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"You're for real Kook?"

"You've overdone it a bit in my opinion" Taehyung said a bit disgusted, Hoseok pulling the same face as he looked at Jungkook.

"What?.. YOU TOLD ME TO LET OUT MY ANGER NOW FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!" Jungkook loudly spoke, clearly a bit annoyed at their reaction.

"Yes but.. You do know that you can't shower until we're home right? Did you at least bring some extra clothes?" Namjoon asked, only sighting once Jungkook looked blankly at the wall besides him.

"You can wear one of my shirts I brought but clean your face before you put it on" Jimin said throwing a few wet wipes towards Jungkook.

"You look like a real psychopath with this much blood going on" Hoseok mumbled, arms crossed as he watched Jungkook.

"Shut up, this isn't such a big deal." the younger said taking his shirt off to quickly change it with jimins.

"I'm not sure if I should be disgusted or simply mesmerized whenever I see you killing someone"

"Taehyung come on.. That's nothing to be proud of if he gets this dirty while doing it" Hoseok frowned, pulling Taehyung and Jimin with him towards the van.

"Have you seen that one guy who tried to run away though? He was kinda cute" Jungkook chuckled only for Namjoon to look sceptical at him.

"Not that type of cute! Just cute like.. Cute to look at for a moment, not like Yoongis cute."

"Don't make me hit you Jungkook"

"Oh come on! I just explained it" Jungkook frowned as he got inside the car with Namjoon.

"Anyways, how about we do some grocery shopping on the way back home?" Jin asked as they walked back towards the car, arm wrapped around Yoongis waist who was looking at his phone while walking.

"Grocery shopping?.. Sounds okay" Yoongi mumbled, stopping once Jin stopped and looking up to see why they stopped.

"You shouldn't walk around like that, it's kinda dangerous" Jin said only for Yoongi to sight and put his phone back in his pocket.

"You do know that you're kinda leading me here with your arm around me? If I get in danger then it's because of you..." Yoongi argued only to shut up as he saw jins stare which told him he wasn't joking around.

"Let's just go" Yoongi mumbled, continuing to walk, followed by Seokjin.
After another two minutes and finally sitting down inside the car, there was again silence while driving one hand of Jin resting on Yoongis tight, who just stared out of the window.

"If you want anything just put it inside the shopping cart" Jin said as they walked inside the store, Yoongi staying close to the other as eyes moved around the different aisles.

He definitely was gonna grab some tangerines maybe even some new banana milk for Jungkook.
After 10 minutes the cart had most of the essential stuff in it, Jin trying to decide between two different kinds of meats and Yoongi keeping a hand on the cart.

"Want anything else?" Jin eventually asked, looking at Yoongi who was looking towards the aisle with the ice cream.

".. No, let's just go"

"You're sure?"

"Yes, let's go"

Though Jin didn't move the cart instead just staring at Yoongi who had done a few steps only to stop as he saw Jin not moving.

"What?.. Did we forget something?" The younger asked, Jin looking towards the aisle Yoongi was just looking at.

"You.. How about some ice cream?" Jin asked, Yoongi just shrugging his shoulders.

A few seconds later and Jin was standing in front of the ice cream, looking around to try and find out which sort Yoongi may like.

Reaching for one only to reach for another one as Yoongi didn't give him the reaction he wanted, only to stop at some coffee and caramel mix.

Body leaning forward, eyes a bit bigger and Yoongi looking up at him, the reaction Jin was looking for.

"Let's just take this and pay for now" The older hummed, again starting to walk towards the cash register, Yoongi following and putting some of the things on the register only for Jin to eventually take over.

Not being even able to greet the cashier back, as Jin shoved Yoongi back behind him.

Around two minutes later and jin was paying, afterwards pushing the cart outside towards the car and putting everything in the trunk with Yoongis help who then had to sit down in the car to wait as Jin brought away the cart.

"Can you put the tomatoes in the fridge? I'm gonna get the other stuff" Jin said as they walked inside, Yoongi nodding his head and doing as told.

Around 10 minutes later and they were done, Jin sitting down on the couch and leaning back, whilst yoongi was half laying on the armchair and scrolling through his phone.

"..how about we do something simple for lunch. You want ramen?" Jin asked, Yoongi looking up to nod his head and hum a little.

An few minutes later and Jin was inside the kitchen Yoongi sitting on the counter after Jin nearly once ran into him while grabbing something.



"Got it"

Jin kept looking towards Yoongi every now and then as if to try and get his motivation of him, whilst the smaller was just watching the ramen cook.

"..so.. If I'm already preparing lunch for you do I at least get something in return?" Jin asked with a small smile, Yoongi nodding his head and then leaning a little back.

"Of course.. My presence"

It wasn't even that funny to jin but simply how seriously Yoongi answered made it so incredibly amusing.
Jin couldn't help but laugh a bit, Yoongi just staring at him with a fond smile.

"Anything else though? How about some kisses at least?" Jin continued to ask, Yoongi sighting a bit dramatically.

".. Only a few though" the younger agreed having to smile a bit more as Jin quickly moved in front of him.

"I can live with a few."

"You do?"

"as long as it's from you, definitely"

A sentence which made Yoongi cringe a little, though smile at how cheesy it also was.

"You're such a cliche sometimes" he said, looking up as Jin moved his hands on his cheeks.

"Clichés can be cute though, just like me" Jin grinned, not even waiting for Yoongis reponse at his own compliment and just pushing his lips on his.

Yoongis arms wrapped around jins neck, pulling the taller closer who had to hold back a smile the whole time while kissing Yoongi.

"first one.. Of a few" Yoongi said once breaking the kiss, Jin quickly pushing a peck on the males lips before he spoke.

"Stop counting, I'll stop once a few are reached" Jin smiled, giving Yoongis cheeks a small squeeze, ignoring the small grumble and again pushing his lips on Yoongis who quickly started to kiss back.

It took a while until they parted, jins hands moving on Yoongis waist and leaning closer to the smaller to peck his lips a few times.

"J-.. Jin! Ramen!" Yoongi quickly said as he looked towards the stove, Jin quickly stopping their cute interaction to turn off the stove.

"Well..food is ready" the taller said, putting everything towards the table, Yoongi getting off the counter to sit down on one of the chairs and then wait for Jin.

10 minutes later and they were done, both washing up.

Watching a movie, definetly was Yoongis favorite part that day. Not only because he got to eat the ice cream they bought but also because Jin was extremely sweet the whole time and pushes some small kisses on his neck, shoulder or cheeks whenever there was a part of the movie Yoongi got bored at.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now