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What exactly are your intentions anyways?
What even are you thinking?
How come that he doesn't show any interest if he's into me?

Those questions kept bothering Jin. He was still together with Namjoon and Yoongi inside his room, having talked about some different stuff.

".. Is everything alright?" Namjoon asked after a while looking at Jin who was awfully quiet since they started the conversation.

"Yes, don't worry. I'm gonna be back in an second" Jin excused himself going inside the bathroom to freshen up.

As he came back there was only Yoongi sitting on his bed, Namjoon nowhere to be found.

"Where's Joon?"

"He said he had something else to do and left" Yoongi shrugged, looking at Jin before trying to find something else which interested him to try and start an conversation.

"Gosh.. Is it just me or do you also think this is kinda stupid? Like I keep thinking about us but you don't even show any interest in me, and I'm slowly starting to question if you even are interested" Jin now spoke after they were alone, walking towards the younger.

Yoongi stared at Jin, sitting up as this was an conversation he hadn't thought of.

".. I am.. I don't show it a lot do I..?" Yoongi asked and then sighted a bit moving a hand on the back of his neck.

"I guess I'm just not really good at showing my feelings. Don't worry too much ab-"

"I am relieved, you can't imagine, but I still wanna be sure that I won't cross your boundaries after what just happened. Therefore please tell me what exactly would be too much and how I can keep you from simply feeling uncomfortable, before I do anything stupid right now"Jin said and leant down to Yoongi moving a hand through his hair.

The smaller said nothing, too much in his thoughts.

The older was clearly about to do something, at least he made it clear by what he said, though Yoongi now had to think about what felt right and what didn't.

He hadn't had anything against kissing, after all they did that already and he knew how good of a kisser each of them was.

What hit different though was when Jin suddenly pulled his face closer by his chin having to look directly in jins face who waited for an answer.

"Don't let me wait baby"

This simply felt like Jin purposely was trying to make Yoongi flustered at this point. The younger couldn't complain however, it was extremely attractive and Jin probably knew that as well.

"Just.. Start and I'll tell you when to stop" Yoongi eventually spoke trying his best not to make eye contact even though Jin kept pulling his face closer.

"Are you flustered..?" Jin asked as if surprised by it and having to grin a bit proudly at what he had achieved.
Flustered Yoongi simply hit different as well for him.

Pushing his lips shortly after that thought onto Yoongis, they kept kissing for a while until Jin decided that he could take it a step further as Yoongi didn't seem to mind what he was doing.

A few sloppy kisses after that and Yoongi was literally breathless, the taller also having to regain his breath though kept placing small kisses on Yoongis jaw, meanwhile leaning above the other and slowly moving an hand underneath Yoongis shirt to push it a bit up and keep touching more.

After an few more seconds however the smaller moved a hand on jins cheek who quickly looked up at him.

"Everythings fine? Want me to stop?" Jin asked worried that he may have went too far only for the smaller to shake his head.

"Can you.. slow a bit down?" Yoongi asked Jin smiling a bit relieved before nodding his head and pecking the other's lips a few times.

"everything for you, love~"

As much an Yoongi enjoyed this, he was kind of getting more and more flustered as Jin kept pushing kisses on his upper body and every now and then leant up to compliment the smaller or praise him for whatever small reason he could find.

After that Yoongi wasn't sure if he had some kind of praising kink or if it was just Jin who was the reason why he was enjoying this so much.

"Very pretty.. You should see yourself right now, such a stunning baby"

Jin really had his fun complimenting Yoongi, mostly he was the one receiving compliments in public and was already used to it because of his looks, therefore giving Yoongi the exact same treatment felt just right to jin to give the smaller more confidence.

"You're so quiet" He then mumbled moving a hand to Yoongis hand on his shoulder, the smaller boy literally gripping on his shoulder at this point to try and stay calm.

"I-.. W-what am I supposed to say?.. Keep going?" Yoongi said a bit confused not sure what Jin wanted and feeling a bit stupid as the taller started to chuckle.

"Sorry no no! Don't be grumpy now, I'm sorry.. I just thought you maybe wanted to talk a bit you know.. While you still can" jin smirked only for Yoongi to huff and look a bit grumpy away.

"Aww baby, it was just a joke" jin said and then pulled Yoongis hand closer to push a kiss on it.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Yoongi asked looking again at Jin.

"Yes sure" Jin smiled a bit, Yoongi starting to smile as well and gripping onto Jins shirt to pull the taller closer down and lean towards his ear to start whispering.

"Your dick"

Yoongi couldn't hold back his laughter as he saw jins face, who was just looking pretty speechless at Yoongi before having to smile a bit as well.

"Okay okay.. Not bad, but not that funny. If it was true it'd be funnier" Jin said and then pecked Yoongis lips again and again before he could speak.

"Jinnie!" Yoongi eventually said to make the other stop, a bit annoyed since the older didn't let him speak.

"Already screaming my name?"

"I-Stop doing that! I thought you're the grown up in this household" Yoongi sighted leaning more against the bed.

"I am.. But it's just too funny seeing your reactions to it." Jin giggled leaning a bit more down to push a kiss on the tip of Yoongis nose.

"Wanna keep going now?" Jin then asked after a few seconds moving his hand back down to Yoongis stomach, moving his hand up and down.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now