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"Not sure. I don't have anything to do right now" Yoongi answered, looking up at Namjoon who stood there and sat down besides the smaller, who took out his phone to quickly check his messages, mostly just jungkook who kept sending him memes or text messages how he missed him even though he was only a few rooms away from him.

"Do you like me?"

This question came out of nowhere. Something Yoongi hadn't seen coming.

He could only look up at Namjoon, leaving jungkook on read, though didn't answer as he was unsure what to even answer to this question and in what type of way namjoon meant the word 'like'

"That was probably a stupid question, sorry. I just couldn't come up with anything else right now" Namjoon apologized, smiling even though he felt a bit dissapointed that Yoongi hadn't had an answer for him.

"You're.. You're a very nice person" Yoongi answered looking at Namjoon who again looked up and didn't take his eyes off Yoongi.

"It's not like I don't like you, this question was kinda dumb to begin with, I have to agree.." Yoongi answered not sure himself how he should've answered.

It was simply weird to speak about his feelings towards other people.

"I like you a lot. Probably more than you can imagine, I'm sorry that i-"

"Namjoon please stop apologizing for whatever. There's no reason for you to apologize for liking me or asking me questions you think are important.. Even if i think they're a bit dumb" Yoongi mumbled at the end before shaking his head and looking at the taller.

Namjoon was someone he was kinda protective of, even if he wasn't the type to actually be like that or didn't show it a lot.

"You're amazing Yoongi" Namjoon smiled a little petting Yoongis head only for the smaller to sight and lean back moving a hand through his hair.

This usually didn't happen but Namjoon really made him go crazy by how soft he actually was despite his build or job.
He wasn't even making any moves on Yoongi, trying to respect the male and keep giving him space.

"I fucking hate you for this" Yoongi mumbled looking at Namjoon who looked a bit confused at the smaller what he had done wrong only to then widen his eyes as Yoongi suddenly grabbed his face to push his lips on namjoons.

Yoongi slowly let go of namjoon, instead leaning his head against his shoulder not saying anything.

Namjoon was a bit too stunned to speak, looking down at the smaller besides him before hesitantly wrapping an arm around Yoongi.

He wasn't the first one to make the move, it didn't bother him though. It was more like some kind of invitation he had waited for to actually be sure that he was safe to make any moves on Yoongi and not make the smaller uncomfortable or push him to anything he didn't like.

"YOONGI!" Jungkook then could be heard screaming, running around the house only to stop inside the living room, looking at the smaller and then at Namjoon.

"You're good? You left me on read" Jungkook said putting a hand on Yoongis head and looking down at the smaller.

"Yeah.. Just got distracted. You don't have to always send me messages by the way." The smaller said looking up at Jungkook and pulling a face after the other pushed a kiss on Yoongis cheek.

"Can't help myself, like that I at least know that you're good and you don't have a lot of other stuff to do anyways" Jungkook argued, playing with Yoongis hair and sitting down besides, laying down a few seconds after and putting his head on Yoongis tights to look up at him.

Namjoon just watched though kept an arm around the smaller.

The two kept looking at Yoongi every now and then, Jungkook eventually getting up to answer an phone call and Namjoon having to leave after having promised to go out with Hoseok and Taehyung.

"I swear it was just, like some kind of sign for me to actually get started" Namjoon explained leaning back in his chair while looking at the older.

"That doesn't really sound like Yoongi you're talking about.. Sounds like a complete different person to me" Jin spoke while getting more comfortable on namjoons bed.

"I know sounds crazy, right? I was just sitting there and then he suddenly did that." Namjoon spoke spinning around on his desk chair and grinning to himself.

Jin was still a bit unsure if what happened was actually just a dream namjoon had. It just didn't sound like Yoongi at all. At least kinda, the 'I don't give a fuck' like namjoon described it after the kiss did remind him of Yoongi.

"You're pretty lucky I guess.. Me and Yoongi hadn't had anything going on, maybe because I'm too busy lately, it's kinda frustrating" the older complained  and let himself fall back down on namjoons bed.

"Come on, Yoongi and you're pretty good as well. He does seem to like you, at least he doesn't seem to hate you.. We can't really look into his mind and what's going on inside there, exoecially after what happened, but he for sure it at least kinda attracted to you" Namjoon now reassured the other tapping his desk before standing up to also lay down on his bed.

The two of them were pretty close, Jin always having an ear for the other and giving him advice in case namjoon didn't know what to do. Simply two best friends.

"Hey, have you seen Jimin somewhere?" Hoseoks voice appeared looking at the two on the bed, only to frown as they both shook their head.

".. Wanna see if we find Yoongi somewhere?" Namjoon then asked turning his head to look at Jin who thought for an second before standing up.

"nice idea"

It had already been an day since he had kissed namjoon, laying on Jimins bed who was walking all over the house to try and find his phone.

"Hey have-Yoongi?" Hoseok asked a bit surprised to see Yoongi inside Jimins room.

"Hey.. If you search jimin he's searching his phone right now" The smaller answered sitting up only for Hoseok to leave again.

Just when he was about to lay back down, Namjoon opened the door, stepping inside followed by Jin, who overheard Hoseok talking to Yoongi.

"There you are, wanna join us? Jimin seems to take a while" Jin said and looked at the other who simply nodded his head and then started walking towards Jins room after it was the closest.

"I'm gonna be straight up right now, but did you actually kiss namjoon yesterday?" Jin asked once inside his room and sitting on the bed.

".. I did" Yoongi answered sitting on the chair and trying to get more comfortable.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now