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((A lot more parts will follow after this today))



Jin stood besides Namjoon who watched from the window downstairs how Yoongi and Jungkook tried to find the small screw Jungkook had accidentally let fall out of the window while trying to repair it.

Jin just stood there trying to understand why Namjoon shut him up when he took a closer look at Yoongi who was leaning down in front of the window, having to check underneath the sunbeds while Jungkook was looking at the other side.

"Why are yo-"

"PSST" Jin and Namjoon both hissed, looking back at Yoongi, while Hoseok just joined them to stare at his behind.

"Don't move too much.. Or he'll notice.." Namjoon whispered, not even looking as Taehyung and Jimin appeared from the living room.

And there they all stood 5 guys staring at Yoongi who was crouching down on the ground and not even considering helping them.

Jungkook finally got up after a while to try and help Yoongi only to spot all five of them in the window and bite his bottom lip a bit annoyed.

"How about you look over there, I'll look here" He said, Yoongi getting up and humming a bit.

"Oh seriously kook!?" Taehyung frowned, Jin clearing his throat and returning to what he wanted to do while Namjoon had the brilliant idea to help them after those 5 minutes of staring.

"Found it!" Jungkook eventually said holding it up and watching Yoongi who stretched.

"Finally.. Took us long enough" The male mumbled, trying to clean some dirt off his pants only for Namjoon to suddenly pick him up bridal style.

"Huh!? The fuck are you doing?" Yoongi asked, holding onto namjoon as he started to walk back inside.

"Is he horny?" Jimin asked as he looked up from his phone seeing Namjoon carrying Yoongi.

"Who wouldn't be horny after that?" Taehyung asked with a small grin, only for Jimin to giggle especially as he saw Yoongis reaction.

"Hor-Hey hey! No. Let me down now." the smaller immediately said only for Namjoon to sight a bit and let Yoongi down on the couch inside the living room.

"No need to panic now, it's not like I wanted to do anything" Namjoon said and then frowned a bit more as he saw Yoongis suspicious look.

"I'm not lying."

"Okay.. I'll trust you on that" Yoongi said and then crossed his arms.

How long had it been since he knew them?
A year? Maybe longer?

And yet there he was still unsure sometimes about being touchy.

It had been a week already since Jin had found the location, a week since Jungkook poisened himself and now the Maknea line came up with something stupid again.

"what? Are you sure that'd work out?"

"Of course. Have you seen the look on his face when Namjoons friend was over?" Jimin asked and then started to grin.

"I swear, he'd go nuts if he'd be jealous. Just a little jealousy and he'd totally try to push himself onto us"

".. That makes absolutely no sense.. That must totally work out" Jungkook agreed and then gave Jimin and Taehyung a high five.

"How do we do that though?"

"Good question.. The other's would be upset if we brought lots of guy or girls here" Taehyung sighted crossing his arms.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora