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Yoongi slowly turned around only to see Taehyung grin more and was about to walk off when the male already put his hands on the wall behind Yoongi to trap the male.

"So.. I see you're done in jins room. You won't have anything against me having a turn now do you?" The male asked, Yoongi sighting a bit and moving his hands on Taehyungs cheeks who looked at Yoongi without breaking eye contact.

Only when Yoongi gave both of Taehyung cheeks a small slap the male stopped staring and put his hands on his cheeks to rub them, Yoongi using the chance to get away from Taehyung only to run into Jimin.

Luck wasn't on his side that evening.

He really would've preferred namjoon or even Hoseok at this point.

"oh~ what a coincidence. I thought you and jin were already going for it but I guess you changed your mind" the male smiled and moved his hands on Yoongis waist, the smaller taking a step back and trying to remove jimins hands only to bump with his back against Taehyung who again stood behind him.

"It's still so charming how you keep try to get away. Somehow makes it even more fun."

"You two are seriously annoying" Yoongi frowned, still trying to get Jimins hands off his waist though whenever he did that Taehyung would just put his hands there and once he removed those jimins were back on his waist.

"I'm not in the mood, both of you fuck off"

"Sounds like an invitation to me" Jimin grinned pecking Yoongis lips.

"More like jerk off" Taehyung chuckled pulling Yoongi back against himself and wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him inside his room followed by jimin.

"Hey hey, don't fuck around now!" Yoongi spoke trying to get away, though failed and once inside the room and getting pulled onto the bed he just crossed his arms and refused to give them any further attention.

"Oh baby don't be like that.. Just a little fun, nothing more.. Are you really not in the mood?" Taehyung asked with a small pout as he saw Yoongis body language and moved his hands on the males cheeks only for Yoongi to not even spare him an glance.

"Gosh, you behave like a bitch" Jimin sighted getting on the bed as well and then receiving a slap on his shoulder from Taehyung, who then gave him a specific look.

".. You're really not in the mood? Are we too pushy?" The male asked Yoongi simply sighting and finally sparing them a glance.

"You're both too pushy and too much of an horny ass. It's just annoying." Yoongi spoke, grabbing one of the pillows and hitting both of them once.

"Get a grip! If I don't want to I simply don't want to."

"You really don't..?" Jimin asked taking the pillow off Yoongi and looking the male a second up and down, moving his hand to Yoongis to hold it.

"We could figure something out. If we really don't get you in the mood we can always stop" Taehyung suggested, taking Yoongis other hand and leaning a bit forward to the smaller.

".. I mean that's not wrong, I suppose" Yoongi mumbled, which was a big mistake, the two immediately stepping into action, Taehyung pulling Yoongi between his legs and pushing small kisses on his neck while jimin was busy pushing kisses all over Yoongis face and moving his hands around on his tights.

"This is more like what I imagined" Taehyung mumbled with a small smirk, looking to jimin who gave him an grin back, clearly having outplayed Yoongi by playing sweet as if actually considering what the male wanted.

"Cute~, you're gonna look like such a hot mess once we're done" Jimin smiled, Yoongi about to say something, though couldn't as the other already pushed his lips on Yoongis, Taehyung meanwhile leaving some hickeys on Yoongis neck.

To Yoongi this was all just a little bit too overwhelming, Jimin not stopping the what felt like endless kissing and lip biting while Taehyung didn't stop covering Yoongis neck with hickeys and a few bite marks, while also sliding his hand underneath his shirt to explore Yoongis upper body.

"Such a healthy boy. Seems like Jins healthy cooking is really paying off" Taehyung said as if it was a fact.

And now Jimin finally let go of Yoongis lips, having heard Taehyung and moving one of his hands on Yoongis stomach and up to his chest.

"You're right. Very healthy compared to what we started with."

"W-whats that supposed to mean!?" Yoongi asked a little out of breath not sure what they meant.

"You're at a healthy weight now. You just ate those instant noodles when your parents were gone so compared to that you're healthy now" Taehyung quickly explained, Yoongi finally understanding and moving a hand to his upped body as if to check if they were right, not really having thought about that yet.

"Let's continue now though, we're just getting started" Jimin grinned, again pecking Yoongis lips and moving his hands back on Yoongis tights.

Taehyung was still busy with Yoongis upper body, having his fun there and pushing his shirt up every now and then to then eventually take it off.

"Just as pretty as the last time" Taehyung smiled moving his head on Yoongis shoulder and watching jimin for an few seconds.

"I want an kiss too though" The tallest of them mumbled, Tae moving his hand on Yoongis cheek as soon as jimin let go of the males lips, to pull Yoongis face to the side and push his lips on his, Jimin now moving his kisses on Yoongis upper body and not minding Yoongis hands in his hair which messed his hair up a bit.

Kiss after kiss, the two others kept switching who's turn it was, leaving Yoongi even more breathless and red faced as he tried to somehow not make any sounds once Taehyung moved a hand on his crotch and started to rub it.

"It's adorable how shy you are whenever someone is giving you this kind of attention. Such a shy baby~" Taehyung kept teasing with a grin on his lips once hearing a small whimper.

"Aww~ you're right. You look so cute while embarrassed though cutie, such a pretty boy" Jimin agreed, giving Yoongis lips another small peck only to then take off his own shirt, seeing Taehyung do the same a moment after and meanwhile taking over his action, moving his hand a little faster around on Yoongis growing bulge.

"Sensetive.. Aren't touching yourself a lot are you?" Jimin asked as if that was normal to ask, moving Yoongis hands on his shoulders to make sure the smaller had something to hold onto in case he needed it.

"J-just Shut up" Yoongi mumbled not really in the mood to answer such questions at the moment and leaning his head back against Taehyung who had to hold back a small chuckle.

"Gosh, I do love how rude you sometimes are" Tae said and then reached with his hand down to remove jimin hand and open the button of Yoongis pants before sliding his hand in them and underneath his boxers to which Yoongi could only widen his eyes and gripped a bit harder on jimins shoulders as Taehyung started to jerk him off.

"You're so impatient Tae" Jimin chuckled pushing a kiss on Yoongis red cheeks.

"Not my fault. He's simply too stunning not to touch"

It really felt like a blessing for Jimin to be able to watch Yoongi in such an state, the male already looking kinda messy and pushing his body back against Taehyung to try and stable himself while having his head turned a bit to the side while moaning not wanting to look at jimin as Yoongi thought this was already embarrassing enough.

"Damn.. I really feel like my heart is going to explode" Jimin sighted a bit taken back by the sight and moving a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat

"Wanna take over?" Taehyung asked, looking down to Yoongis tights and then back up at jimin.

"for sure dude"

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now