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"Is this really your room?.. Looks a bit.."

"Yeah.. I was a little angry yesterday evening" Jungkook said with an small smile as he looked inside his room, which looked like an complete mess

".. Is that your mattress on your closet?"

"Ah no.. Just a part of it"

".. A part of it?"

"Yeah I cut it off" Jungkook said like it was totally normal and then sat down on the ground.

"Hey you-.. The fuck happened here? Did someone break in!?" Jimin asked looking at Taehyung and jungkook.

"No, just Jungkooks natural surroundings" Taehyung smiled, going back out of the room to let jungkook clean up his mess himself and instead have a look at Yoongi.

The smaller was inside his room, kinda bored but keeping himself busy by looking through his phone when Taehyung opened the door.

"Have you heard Jungkook going nuts yesterday?" the male asked sitting down on the bed and looking what Yoongi was doing.

"Not really, I heard some banging but thought that maybe was just you guys having another fight about some stupid stuff and therefore continued sleeping" Yoongi shrugged and then yawned, stretching a little before sighting.


"A little.."

Taehyung watched the smaller for an minute, not even minding that Yoongi was laying underneath a blanket and simply moving underneath the blanket as well to then cuddle the smaller.

"Nooo.. You ruined this comfortable warmth" Yoongi complained only to then get Pulled closer against Taehyung.

"Sorry, but now you can enjoy my warmth, much better.. And once you actually fall asleep and wake up it's still gonna be really comfortable and warm.. And you might even get some kisses or more" Taehyung grinned, raising an eyebrow, though stopped as Yoongi only sighted and then closed his eyes to try and take his nap.

At around 5pm Yoongi again woke up, seeing Taehyung sleep besides him and carefully tried to get away without waking the other up

After 5 minutes he finally managed to get away only to then walk into Jin who was about to go inside his room.

"Why are you sneaking around on your tiptoes?" the taller asked a bit confused, Yoongi carefully closing the door and sighting.

"I didn't want Taehyung to wake up.. Didn't want him to get on my nerves"


"Wanna join me?"

"Can you pass me the soda?"

"AY!YOU SON OF A- I said pass not throw" Jimin said a bit annoyed, the can nearly having hit his face.

"Calm your ass down, after all your reflexes should be fast enough to catch it" Jungkook grinned and then leant back in his chair only to fall back and hit the ground as Jimin pushed the chair further back.

"Your refkexes should've seen that coming" the smaller only said with an amused grin on his lips, which shortly after turned into an shocked expression.

"Suck my dick you-.. Why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook asked about to give the other an small hit on his shoulder when jimin pointed behind him.

Jungkook slowly turned around unsure what to expect only to look just as shocked if even more as he saw Yoongi standing there with blonde hair.

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