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"Is a dumbass" Yoongi finished Jins sentence, sitting arms crossed in the car which was parked right besides an street light.

"Nice one" Jimin smiled while opening the door, followed by the other's.

"Okay Yoongi. We'll be soon back, just watch the car" Jin said ignoring an annoyed Yoongi and just closing the car door in front of him before quickly making his way towards the building.

Yoongi watched them go, still having his arms crossed.

He really didn't want to just sit there and watch like some kind of dog that was told to stay in the car.

"Okay Yoongi.. Think.. Use your brain for once" He mumbled to himself slapping his cheeks and then sighting not sure what to do or how to help.

He for sure could help, he just wasn't too sure how.

One minute passed and he still sat there, standing up out of nowhere and just deciding to finally go, opening the door and trying to quietly close it.

He looked a second at the building, now noticing he hadn't even any weapon and looked around him,  grabbing an plank as this was the first and best thing he could find.

Now it only was time to sneak up.

"Jungkook or do you prefer the name brother? I don't mind honestly. It's been a while hasn't it?"

"But I do" The said male spoke, clearly annoyed, glaring at the person opposite of him.

It was an older building, rather shabby, no civilians, seemingly only the two of them.

"I'm not stupid, you aren't either. If you try to shoot, I'll shoot" Hyun simply said shrugging his shoulders,  looking pretty much amused at how upset Jungkook looked.

They both were excellent at understanding each other's body language, what situation they were in and how they are a threat to each other.

"I'm not here to fucking speak, if I die and you die as well, so shall it be" Jungkook spoke trying his best to relax his grip to stop digging his nails in his palms and ruin his skin.

"Okay,  go on." His brother grinned sitting down on one of the chairs and crossing his legs.

Jungkook felt stupid. He wasn't taken serious, this bastard of brother was even leaning back kind of relaxed as if he was sure Jungkook wouldn't ever do anything.

It only made Jungkook feel more unsure, had he anything installed in this room which would protect him? Was there something else Jungkook didn't notice?

He knew that Hyun had a gun like him, there was an knife laying around on the small table at the corner and an few pieces of shattered glass underneath this table. Everything else didn't seem like it could be a weapon or useful.

"What? I'm waiting Jungkook." the male spoke after Jungkook just stood there and didn't do anything.

This was totally driving the younger nuts, he wasn't sure what to do and therefore just stepped forward, looking a bit more around the room and inspecting Hyun before pulling out his gun from one in the other second to hold it against the males forehead.

"You should've taken me serious. Because I mean it" Jungkook grumbled, about to pull the trigger when Hyun started to chuckle.

"You're still useless, didn't even realize you didn't load your gun did you? Now I'm giving you the chance and you're making such an stupid mistake"

"Mistake number 1.not loading your gun" his brother called out, leaning forward to smack the gun out of Jungkooks hands and then stand up.

"Mistake number 2. Not checking your surroundings enough" Hyun spoke giving Jungkook an simple push for the male to stumble back and fall over an loose wooden plank.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now