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"Well depends on what game you wanna play" Yoongi simply said leaning back and crossing his arms while waiting for Jungkook to explain.


Yoongi stared a few seconds at Jungkook, honestly having expected worse. Maybe Jungkook really was just a kid which grew up too fast. Such a childlike and inno-

"But whoever loses has to do whatever the winner says, no refusing"

And there it was.

".. Really no refusing? What happens if I do refuse to do something?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You aren't allowed to"

"Yes but what if I just refuse?"

"You can't"

Seemed like Jungkook hadn't had come up with something in case Yoongi did refuse. Naive.

"Your reasoning is really that of a child" Yoongi sighted and then smiled a little at how stupid Jungkook could be at times.

"Is that a yes? Can we play now?" Jungkook asked already getting up to go and grab the cards.

"Alright, but you'll definitely regret it once I win"

The taller just chuckled a bit and quickly grabbed the cards, mixing them before he gave Yoongi a few and then started to play.

Not even 20 minutes later and Yoongi had already won two rounds.

As much as Jungkook loved Yoongi, he really thought the smaller was the devil sometimes, especially with what he told Jungkook to do after each round.

First ordering him to lick the carpet and then ordering him to go to Hoseok and spill yoghurt on his freshly made bed in front fo his eyes. It wasn't that of a huge deal if it had been Taehyung or Jimin but Hoseok, that definitely was something else, and Yoongi knew that.

Hobi was kind of an clean freak, anyone making his room dirty having to suffer from horrible consequences.

Jungkooks consequence? A punch in his stomach, followed by his face pushed in the yoghurt on hoseoks bed while getting yelled at.

Returning after cleaning up hoseoks bed 10 minutes later and some yoghurt in his hair, Jungkook sat down on the bed, honestly regretting that he played this game with Yoongi.

"Wanna play another round?" Yoongi asked with a small smile. He wasn't a masochist, but it definitely was a bit amusing how he turned this game against Jungkook.

"Ah.. Well.. Maybe one more round" Jungkook said after thinking for an minute, really wanting to win at least one round. He still had 20 minutes left and he really wanted to use them to his advantage, even if it meant that he'd have to suffer a bit more.

Anxious 8 minutes later and Jungkook finally won the round, jumping up to cheer and punching his fists around in the air while screaming in accomplishment.

"HAHAHA! FUCK YES! FINALLY! I MADE IT! IN YOUR FACE! FUCK ME I AM AMAZING" The male cheered throwing the cards on the bed while Yoongi just sat there and waited for Jungkook to actually tell him what he wanted.

After two more minutes of cheering Jungkook finally sat back down and took a deep breath looking at Yoongi, really having to think, as he totally had forgotten what he wanted the other to the in the first place after all the cheering.

"Ehm.. Right.. Eh" Jungkook mumbled staring at Yoongi while thinking and leaning a little back as he talked while thinking.

"Maybe.. Take the underwear off..? " he mumbled in thoughts, Yoongi not really discussing it and just taking his boxers off.

After all the shirt was still covering everything and compared to what he had made Jungkook do that was nothing.

"Another round?" The smaller asked Jungkook looking at him with wide eyes as he realized that he just spoke without really thinking about what he wanted and just wasted his chance for such a stupid thing which wasn't really getting him anything.

"Another one!" He therefore agreed immediately mixing the cards.

Another win.
On Yoongis side.

"Hm.. Oh I got something." Yoongi grinned after looking at the time and standing up.

"Go downstairs inside the kitchen, take jins favorite pan and throw it out the window"

"OH THAT'S JUST EVIL!" Jungkook said, really not in the mood to have an stupid argument with Jin but also knowing that he set the rules up himself and now couldn't back off.

Two minutes later and Jungkook was inside the kitchen, Yoongi following the male and standing in the doorway to watch.

Jin preparing lunch really didn't make the situation better for Jungkook.

So when Jungkook took the pan, he first of all got Jins attention, and then throwing it out of the window, without even opening it, definitely made Yoongi question if Jungkook was retarded.

There all three stood. Yoongi just staring at the broken window, just like Jin who was speechless at what just happened.

"Well then.. See you at lunch" Jungkook casually said to jin walking out of the kitchen and quickly pulling Yoongi with him only for Jin to run after them and pull Jungkook on his ear back inside the kitchen.

"FUCK NO! You're gonna clean that shit up young men! What the damn were you thinking when throwing out MY favorite pan and then even breaking the window!? Are you insane!? Where your damn mind!? Where's my damn respect!? Even cooking you food and you give me some stupid shit like this, I'm-" further Yoongi didn't listen to, quietly dissapearing out of the kitchen.

Jungkooks time was over. The taller really hadn't gotten anywhere.
It wasn't Jungkooks fault though, Yoongi simply was good at playing cards, or at least he was good at cheating without it getting noticed.

"There you are" Namjoon spoke, walking down the staircase and looking at Yoongi with a small smile.

"Jungkooks time is over right?" Namjoon asked, getting a small nod of Yoongi.

"what happened anyways? Jin is yelling at Jungkook again?" the male asked a bit concerned, though then put his focus back on Yoongi, looking a second down before again looking up.

"He broke the window.. And threw Jins pan out of it" Yoongi answered, not minding Namjoons look.

".. What?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and then was on his way upstairs only to hear Jimin coming out of the living room and talking to Namjoon.

"What's with all the screaming?" The male asked, Namjoon roughly explaining it, Yoongi continuing to go upstairs only to then hear Jimin whistle.

"Nice ass by the way"

And now Yoongi realized why Namjoon also gave him that look. He still was only wearing the shirt, nothing else.

"FUCK OFF!" He therefore retorted, pulling the shirt further down, his face being pretty much the color of a tomato at this point.

Jimin chuckled a little more, though stopped as Namjoon got in his way of sight.

"Come on Joon, get out of the way"

Yoongi really felt like dying of embarrassment, Namjoon luckily being respectful to help him out on the staircase. Though once in the hallway upstairs he wasn't there anymore and just before Yoongi could reach his room there already were two arms around his waist.

"Got some time? Jungkook and you must be done by now. Though im surprised you only must've played around a bit as you're still able to walk. We can change that though"

"Oh.. No thanks" Yoongi simply said and moved his hands onto Hoseoks to try and get them off.

"Just let me quickly go to change. I-"

"sorry dear, I have to stop you right there. I don't think you understand the situation you're in. You told him to mess up my bed didn't you?"

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