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".. Hey! I'm talking to you!" Yoongi kept repeating himself, trying to get Jungkooks attention who was running around the house after he had some kind of bet with Jimin.

"Can't right now doll" he only said.

It was complete normal behavior he had with the other's but towards Yoongi he was less affectionate, wasn't showing much interest in him anymore and that annoyed Yoongi, even though he himself hated to admit it.

He thought Jungkook was too clingy at the beginning, too posessive and too much to deal with, but now he couldn't really help but miss his attention and how the taller cuddled him and put all his attention on Yoongi.

"You're not hungry?" Hoseok asked, seeing Yoongi who picked at his food.

"No." Yoongi simply said, pushing his plate away from his body and crossing his arms, receiving a few weird looks.

"Do you not like the food? Or is something else wrong?" Jin asked stopping eating to talk to the younger.

"Nothing wrong.. Everythings like a fucking fairytale." Yoongi huffed, standing up only to get pulled back by Hoseok.

"Wait until we're done eating. Or at least excuse yourself before running off" the taller male said only for Yoongi to stand up again with an small annoyed sight.

"Excuse me, I'm going." he simply said and then walked away.

"He's so moody lately" Hoseok mumbled looking at Jin who could only nod his head.

"I saw him screaming in an pillow yesterday, was kinda funny to be honest"

"Really? I saw him throwing around an pillow for around 5 minutes this morning before apologizing to it" Taehyung said, Jimin having to hold back a laugh.

"Now that I think about it, I often saw him standing in front of Jungkooks room" Namjoon now mentioned looking at Jungkook, now all eyes moving to the male.

".. What? I've done nothing! I've literally tried to keep my distance the past few days" Jungkook said holding his hands up in self defense.

"Seriously?.. What's up with him then?" Jimin asked not understanding what Yoongis problem was.

"Do we maybe spoil him too much?" Taehyung then asked before sighting and leaning back.

"He doesn't accept gifts easily anyways, I don't think that's it" Hoseok spoke, having to remember the time he bought Yoongi the newest phone only for the smaller to reject it and throw a tantrum for Hoseok to bring it back to the store.
He wasn't sure if Yoongi just thought that he stole it or if he really didn't like anyone spending money on him though.

Jungkook was walking back to his room after they all finished dinner and opened his door only to find Yoongi laying on his bed and stare a second at him.

"..You've been in my room a lot lately.. Is there something you like about it? Maybe my bed?" Jungkook asked with a small smile, opening his closet to put the clean laundry in it.

"Kinda." Yoongi mumbled standing up to go behind Jungkook and hesitantly wrap his arms around the male, though then didn't expect jungkook to push his hands off.

"Not now doll okay? I can't put my clothes away like that" Jungkook said, and even though he was honest Yoongi felt like Jungkook just full on rejected him showing affection towards the other.

"..You're such a dick"he only whispered, Jungkook turning his head to look a bit confused towards Yoongi.

"what do you mean?"

".. The audacity to even ask me that.. You know what I mean! You keep ignoring me!" Yoongi now finally said, only to get an confused look of Jungkook who wasn't sure what Yoongi meant. He was taking his distance, but he wasn't really ignoring the smaller in his point of view.

"Don't look at me like I am crazy! You're such an fucker!" Yoongi yelled crossing his arms only for Jungkook to look a bit upset now as well.

"Hey hey don't cuss me out for something I didn't even do! You're lately so moody anyways! It's not my fault that you're behaving that way!" Jungkook now argued back.

"IT IS!"

"THEN TELL ME HOW I AM THE REASON FOR YOUR SHITTY MOODY BEHAVIOR!?" Jungkook raised his voice as well only for Yoongi to take a step back and grip with his one hand his other wrist.


It was pretty much quiet after that, Jungkook only staring at Yoongi wide eyed.

".. Do you actually miss me being that clingy?" Jungkook asked quietly after a while, Yoongi standing there a bit awkwardly and not sure what to answer

"Do you?" Jungkook asked again, going towards Yoongi to then put his hands on Yoongis cheeks to make the male look at him.

"You do, am I right?" He then asked a bit more teasingly, having a small grin on his lips.

Yoongi simply stared at the taller, not saying anything and instead wrapping his arms around the male to hug him, which kook gladly returned.

"Sorry Doll.. I thought giving you more space would make you more relaxed and at ease but seems like you don't actually want that" Jungkook smiled a little rubbing Yoongis back before picking him up to go to the bed and sit down there, still hugging the other.

It was an quiet moment, neither of them saying anything after that and rather enjoying some affection when the door suddenly opened and Jin stood there.

"I heard screaming!" he spoke only to look at the two and again calm a bit down.

".. You're good? No problems?"

"No problems.. All good" Yoongi answered before Jungkook could answer and smiling a bit at him only to then return to hug him.

"Take your time" Jin mumbled closing the door again and letting the two alone after it seemed like Yoongi was finally not grumpy anymore.

"They're alright.. Give them some time. They're both young but they for sure learn quickly" Jin said with a small smile, looking down at Jimin who heard the screaming from the other room.

"I sometimes wish he'd carry as much about me as he does for him" Jimin mumbled looking at the door before sighting and walking back to his room.

"I'm sure he cares, after all he got empathy unlike Hoseok" Jin joked, getting a small smile out of Jimin.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora