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Yoongi stared at Namjoon and then laid back on the bed
"woah..thats some interesting origin story. Kinda sounds like something out of an anime or drama" the male said and then stretched his legs.

"It does. But our life is kinda like an drama anyways" Namjoon chuckled a little and then looked over at Yoongi, moving closer to the male and crawling above of him to stare at him for an moment.

Yoongi only stared back at the other, not saying anything and instead just waiting if Namjoon would do anything by himself.

As the taller was leaning down however, the door suddenly opened Taehyung standing in the door to which Yoongi somehow looked a bit annoyed at him.

"Seriously Tae!?" Yoongi said and then leant up Taehyung shrugging his shoulders and walking towards the smaller to cup his face.

"Don't be upset now.. Come on, Namjoon was looking for me half an hour ago didn't you?" he then asked looking at Namjoon who nodded his head.

"Yeah right." the male said and then stood back up to go to his desk and pull out a few papers.

Yoongi looked at the two before leaving the room, somehow a little dissapointed and annoyed that Taehyung just destroyed the mood.

The male walked around the house, until he overheard a conversation in the kitchen

"Jungkook we won't go there, as many times as you ask us to, there's no way that we're actually go there"

"But why shouldn't we?! It's dangerous alright but come on, we're strong enough to protect ourselves, and once they're gone we won't have to worry about them anymore!" the male tried to argue to which Jin gave an small sight.

"You really won't ever understand this do you?.. I know that you're focusing on achieving something to proof yourself but if you continue with this mindset we won't be able to keep this up one day and probably end up involving Yoongi in this as well. We don't want this to happen now do we!?"

"Of course not! I never said anything about involving him I just want to make it easier for us! Once it's over we can finally relax and actually think more-"

"Jungkook get this out of your head. We won't ever do that. If you wanna do it then get yourself some other men for it but what you're imagining is an fucking suicide mission" Jin said a bit more upset to which Jungkook only let out an annoyed frown and storming out of the kitchen, nearly running into Yoongi.

"Follow me." Jungkook said once having seen the male and storming upstairs.



Yoongi did as told, trying to get upstairs just as fast and once inside Jungkooks room, already getting pulled towards the bed.

"Kook what exactly do you wanna do now?" Yoongi asked, not really wanting anything stupid to happen again.

"Relax" Jungkook simply said, pushing Yoongi back onto the bed to which the smaller started to think about his opportunities now

"Jungkook stop! Before you-"

"Before what? BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I REGRET?!" he asked a bit more upset.

"NO! Let's do something else!" Yoongi quickly said, Jungkook looking a bit sceptical at the smaller.

"Tsk.. Like what? Doing yoga or what the fuck do you think? You-"

"Let's take a bath!" Yoongi said after that was the first thing he could think of, but kinda regretting it after he now really thought about it

".. A bath?.. A bath together.. That sounds really good" Jungkook mumbled, letting go of Yoongi, already a bit calmer at the imagination.

Yoongi sighted a bit relieved out after jungkook now at least Was a bit more relaxed, standing up to then hesitantly walk inside the bathroom besides Jungkooks room, jungkook right besides him and walking to the bathtub to turn the water on.

Yoongi just stood there, watching the bathtub fill while Jungkook was looking around the bath to put different stuff inside the water, eventually taking off his shirt to start undressing until he looked at Yoongi who still stood there doing nothing.

"Don't you wanna undress? I don't think that bathing in your clothes would be a good idea" he smiled a little walking to Yoongi with an small grin already thinking about undressing Yoongi himself when the male pushed his hands up.

"Turn around! And then I'm gonna get in.. And then we can bath.. But you have to turn around or else I'll leave, that's my condition" he said and looked at Jungkook who sighted.

"Okay.. If you'll really join me like that I won't complain" Jungkook said and turned around, waiting for Yoongi to be finished.

"Can I turn back around now?.. You're done?"

"Alright, I'm done" Yoongi said sitting inside the bathtub, hugging his knees, not even looking up at Jungkook after the male continued to undress and eventually sat down behind Yoongi who still didn't move an inch.

"..that suggestion really was yours yeah?.. Doesn't really seem like it right now" Jungkook said as he looked at the smaller wrapping his arms around his waist to pull Yoongi closer and laying his head on the smallers shoulder.

"This was an nice idea though, very lovely" Jungkook smiled happily, pushing a few small kisses on Yoongis shoulder.

"You really have some weird mood changes through the day do you know that?" Yoongi asked looking a second back at Jungkook.

"I guess.. Tae said I'm pretty moody even while playing games"

"I don't like it when you're upset like an few minutes ago. It's kinda scary" Yoongi admitted looking back at the water and moving a hand down to hold jungkooks hand.

".. Sorry about that.. I'm kinda bad at controlling my feelings sometimes, especially when I'm angry" Jungkook apologized pushing another kiss on Yoongis shoulder.

"I know that I'm doing lots of stupid stuff, please forgive me if I say or do something you don't like.. It's good when you tell me you don't like it though, just.. Tell me more if you don't like something and I'll try to not do that again" the male spoke and held onto Yoongis hand looking at it before pushing a small kiss on it.

Yoongi wasn't really sure at this point what to think anymore. Jungkook was extremely sweet sometimes, he could be considerate but also extremely stupid when his emotions took control over him. It was like as if he didn't know what he was doing  himself sometimes.



"I love you"

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