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Yoongi was inside his room unable to sleep. It was 3am, yet somehow he couldn't close his eyes and just fall asleep.

It was one of those nights he couldn't stop thinking about his old life. Having loving parents, an best friend and an normal life

He missed it. Even if those people turned their backs on him, he still missed his old life.
He wasn't sure if he was regretting his decision of joining them or not.

Again and again he wasn't even sure if he liked them or not, did he only like them because they were the only persons he still had contact with? After all there was no one else who could give him attention and affection now apart from them.

They really managed to make him, Min Yoongi, dependent on them.

The next morning Yoongi was pretty much not very sleepy either, rather focused on switching through some TV channels and going through his phone only to again stare at it as if hoping that any second there would be an message appearing from his parents or his old friends.

"Baby?.. Baby doll?"

"He isn't responding.. I've literally tried it now for 5 minutes and he keeps staring at the tv" Jimin spoke looking a bit worried towards Jin who looked just as worried.

"Yoongi.. Yoongi" the male said carefully touching the shoulder of Yoongi who finally looked towards Jin and jimin.


"Gosh you really scared me" Jimin said and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, while Jin sighted a bit looking at the smaller.

"Is everything alright?.. Are you perhaps tired or feeling sick ?" Jin asked putting a hand on Yoongis cheek who shook his head a bit.

"I'm good.. Just thinking about stuff"

"What stuff exactly?" Jin asked sitting down.

"..my old life" Yoongi mumbled jimin and Jin both nodding in an  understanding mannern.

"You know.. You still can think about it, but you should keep your eyes on the present, on us right now." Jin said and gave Yoongi a small smile.

"It's sometimes difficult thinking about it, I totally get that.. But appreciate what you have now, this life with us isn't that bad is it? After all we try our best to give you whatever you need" Jimin said and then moved a hand through Yoongis hair.

"You won't need anyone else anyways.. You can always talk to us if there's something wrong, we won't judge you" Jin said taking Yoongis hands to hold them

"Sorry for making you worry.. I'm just being a bit dramatic I guess" Yoongi said and looked at jins hands before looking back at jimin who smiled a bit at him.

"Have you seen Yoongi anywhere?" Taehyung asked looking at Jin who was looking through an magazine.

"I haven't seen him yet.. Is he even awake yet?" Jin asked looking at the clock.

It was already the next day. Yoongi wasn't sure how but time went by so fast, he somehow didn't even manage to sleep again and instead stayed up the whole night to watch YouTube videos and listen to music, only to end up with an headache the next morning and lay in bed regretting his life as if he was about to die.

"Yoongi? Are you awake?" Hoseok asked, after knocking on the door slowly opening it to look at the smaller.

"Jin made breakfast, come downstairs" he said and then gave the male a big smile, only to get pulled away from the door by Jimin who was also made his way downstairs.

Yoongi slowly got up, rubbing his eyes and walking downstairs, sitting down on the table and looking at the food.

"What do you wanna eat Yoongi? Something sweet?" Jin asked only for Yoongi to shake his head a little not really in the mood to eat and instead sipping on his glass of orange juice.

"..Maybe.. Some leftovers from yesterday?" Taehyung asked looking at the smaller who again shook his head.

"Come on you have to eat something. What about.. Some yoghurt? Or oatmeal?.. Cereal?" Jin asked to again and again get a shaking head from Yoongi.

"What's wrong? Are you really not hungry?" Jungkook asked a bit worried looking at the smaller besides him.

Yoongi wasn't really answering, not even having listened and slowly letting go of his orange juice to then lean his head against namjoon who also sat besides him.

" Are you tired?"Namjoon asked looking at the male and pushing a hand through his hair before stopping and moving it on Yoongis forehead.

"You should've said something.. Gosh you're such a helpless baby sometimes" Namjoon said and then stood up, picking the smaller up.

"He's feeling sick? That explains it" Jimin mumbled looking towards Yoongi and frowning a bit.

"Make sure he sleeps well! And don't forget to tuck him in!" Jin said as he watched namjoon bring Yoongi back to his room.

"Poor Yoongi" Taehyung mumbled looking after them just like the others did.

"He's gonna get well soon though.. Right?" Jungkook asked looking around to which Jin could only shrug his shoulders.

"I hope he does.."

Yoongi was laid down on the bed, Namjoon tugging him in and about to leave the room again when he stopped himself to look a second back at the smaller.
He really was considering just staying there and joining Yoongi after all, he hadn't much else to do that day and he'd definitely miss out on this opportunity if he now didn't take it.

He therfore laid down besides the other, pulling Yoongi closer to cuddle him, pretty much having to hold back a smile as he saw the male already asleep.

It definitely was a cute sight.
He himself stayed awake for a couple of hours before actually falling asleep as well.

As Yoongi opened his eyes at around 6pm he got off namjoon, the male having pulled Yoongi into an tight hug.

The smaller looked around the room, rubbing his eyes and trying to think of what to do now, he did feel a bit better and definitely wasn't as tired anymore.

"Joon.. Namjoon" Yoongi quietly said, shaking the male a tiny bit before he sighted as the taller only gave him an groan and continued to sleep right after.

He really was a bit bored now about to stand up when he heard the door open and quickly laid down again, pretending to sleep for whatever reason. Probably because he didn't want to deal with any of the others bullshit at the moment.

"Still not awake.. They sleep so peacefully though" Taehyung whispered, carefully walking inside the room, followed by someone else

"Very pretty, adds to my collection" Jimin voice could be heard, the male probably grinning while talking.

"You really have to send me those photos" Taehyung then mumbled moving a hand through Yoongis hair, nearly screaming in surprise as namjoon had his eyes open and grabbed after Taehyung hand to remove it of Yoongis hair

"get the fuck out" namjoon whispered pointing at the door, Jimin being stubborn and shaking his head a little.

"Never.. Make me" he said Namjoon slowly standing up and about to pull jimin out of the bedroom only to then see Taehyung laying down on the bed and pulling Yoongi closer to cuddle, making the taller a bit frustrated as he couldn't get both of them out at the same time without waking the smaller one up.

Yoongi had enough of it as well though, slowly opening his eyes and rubbing at them, Taehyung letting go of the smaller and leaning a bit up.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry baby" the male said with an small smile, Yoongi leaning up as well and looking towards the door where namjoon stood with jimin.

"Are you feeling better?" namjoon asked as he saw Yoongi awake the smaller nodding a little.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now