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"I'm just saying"

"You're for real? Aren't you overdoing it a little?"

"Come on, how bad can it possibly be?"

"Let's see, letting him starve, make sure his friends hate him, let his parents dissappear, making him lose his job, should I continue?"

"Calm a little down, it sounds bad but it's none of your business anyways Mingyu"

"Jungkook you for sure can be called a  psychopath by now, you all can actually" the male sighted a little dissapointed before getting shoved out of the building by jungkook who had enough of what his 'friend' told him.

"I told you he wouldn't understand"

"Honestly, your timing couldn't be any better. Seeing me fail must be so much fun to watch, isn't it?"

Namjoon stood in front of jungkook with crossed arms, a kind of bored expression on his face.

"Not really, you're becoming an hazard if you tell others and they might do something about us. The chances that they try are extremely small, though I wouldn't want any extra work in case it did happen."

"I'm aware of that"

"There he is.. Hey Yoongi!"

It wasn't like he had a chance to really react to it.
He was on his way back home when someone called out his name, therefore he of course stopped to turn around and look who it was. Before he knew he laid on the ground.

"who was it?"
Hoseok stood in front of Yoongi, who stood in the doorway of the house.

Yoongi didn't answer instead staring blankly at Hoseok as if waiting that he'd dissappear again.

"Yoongi, I asked you who did that? You can tell me.. Those bastards will regret it"

After two hours of standing in the door, Yoongi finally gave in telling Hoseok that some random kids of his school did it and got back to watching TV in the living room and trying to sleep.

He was sure Hoseok would do something to those kids, he wasn't sure what, but at the moment he didn't really care.

"Yoongi open the door it's me!" No other than Jimin who knocked on the door.

"Yoongi! Open the door! I'm waiting baby"

The male of course wasn't planning on letting jimin in after Hoseok already made such a drama. Instead he quickly walked out the backdoor and decided to go somewhere else.

"He isn't there"
".. What do you mean? Bruh I'm literally inside his house right now and he's not here"
".. Of course I broke in, what else did you expect? Anyways the backdoor is open I think he went out." Jimin spoke on the phone walking around the house and looking through Yoongis stuff, actually taking his time on it.

"Found him"

Only a few minutes after jimin told him, there stood Namjoon only a few feet away from Yoongi who sat on an wall and was focused on his phone.

The taller sat down as well right besides Yoongi, saying nothing and just watching him.

It kinda creeped the smaller out, though he decided to not say anything and ignore namjoon who didn't seem to stop being interested even after Yoongi kept looking at his phone.

At this point he wasn't sure if it was coincidence that he kept meeting them at random locations.

It also started to make sense. He lost his friends right after they appeared, as well as his parents. Therefore he wanted to avoid them as much as he could, but that was difficult if they didn't stop bothering him.

"..those guys won't bother you anymore by the way." namjoon simply said after a while, leaning closer to Yoongi and grinning an little.

"Tough to be you isn't it?.. You must've figured it out by now. Let's finally end this."

"Its time to make a decision Yoongi."
Jungkook who was walking towards them spoke up, followed by Taehyung and Jin. The other two seemed to still be busy.

Now Yoongi was sure that he was right.
They made his life a living hell, only to make sure he would decide to go with them.
It was kinda pathetic, to think that such a big gang which had such big influence couldn't get him out of all people and had to put that much work in it.

It was only laughable how pathetic he found them, and that's exactly what he did.

Of couse he got some confused looks, followed by an annoyed jungkook who didn't understand what was going on.

"Why are you laughing? We want an damn decision right now. This wasn't an joke"

"You're all.. Isn't it just wonderful how you ruinind my life once and for all with those pathetic actions of yours?! Deciding to bother me and expecting me to be your small lap dog after messing everything up that much-"

"Listen we-"Taehyung started talking not letting Yoongi finish only to get another small chuckle from Yoongi who then interrupted him.

"I'm not done yet. I just love how you decided to even send my parents away, probably killing those two who bothered me today as well hm!? I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to kill me at this point. Maybe you should do that though, come on! I'm waiting!"

"Oh.. There's what we wanted. Someone's getting finally insane hm? Our little lap dog" Namjoon smirked a little, petting Yoongis head like a dog who slapped his hand away and nearly jumped onto namjoon, though got pulled to the side by Jin.

"Calm down, use that energy for something else my dear. Do you really think we were the ones who made your friends decide against you?"

"It was their own decision" Jungkook added as he leant against the wall and let Taehyung continue.

"We gave them the option, letting you stay their friends or choosing a little bit of money and having their fun knowing that they're better than you. Do you really think those guys were your friends to start with?
The human nature is scary on its own, how easily they can make such decisions to ruin someone's life without a second thought."

"and your parents.. They decided to go for the money as well.. Impressive how a small amount of money can turn people's minds around and made you, Min Yoongi, even their own son kind of worthless by abandoning him for some money." Jungkook continued and then leant down to cup Yoongis face.

"Let's go home Yoongi"

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now