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"I'm sorry for what I've said.. I didn't mean it"

"You're telling me that now? You're honestly such a damn idiot."

"I know, and I wouldn't be mad if you'd not even accept my apology.. Though I really can't keep this something to myself anymore right now..i may act like I hate you most of the time but the truth is.. I've fallen in love with you"

"YOU DO!?"

"Do we really have to watch this show? Seems a bit over dramatic.." Hoseok sighted as he leant back into the couch, looking at Jin who was not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Either this or I'm gonna put on one of those cook shows you also don't like"

Hoseok continued to watch quietly with Jin not saying anything until he heard someone entering the living room.

"Oh, Yoongi? I thought you and jimin are playing games?"

"Taehyung joined and they're a bit too much for me when they're together" he explained and then sat down to also watch the drama, not really that interested though having nothing better to do.

Taehyungs voice suddenly could be heard from the staircase, the male going downstairs to search for Yoongi.

"He's really not letting you go hm?" Jin then asked with a small sight getting a bit annoyed that Taehyung didn't seem to understand that Yoongi didn't want to hangout with him.

"Tae go back to jimin. We're busy watching this drama" the male said pulling Yoongi closer only to get an frown from Taehyung

"But I want to spend time with Yoongi as well!"

"Some other time.. Let me watch this" Yoongi said and watched an pouting Taehyung leave the living room.

Another day, more drama.

"Who the Frick ate my pudding!?"

"Namjoon stop breaking my pens!"

"I told you not to use my charger! Stop taking it!"

The daily problems they had.

"Yoongi come on!"

"What is it?" the male asked walking inside the hallway to see Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin standing there.

"Did you forget? We wanted to go out today and do some shopping" Jin said while putting on his shoes.

"Of course not.. Just give me another minute" Yoongi said, having already forgotten what they wanted to do that day and quickly getting ready before putting on his shoes and joining the three, getting inside the car and looking out of the window.

Jin drove like most of the time they went somewhere, Hoseok sitting besides him in the front seat and Taehyung and Yoongi at the back.

Of course Tae had fought his way besides Yoongi, knowing that Hoseok would've liked to sit there as well.
Taehyung stared at Yoongi who didn't even seem to notice at first, only when turning his head noticing the males gaze and deciding to just stare back for an moment.

Taehyung didn't really seem to mind that, starting to grin which put the smaller a bit off, stopping his staring and pushing a hand onto Taehyung cheek to push his face away

"Stop staring now.. You're annoying"

"annoying? You're such a harsh lover Yoongs" Taehyung said dramatically followed by a sight

"He's simply telling the truth Taehyung. Don't even think about anything weird back there!" Hoseok said, looking a second back at them.

Yoongi looked out of the window again, though got bored after a few more minutes. It really was frustrating how far away the house was from the city, though they had at least an big and peaceful property without nosy neighbors.

Yoongi turned his head towards Taehyung who was looking at his phone. He leant a bit towards him as if to try and peek at his phone, though then stopped when Tae suddenly looked up, playing it off by just leaning against Taehyungs shoulder.

"Now you're giving me attention?" Taehyung asked wrapping an arm around Yoongi with an small smile.
"So you're that kind of guy hm? Such a tease"

"You're lucky I'm getting that close to you, so shut up" the other said crossing his arms before looking at Taehyungs phone.
He wasn't a lot on his phone himself, rather uninterested in most of the stuff. Of course one or two Youtube Videos whenever he got bored or some stupid games every now and then but that was it.

Arriving 10 minutes later, Yoongi started to look around about to start walking towards the door to go and get inside the mall, only for Jin to stop him by holding him back on his shirt.

"Yoongi wait a second. No walking off without us. If you get lost in here it's not that easy to find you again.. But if you do we'll meet at the reception right besides the entrance" the taller said taking Yoongis hand to hold it.

"It's just a mall but alright.. I don't think that anythings gonna happen here" the smaller mumbled while they started to walk, Jin keeping an tight hold onto Yoongis hand the whole time they walked around inside the mall and only letting to as Hoseok pointed it out.

Standing inside one of the stores, Yoongi looked at different shirts, grabbing whatever he liked, walking to the changing rooms while the tree followed him like a bunch of dogs.

They then stood in front of the changing room like some bodyguards to make sure no one was peeking, pretty much only getting more attention on them.

"Do you guys have to be like this? I'm not gonna get kidnapped. At least not again" Yoongi said as he stepped out of the room.

"Just to be sure that nothing will happen.." hoseok said and then looked at Yoongi giving him a thumbs up.
"Looks good. We'll take it"

".. How about you chose some other clothes for me while I'm trying on my other shirt?" he asked trying to get them away from the changing rooms to have his peace.

Not even 3 seconds later and they stormed off to grab whatever would look nice on the smaller male.

Yoongi tried on different things until he heard Hoseok coming back, taking the clothes from him without a second thought and starting to try them on.

Nothing special he choose, rather cute and colorful. It didn't look bad on Yoongi, it was nice seeing him wear something else than just white, black and grey for once.
Hobi agreed to every shirt not stopping to give Yoongi compliments.

"That's cute.. You choose it for him?" Taehyung asked, looking at Yoongi and then pushing some other clothes in his hands.
"Try them on." he simply said before looking back at hoseok once the male walked inside the room.

"Now you're gonna see an work of art" he grinned sitting down in one of the chairs.

"You picked shorts? But it's only spring" Yoongi said from the room though put them on together with one of the shirts Taehyung gave him.

"I've never seen his bare legs before now that I think about it" hoseok whispered and gave Taehyung an pat on the back as if he did something right this time.

"I think I still would have to wait a few months until I could wear the shorts apart from that it isn't that bad" Yoongi spoke as he came out of the room and got an simple nod from Taehyung and hoseok who were focused on Yoongis legs.

"You're two horny fuckers. Stop staring at his damn legs and focus" Jin said now also walking in and hitting both of them on the arm.

"Looks good, but definitely wait a bit before you wear it.. Do you also wanna buy new socks or underwear? We could go and eat something before we go to the next store though" Jin said and pushed Yoongi back inside the room with some simple clothes he choose, not wanting Hoseok or Taehuyng to comment anything stupid.

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