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"Haven't you had enough?"

"Me? Never."

"You're putting way too much trust in your pathetic skills"

"At least I'm trying and I'm not showing off like an fucking peacock"

"Did you just compare me to an peacock?"

"Yes. I did."

"Can you two please keep your mouths shut for an stupid minute,  I'm trying to watch something here" Hoseok spoke rather annoyed at Jimins and Jungkooks talking.

The two were playing on their phones an stupid mobile game to fight each other with different characters.

Jungkook shut up after that, as well as Jimin, knowing that they didn't want to mess with hobi and his favorite TV show.

And then there was a loud bang heard, everyone looking towards the door.

"Let me guess, Namjoon ?" Jimin asked looking at the two only to get a small sight as response.

"He really won't ever change." said Hoseok.

"Three, two, one" Jungkook started to count down only to hear Jin screaming once he reached zero.

"There it is" Jimin cheered, with a small smile,  Jungkook returning to playing the game.

Yoongi stood besides Taehyung watching what happened in the kitchen.

A pot with some leftover food on the floor and Namjoon who got an lecture from Jin while cleaning the mess up.

A pretty normal day.

It had been two whole weeks since they returned from their weekend trip.

Taehyung and Jimin finally being less flirty, though still every now and then getting a bit touchy like usual.

Yoongi really was getting used to this life. Nothing bothered him too much apart from some screams and loud noises, maybe too much touching but that was it.

The mood was kinda relaxing, it was calm compared to other days. This peaceful day however, only made the next day seem even more horrifying for Yoongi, as that one wasn't as calm and chill like the day before.

It all started with Jin receiving an call,   then discussing with Namjoon, getting some opinions of the others and then finally reaching Jungkook who started to argue with Jin.

It happened often and often it ended up with something being destroyed by Jungkook when he had his rampage.

This day was different however.

Instead of throwing an tantrum after having an private conversation with Jin, he simply walked out of the house, not taking an look at any of them and driving off with his car.

He just left, leaving an speechless Jin,  who then started to panic and gathered the other's.

Yoongi wasn't sure what was happening. He never had understood what exactly was happening between Jin and Jungkook and all those endless arguments. It seemed private,  though very important.

"Jin.. Jin hey! JINNIE!" Yoongi finally got Jins attention after a couple of tries the male being busy messaging some people.

"Yoongi?.. Yes?" Jin asked not putting his phone to the side but at least looking at Yoongi.

"What's going on? Where did Jungkook go?"

"He's.. Going home" Jin simply said though Yoongi wasn't too sure what to think about that.

Did Jin mean his parents house? Did he maybe have an own apartment somewhere and went there?

"Jin come on, you're all going crazy right now.. Tell me what's happening."

The taller looked a second at Yoongi, forrwing his eyebrows and shaking his head a bit.

"Yoongi sorry but it's really not the tim-"

"Huh? Not the time? Jungkook just left, you're looking like you're going to cry in an second and the other's are calling people endlessly and Hoseoks even seems to be about to drive off as well. Either you tell me what's going on or I'm gonna fucking annoy the shit out of you"

Jin sighted for a second and then decided to give up.

"Okay but the explanation is a bit.. Difficult..

So you must've noticed me and Jungkook arguing often.. I'm not sure if you know his back story or not though-"

"Namjoon told me, at least how he got to know him" Yoongi quickly said and then again shut up to let Jin continue.

"so the business we're in isn't easy.. I'm not proud to say this but I know Jungkook since he was a child. I was working with his brother to be exact, we were trained together, kinda got into an business realtionship and I ended up working for his brother.

From Namjoons story you must know that Jungkook wasn't treated the best. The problems really started though once his brother got independant. His own men, big gang, lots of money because of his father.
I wasn't really into the dirty work too much, his brother, Jung-Hyun, respected that and let me mostly drive.. I thought he was an okay guy, until everything got to his head and he killed his own mother. After that his father of course tried to to against him though failed and his men turned against him.
I could only watch as Hyun took over everything his father had achieved. I was already at my limit once he killed his own mother,  but when he went for Jungkook, the small boy, who I had to watch suffering every damn day, I just stopped following his orders.

I went against him and joined Jungkook. Kook started to build up his own gang soon after, he already had a few men following his orders and now it turned into this.. The one who called earlier was his father. He told me to tell Jungkook that his brother wanted to see him for business purposes. I just want him to think about what he's actually doing, not just act out of spite and pure rage. Jungkook is going to fight his way to his brother and probably kill him, this however makes it much more difficult. I just know that Hyun set something up. He wouldn't meet for business purposes, he's like Jungkook,  just fighting to get what he wants" Jin explained and then moved a hand through his hair.

".. Wait so Jungkook is now on his way to meet his brother?.. And it's probably a trap and he could die?" Yoongi tried to put together,  Jin nodding in response.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STILL HERE, LET'S FOLLOW THIS STUPID MUSCLE RABBIT" Yoongi said a bit louder really not wanting the male to die, even if he sometimes was just freaking annoying.

Jin looked a bit surprised at the attitude change only to then walk towards the door with Yoongi and get everyone together.

"Okay, we got the Adress. Weapons are in the car, someone grab a first aid kid we're gonna need it!" Hoseok organized and then grabbed the car keys to throw them to jin.

"Jimin, Taehyung you go behind, Me and jin go front,  Namjoon you go left,  there is another open side"

"What about me?" Yoongi asked Hoseok who looked a second at Yoongi before petting his head.

"You're lucky we even let you go with us. You're gonna stay in the car." Hoseok spoke and just when Yoongi was about to rant Jimin already pulled him inside the car, only sitting at the side while Jin drove, Namjoon gave some instructions on who takes which weapon and the others starting to prepare whatever they'd need.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now