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After another few minutes, Yoongi getting dressed even though Tae kept insisting that he wouldn't have anything against the male staying a bit longer naked.

"Ay can we drive back home? I'm tired and feeling dirty" Yoongi spoke, looking at Taehyung who was again and again pulling the male in to cuddle him on the backseat.

".. Alright but you'll spend the night in my room" Tae said, not even accepting any other answer.

The ride home was rather quiet, Taehyung pretty much smiling like an idiot and every now and then looking back at Yoongi not taking his hand off his tight.

A clean and rather relaxed Yoongi later, they both laid in Taes bed, most of the other's already asleep after it was around 4am.

Yoongi was still asleep around lunchtime when Taehyung made his way downstairs to join the other's at lunch.

Stepping inside the kitchen shirtless with a proud grin on his lips, wanting to show off the slightly visible scratches on his shoulder and back to prove that they actually did it.

"Get that damn smirk off your lips and sit down like a normal person. We're here to eat not to fight your ass" Jungkook said kinda pissed, playing around with his food and holding back to slap the male.

"Is someone sensetive? Or just jealous that I was his first~? Taking our cute little Yoongis virginity" Tae kept grinning, sitting down only for Jungkook to abruptly stand up, smacking his hands on the table.

"And!? At least I wouldn't make such a scene if I'd be his first! I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna do nothing" Jin interrupted them, sighting a bit and leaning back in his chair.

"Jungkook there's nothing you can do now, sit back down and relax. We're all not very.. Pleased to hear the news." Jin said looking around the boys, the mood being rather stiff.

Jungkook slowly sat down again, still glaring at Taehyung who provokingly kept grinning and peacefully ate his food, only to then stop as he took a glance around the other's who seemed to have the exact same thought as him.

They all wanted to be the first person to comfort the smaller once he woke up.
Therefore Jungkook finishing his plate and disspearing made them mostly jump up, already having seen it coming that the youngest would run upstairs to Yoongi.

"JUNGKOOK! Don't you dare!" Jin shouted, making his way upstairs as well, just like the others, Jimin literally throwing himself onto Jungkook before he could open the door and trying to keep him out of the room.

"Ah! jimin ! Get off me! I just wanna take a look!" Jungkook yelled and then looked at the bunch of boys who literally argued who'd be the one to go inside the room and take care of Yoongi.

Taehyung had a good point, he was the reason for it he took care of it.
But no one really wanted him to now keep spending time with Yoongi after he already had spend enough time with him the last night and had gotten further than any of them.

Jin screaming at Jungkook when the male pushed jimin off him and Taehyung and Hoseok arguing, Namjoon trying to calm Jin and Jungkook down, lead to none of them apart from Jimin noticing the door opening a creek to reveal an pretty tired Yoongi peeking outside.

They both made eye contact before jimin decided to just sneak inside.
Once the door closed again, he looked at Yoongi, the male wearing one of Taehyung shirts and boxers, still looking half asleep and limping a bit as he walked.

"Wait let me help you" Jimin spoke, wrapping an arm around the male to help him go back to the bed.

"Thanks.. They're.. So loud" Yoongi mumbled barely audible and laid back down, yawning before he rubbed his hip.

"Can I join you?" Jimin asked standing in front of the bed, smiling a bit as Yoongi nodded his head and quickly laying down wrapping his arms around the smaller to cuddle him.

"..They're all going nuts because of what happened between you two.. Don't worry about it though."

"I don't. I just wanna rest but those fuckers get on my nerves" Yoongi said shaking his head a bit and again closing his eyes too lazy to complain about jimins hug which kept getting tighter when the other heard someone trying to open the door

Outside of the room, they all stood there Still arguing until Hoseok accidentally hit his head against Jungkooks when getting pushed by Taehyung.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Namjoon started to head count.

".. Five?.. Where's jimin?" He asked everyone looking around a bit confused until, Taehyung carefully opened the door to peek inside and again close it

"He's inside.."

"This small jerk"

"Hey hey, calm down you can still be his second one" Taehyung spoke, sitting with Jungkook on the couch who was pouting like a child this time instead of throwing shit around.

"That isn't as good as the first one" Jungkook said and then looked up at Hoseok who walked by to sneak a comment.

"The first doesn't mean you're the best one though" he said and then left again, Jungkook starting to smile a bit as he couldn't stop but agree.

"He's right, I'm probably gonna be even better in bed, and then he's gonna prefer me"

"Huh!? That's your conclusion? I don't think that's how it works!" Taehyung said and gave Jungkooks shoulder a small hit.

"I think it's legit. Once he's feeling needy he's gonna prefer to go to me! And that's definitely more than enough for me" Jungkook grinned play fighting against Tae who did the same.

"How do you even know that you're gonna be the best?" Jin asked as he walked inside raising an eyebrow as he had listened to them.

"Why wouldn't I be the best? Namjoon is the soft type, boringgg~, Tae probably too teasing and a jerk, Jimin too needy himself, you're caring too much and Hoseok would be too strict and evil! Therefore I am left and I'd be the best" Jungkook said and shrugged his shoulders as if what he told was simply a fact.

"You're such an idiot.. You do know that it has to be based on his opinion and not on yours right?" Jin spoke the younger stopping his playful punches and looking up at Jin.

"right.. I'm sure he's gonna be-"

"You're too posessive if you ask me" Namjoon commented, walking inside the living room as well and sitting down.

"That doesn't matter!"

"It does jungkook, if you're getting on his and our nerves it's not gonna be important" Taehyung said before sighting a bit.

"Aren't you a bit too soft for him anyways?" The younger then asked looking up at Namjoon who furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not too soft, I'm simply.. Respecting him"

"Respecting him? By letting him do all the work?" Jin asked now, having to agree a bit to what Jungkook said.

"I'm not letting him do everything!"

"but you'd definitely let him ride you and let him do most of the work. From what I've heard-" Jin started only for Namjoon to slightly push his shoulder.

"Don't believe what you heard then! Also you'd totally let him ride you as well! Don't act like that's weird"

"He's right about that" Taehyung shrugged with a small smirk, only for Jungkook to grumble a bit and look at him.

"It's unfair that you already got your turn" he mumbled before looking back at Namjoon and jin who kept arguing about who of them would be better in the bedroom.

"He's literally gonna feel like you're a mum to him if you keep acting like that"-Namjoon

"Maybe he got mommy issues! Then it'd at least fit, not unlike you who acts like an unprofessional but supportive dad"

"Well maybe he got daddy issues as well!" Namjoon argued only for Jin to continue commenting on it until Hoseok walked back inside the room.

"You all suck anyways, you all miss some damn good discipline."

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