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Jin brought the now tipsy Yoongi upstairs to his room, making sure he'd stay inside there and won't do anything stupid.

Namjoon meanwhile was getting laughed at by Taehyung after his choice of drinks hasn't been better than his rice water.

"It's irreversible, yet we keep trying to push him into it. Do we really want that to happen?"

"You're so serious out of a sudden, haven't seen you like that in a while now Taehyung"

Taehyung sat there on the armchair, staring at the table that was filled with UNO cards and a few glasses.

"Isn't he right though? I mean, do we know how much he's gonna change if we keep going like this..?" Hoseok asked with a small sight and then shook his head as if to take back what he just said.

"You're overthinking. After all we still are the same as well.. Just a little more two-faced" Namjoon shrugged and then looked at Jimin who just walked in.

"Look at Jimin. He's an perfect example. Being an flirty and sweet boy before who gets on our nerves and now he's still like that.. Just with a small twist"

"Did I miss something?" Jimin asked a little confused, to which Taehyung shook his head and pat besides him for the other to sit down as well.

".. Yoongis drunk" Hoseok then blurted out, Jimin now looking a bit shocked before starting to laugh.


"Yoongi just stop talking already" Jin sighted, trying to make Yoongi shut up to try and get him to sleep.

"I'm not tired.. We should eat barbecue one day.. Or make this- This.. Lamb skewers.. Meat is great, especially with some soda on the side."

"so you want me to make you lamb-Skewers?"

"Lots of them..And one day I'll open an restaurant with Kook that only serves that dish!"

"With Jungkook?... Why exactly with jungkook?" Jin then asked trying not to sound jealous that Yoongi was talking about Jungkook while he was kind of drunk.

"Cuz he likes to eat them."

".. I like them too"

".. Like what?"

"Lamb skewers"

".. Lamb skewers?"

"Forget it. Let's just try to sleep okay.. I'll make.. Your favorite food tomorrow if you go to sleep now yeah?" Jin asked still trying to get Yoongi to sleep.

"Mhm.. Only because you asked me that nicely" he answered finally laying down and closing his eyes.

Jin stayed there for a few more minutes before he was sure Yoongi was asleep, going downstairs to see all of them sitting in the living room and playing UNO.

"Is he asleep?" - Jimin

"I wouldn't have left him if he wasn't" Jin answered and then sat down as well,  looking over at Jungkook and picking up some cards to join the round.

"He told me that you like lamb skewers and wants to open an restaurant with you" the eldest said looking at Jungkook.

"..huh?.. That.. I guess that's not even such an bad idea. I'd totally buy an restaurant and only serve lamb-skewers if that's what he wants" jungkook smiled a bit before frowning as he had to pull two cards.

"Jungkook wake the fuck up!"

"I'M UP!" the male shouted back at Jimin, standing up to quickly get ready and then storm out of his room, nearly walking into Yoongi who passed by and following the smaller with an small smile.

"You like lamb skewers?" he asked once they walked Downstairs, Yoongi looking a bit confused and shrugging his shoulders.

"I can't complain I guess. Meat does taste good."

"Jungkook can you please stop clinging that much onto Yoongi." Hoseok spoke once they all sat down, Jungkook having nothing better to do than to keep trying to feed Yoongi and leaning as close as he could towards the smaller.

"You're just jealous because I'm that close to him!"

"I'm not jealous, you're just getting on his nerves and our nerves by acting like an damn dog"

"An dog? Are you serious right now? Not my fault that you're all making no moves or don't have my charm"

"Your charm my ass" Jimin mumbled quietly, though of course Jungkook heard that.

"My ass your jealousy! He even kisses me on my cheek you suckers! I'm pretty sure he hasn't done that to you yet!" jungkook then said loudly trying to prove his point that they were simply jealous.

"You're lying, that can't be-"

"We kissed for real" Hoseok simply said, peacefully eating his breakfast while Jimin chocked now on his food, Taehyungs soul left his body, Namjoon sat there rethinking what he could've done wrong, Jin praying to God that this was just a joke and Jungkook looking clearly shocked at Hoseok, kind of speechless.

Yoongi stood up without another word, taking a deep breath before hitting the back of Jungkooks head as well and Hoseoks and looking a bit annoyed at them.

"You two fuckers clearly don't know what the word 'Secret' means. This only happened because you got on my nerves! ;pointing at Jungkook
And because you; pointing at Hoseok
Clearly would've told the others about me and jungkook and risk an fight between you but now that doesn't matter anymore anyways because everyone knows.

".. You really wanted us to not fight that badly?" Jimin asked who found it kind of heartwarming how important Yoongi their friendship must be.

"Of course not. Do you have any idea how loud you are? That's fucking annoying whenever you scream or run around the house.. And I also don't wanna get punched again because of any stupid fight" Yoongi added, Jimin looking a little dumbfounded at the other.

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