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"That sounded kinda weird" Yoongi mumbled only for Jimin to start chuckling

"Now now, you're the naughty one. Haven't seen that coming"

"I'm not naughty! Your fault for making it sound that weird" Yoongi said frowned a bit, taking a few bites of the food, only to choke when the door suddenly opened.

"I swear to Jesus Christ and whoever that you haven't done anything!" Jin said standing in the door and looking at the two only to walk to Yoongi to pat his back at the caughing male.

"You're good?" Jimin asked leaning up and putting the tray again to the side to get off the bed.

"Gosh, my poor baby. Nothing hurts too much right? Need anything else? Painkillers or-"

"Already got him everything" Jimin stopped Jin mid sentence, patting the males shoulder to calm him down.

"I'm alright Jin, you-"

"No, not accepting that. Tae shouldn't have left your side anyways, not even giving proper aftercare" Jin sighted and then, pushed a kiss on Yoongis forehead who wasn't really bothered at Tae leaving. After all it was nice having the bed to himself, at least until jimin came and even then the smaller at least wasn't bothering him that much and just let him continue sleeping.

"he really has that in common with Jungkook" Jimin mumbled before looking at the door as if to check that Jungkook wasn't standing there.

"He's like an kid, I swear.. From what I've seen whenever he brought someone home he's like, going for it, then aftercare for an minute, gets bored and does something else. Or he's going for an second round like out of nowhere like some horny rabbit."

"They're both a bit questionable.. Not to mention how they are probably still arguing downstairs about their dick size" Jin said while cleaning the bed a bit up and making sure Yoongi was comfortable.

"..did jungkook bring lots of people home? Like did he hookup a lot?" Yoongi asked after what he had heard only for Jimin to quickly pet Yoongis head.

"Not anymore dont worry. Since he saw you he's.. Going nuts for you. But he did in fact bring lots of different people, was kinda dangerous sometimes and we kept reminding him but he just kept arguing and telling us how he didn't like motels or hotels because they weren't giving him the same vibe as his own bedroom" Jimin spoke and then sat again down on the bed once Jin was done.

"You should've seen Hoseok before he got to know you.. Even I think it's scary how he acts sometimes, like seeming like the most normal one out of us all but then being a damn masochist and not being able to take a joke when he's not in the mood for it" Jin spoke, only to freeze as he felt a hand on his back, neither of them having noticed Hoseok sneaking inside.

"Interesting isn't it? If it'd actually be a funny joke I guess I'd be in the mood" he spoke, taking his hand off jins back and instead leaning towards Yoongi, bending a bit down to peck his lips and then squeeze his cheeks.

"feeling fine, yeah? You should stay in bed today. I'll bring you some snacks later" He said ignoring Jin and Jimin who watched.

"Also, I apologize for walking in without knocking first,  the door was open anyways, so I assumed it'd be acceptable to just walk in and make it a bit more fun" He then spoke, turning around to look at Jin.

"It's okay.. Anyways, are the other's still arguing downstairs?" Jin asked Hoseok shaking his head a little.

"I think Jungkook is working out again and Tae wanted to go somewhere else with Namjoon."

"Bunch of idiots" Jimin said only for Yoongi to hold back a small chuckle.

"I'll be going out as well, take good care of Yoongi, I'm gonna be back soon" Hoseok said looking again at the smaller who wasn't really too bothered by everything only to then grumble a bit as Hoseok pecked his lips again.

"At least ask next time" Yoongi mumbled, Hoseok only chuckling as he walked out of the room.

"He's really something else.." Yoongi then mumbled leaning back with a small sight.

"Can't blame him, he was simply raised like that." Jimin shrugged

"You mean his parents raised him to not ask for something?" Yoongi questioned looking a bit dumbfounded at jimin.

".. Ah.. Well difficult to explain" Jimin said and then looked at Jin.

"You know.. Hoseok grew up in an rather strict household, that's why he's sometimes so obsessed with manners and this stuff. Simply to explain it, strict parents, having high expectations of him and making sure he got whatever he wanted as long as he would act like they said." Jin tried to simply explain Yoongi nodding his head as he started to understand hoseoks behavior.

".. And then he got into an gang? Isn't that contradicting? "

"it is. I mean he's literally went insane one day when his parents took it too far, taking his anger out on strangers on the street when we got to know him. It was pretty much of a mess when Taehyung suddenly showed up with him on the doorstep." Jin smiled a bit as he remembered the scene of Hoseok greeting himself in an prince like manner only for Taehyung to tell them that Hoseok nearly beat the shit out of Taehyung when he tried to approach him.

"he hasn't seen his parents since. I guess it was better that way anyways"

"Yoongi haven't you rested enough now?"

"Let me stay in bed"

"But you've literally not been doing anything at all since yesterday, it's getting boring" Jungkook complained, pulling on Yoongis arm who was still laying in bed just like the day before.

"I'm not in the mood to though"

"You're like such an old man sometimes" The male sighted letting go of Yoongis arm and crossing his own arms sitting down on the bed, kinda grumpy that the other didn't want to join him after it was his turn to go and get groceries.

Jungkook just sat there quietly, Yoongi not saying anything as well only to then let out a small sight and get out of bed with a small grumble.

"give me 5 minutes" he only mumbled disappearing inside the bathroom with some fresh clothes, the bunny boy immediately starting to grin happily and already walking downstairs to get ready as well.

"Jungkook put that back"

"But I want to buy it"

"Do you even eat that?"

".. No.. But the picture on it looks cool duh"

Yoongi really felt like he was arguing with a kid sometimes, Jungkook was simply childish in some situations, not that it was bad, it just wasn't something Yoongi would've expected the male to be like when he first saw him.

"Can you grab some cherries as well? Also we need new milk" Yoongi said looking at Jungkook who kept putting more stuff in their shopping cart than they actually needed.

"Is that a Frisbee? Why the fuck do you need that?" Yoongi asked holding the object up only for jungkook to smile a bit more.

"To play of course!"

".. But it's literally gonna be winter soon"

Yoongi didn't question the younger after that anymore, just letting him continue. After all it wasn't his money the male spend.

They all must've had a lot of money anyways, from what he had seen at least.
Taehyung mostly spending it on clothes from high fashion brands, Jungkook buying the most useless stuff he found cool and Jimin who was renovating his room like once every month.

"That'll be 354,50$"

That was for sure a lot for so much useless junk.

Jungkook paid like it was nothing to him though.

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