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"What exactly are you doing?" Jungkook asked, standing right behind Yoongi who just arrived inside his room and turned around to face the taller.

"Getting some God damn pants" Yoongi answered, grabbing the trousers which laid on the bed only for Jungkook to grab them and throw them in the corner of the room.

Yoongi just stood there, looking towards the corner and then to Jungkook as if having fully giving up on him.

"What?..Don't look at me like that!" Jungkook now said, starting to smile a bit and just pulling Yoongi closer.

"I got three whole hours right now without anyone disturbing us. Why would I want you to put on pants hm?" He asked sighting as if Yoongi was the dumb one.

"I can't put up with your stupidity sometimes, luckily your face is too nice to slap" Yoongi simply said, Jungkook taking it as a compliment and pulling Yoongi with him to his room.

After one whole hour of doing nothing, Yoongi just laying on the bed with Jungkook while the taller was petting Yoongis head, really did put the smaller in a better mood.

It really was relaxing. He didn't expect Jungkook to use his time like that, but he totally appreciated it.

Yoongi really felt like he could fall asleep any second, though this changed when Jungkook pushed him off his chest to lean up and take his shirt off to throw it to the side.

Yoongi just watched a bit clueless while the other stared at him as if expecting something.

"What?" Yoongi asked eventually, Jungkook tapping on his tight to show what he wanted.

"..no thanks" Yoongi said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the pillows.

A reaction Jungkook didn't expect. Yoongi really could be a bit difficult at times.

"Come on.. We got like.. Two more hours, let me enjoy them" Jungkook tried to change the males mind, opening his arms and waiting for Yoongi.

Yoongi sat there for a few more seconds, having his arms crossed only to give up after that and finally move to Jungkook to sit down on his lap.

He couldn't help it, even if he was stubborn, saying no to Jungkook was one of the most difficult things there was for him.

At least he got to see a happy Jungkook after that.

Though also got some kisses afterwards which felt endless after Jungkook kept going even when Yoongi wanted to have a small break.

"JUNGKOOK!.. I'm.. Gonna suffocate if you.. keep this pace up" Yoongi said a bit out if breath, his hand pushed on Jungkooks mouth.

"Ah sorry.. I'm just so excited" Jungkook apologized, moving his hands on Yoongis cheeks to give them a small squeeze.

This day for sure would be very long for Yoongi.

Another kiss here, another one there and just like that the taller was soon placing kisses up Yoongis tights.


"But I just started"

"Kook.. Don't make me" Yoongi warned only for the bunny boy to give him his famous puppy eyes.

".. FINE" Yoongi sighted a bit annoyed leaning back down and letting Jungkook have some fun if that meant that would make him happy.

"Your legs are really nice.. Reminds me of those of a girl somehow" The male spoke looking at Yoongi who just kept watching.


"Anyways, you know I've been hanging out with Tae yesterday and he told me that there would be this huge festival in a few weeks. We have to keep up with work though. This week does feel like vacation" Jungkook rambled, Yoongi listening and slowly leaning up to move his hand through Jungkooks hand.

"Isn't it vacation? I mean after what happened you all do earn it" Yoongi said and gave the taller a small smile, only for Jungkook to immediately push his lips onto his for a few seconds.

"I know~ you do too though. Totally saved my ass"

"Yeah, so feel lucky that I'm indépendant" Yoongi proudly said, having a smile on his lips until he felt a pain in his tight.

"Stop biting me!"

"but it looks nice on you" Jungkook argued, moving further up and pushing his head underneath Yoongis shirt to give his stomach a kiss.

"You're so stupid.." Yoongi mumbled moving his hands where Jungkooks head was to rub there and make his hair messy.

"Ahh okay I give up" Jungkook chuckled leaning back to reveal his messy hair.

"Pfft! You look like a bear just attacked you" Yoongi laughed, Jungkook quickly leaning down to mess Yoongis hair up as well.

"Ah! No! Jungkook" The male chuckled, trying to get away from the other though kept getting pulled back in Jungkooks grip.

"That's my revenge!.. Now we're at least looking like we both got attacked" Jungkook said and finally let Yoongi go.

"By the way.. Jin asked me out for tomorrow but I am not sure what exactly were doing.. He just said dressing casual.. Do you know anything?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook humming in thought before shaking his head.

"No clue.. He really asked you out though?.. Maybe we should've went out as well instead of just staying here" Jungkook sighted as he realized that.

"I like it here though.. It's comfy"

It was the truth, Yoongi really felt more confortable at home.

Jungkook of course started to feel better, starting to talk more about some casual things with Yoongi and after another hour looking at the time to realize how he only had left an hour.

"One hour.. Hey doll.. Wanna play a game?"

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