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Yoongi didn't want to put up with any of their shit.

It was around 6pm when he walked back to his home, knocking on the door and waiting for someone to open it.

However no one seemed to be at home.
"Did they just drove somewhere without me?" Yoongi spoke pretty angry, looking around for any way to try and get inside the house.

It did look suspicious however and after half an hour the police pulled over after probably some neighbor called them, now questioning Yoongi and about to even get them with him when someone else appeared.

"Now now, Yoongi isn't that you? Nice to see you"

".. I-.. Jung.. Jung- something" Yoongi said already having forgotten his name.

"Jungkook" the other said with a sight and then looked at the officers who stared at him before looking from Yoongi back to Jungkook who grinned at them.

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd let him go guys. We don't want any trouble now do we?" he asked walking up to them.

A few seconds after that Yoongi was let go, they hurried back in their car after mumbling a few apologies and Jungkook pulled Yoongi again closer towards himself.

"so.. Did you just try to break in there? I wouldn't have thought you're a thief.

" I am not! I'm living inside there! "the male tried to explain and then sighted.

"my parents simply.. Forgot to leave me a key that's it." he said trying to get out of Jungkooks grip while he hummed and then grabbed Yoongis hand leaning down close to Yoongi and grinning widely.

"You can join us for the night! If you have nowhere else to go I wouldn't mind you joining us"

"I.. Uh well.. You know. Super super nice of you but I think that doesn't work out. I have class tomorrow and the school is probably a little far from your place" he tried to find an excuse, leaning a bit away and pulling his hand away.

"Hm.. No problem, I'll drive you to school" the taller said showing his bunny smile.
Yoongi wasn't sure what he wanted to do now, when he was about to shake his head though it started to rain.

There he sat in the car of Jungkook, driving to their place while the taller kept his hand on Yoongis tight and as often as Yoongi tried to remove his hand the other kept putting it back there.

"Huh? Yoongi?! Woah what are you doing here?" Jimin asked as he opened the door and looked at Jungkook.

"Did you kidnap him? Damn Jungkook I thought you agree-"

"Woah woah calm down, I just invited him over. I was on my way back here actually when I saw a police car and guess what they wanted to arrest him for breaking into his own house" Jungkook said and then looked back at Yoongi who stood there quietly.

Jimin started to laugh his ass off before letting them in. "Well you can sleep in my r-"

"Hoseoks room!" Jin quickly said pushing Jungkook, who was standing extremely close to Yoongi, away.

"Why in hobis room?" Jimin asked confused as he followed Jin and Yoongi towards Hoseoks room.

"He isn't home, and I don't trust Jungkook" Jin said and looked back at Yoongi.

"No worries you'll have the room for yourself." the oldest smiled at Yoongi who nodded a little, a little relieved when he was alone in the room.

He spend his whole evening in the room. Jin meanwhile made sure nobody disturbed Yoongi, knowing damn well that most of those dirty fuckers would try to get in that room.

"Who the fuck is that in my bed?"

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now