Come on you know Hoseok jimin..You'd totally suck Yoongis dick but in hobis case it either be the other way around or he'd def-"

"Can you please shut up for an second!" Yoongi then said not really liking this kind of talk about him, at least while he was around.

"Taehyung is kinda right though, I'm more the guy to get his dick sucked than to suck it" Hobi shrugged and then pecked Yoongis lips out of nowhere.



"What do you mean hehe!? I hehe your ass if you do that again you fucking Michael Jackson" Yoongi warned only to receive a laughter from Taehyung.

"You wouldn't even dare" Hobi grinned poking Yoongis cheek again and again until the smaller was pretty  much fed up and gave Hoseoks back a smack.

"Stop that shit!"

"Ouh.. Into slapping that much? I'm gonna slap your bare ass if you do that again" Hoseok then said only for Yoongi to look a bit irritated at Jimin who couldn't hold back his laughter once Yoongi realized that Hoseok really meant it.

"You're really such a.. Gosh and I thought you're the normal one" Yoongi mumbled a little shocked.

"Surprise surprise. So want me to change your mindset now or not? Or rather let jimin suck your di-"

"No! How do you even come up with such ideas!?"

"You know the more I think about it the more I think Yoongi is ace" Taehyung then said Hoseok and jimin looking back at Yoongi who looked at them and then shook his head a bit.

".. I'm not."

"That's kinda a relief, though it'd totally be find if you are" Jimin said and then got an shoulder pat from Taehyung

"Boys will be boys.. Or men whatever actually, we're already doomed"

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