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"One move and you're dead!"

"Good job! Just like that.. Take a step back though.. Yes just like that and now hold it a bit further up. He's taller than you after all" Namjoon spoke fixing Yoongis position while Jungkook was speaking to the guy.

"Am I getting better at it?"

"You know how to hold a gun the right way.. But you still need a bit more self initiative, like just using your own hands to get some work done. We won't let you do that yet though don't worry."

"Jeon come on, you know I'm not having the money to pay you back. Also you should be more careful, how about I give you some information in exchange for letting me go this time?"

"What type of information are we talking about?"

"You know about the gang around the gangnam area don't you? How about I tell you more about their clients"

This was definitely something jungkook could work with. Making deals wasn't the only thing he was good at.

"Namjoon we'll let him go this time.. Joon! I swear to god stop flirting with Yoongi and listen to me!" jungkook yelled at namjoon who kept fixing Yoongis position as an excuse to be close to him even though there wasn't anything to fix.

"I'm listening!"

Was Namjoon head over heels? Of course he was.
It wasn't like he had any choice how he felt about Yoongi. None of them did.
Somehow Yoongi was fascinating all of them, not sure if it was because he was so stubborn yet got those cute and caring small gestures or simply because he was someone they could love endlessly without an single doubt that he'd eventually give in anyways.

"Jin we'll g-"

"Jungkook.. You didn't finish the job did you?"
It was one of those situations in which Jin was dead serious.

"He gave me some good information in exchange for letting him go this time. I gave him four weeks to pay us back" jungkook simply said, Jin not saying anything and simply starting to drive.

The vibe was somehow weird this time. Jungkook looking rather focused on his phone as he wrote something down, Namjoon sitting in the front seat and not saying anything just like Jin.

"Is something wrong?.." Yoongi eventually asked, looking at Jungkook who shook his head a bit and then looked up from his phone

"Nothing for you to worry about. Let's eat once we're home"

Yoongi sat inside the kitchen together with the other's, eating dinner as usual and mostly picking at his food until Jin scolded him to eat and not just play around with the food.

Once again he sat inside the living room, Jimin and Hoseok right besides him.

"How about we go and-"


"Jungkook stop screaming" Jimin said and then stood up to go to the younger, play fighting with him while Yoongi watched a bit bored.

"Wanna go upstairs while they play?" Hobi asked quietly looking at Yoongi and standing up not even waiting for an answer to grab Yoongis hand and pull him outside of the living room to go upstairs.

Yoongi didn't really mind it, being pretty bored and instead pulling Hoseok inside his room only to look a bit confused as he saw Taehyung sitting on his bed.

"Ever heard of something like privacy Tae?" Yoongi asked a little annoyed, sitting down on the bed as well and crossing his arms.

"Don't be such a sensetive baby, after all you're not even paying rent to stay here" the taller said and laid back in Yoongis bed with a small grin.

"You're such a pervert Taehyung" hoseok said and also joined them on the bed, Taehyung only chuckling a little.

"Come on, you definetly had the same thought.. Isn't this a nice chance to go in a bit more~?"

Hoseok looked back at Yoongi who still sat there a little annoyed, moving behind him to move his arms around his waist and pull him closer.

"Don't be pouty Yoongs.. Taehyung is an dick sometimes, you know him."

"No excuse for going inside my room without asking me."

"But you can go inside our rooms whenever you want as well.. You know that right?" Taehyung then asked, Yoongi looking a bit surprised up.

"I do?.. Like even without you? Not even having to ask?"

"Whenever you want. We don't care if we find you in our room, but what happens afterwards is your responsibility"

"I guess I can Li-eh Hoseok! Did you just bite me!?" Yoongi asked kind of shocked moving a hand to his neck to grimace a bit.

"What?.. Bite marks do look good on you. Just wanted to try it out" Hobi said as an excuse, Taehyung having to giggle at Yoongis expression and pulling the smaller off hoseok to pull him on his lap.

"Tae! Gosh you're both two horny fuckers" Yoongi complained trying to get off Taes lap after he found it kind of awkward how close he actually was towards the other now that he was facing him.

"Watch your hands! I swear if you keep touching my tights to pull me back I'm gonna slap you!" Yoongi warned, Hoseok having to grin and look at the scene.

"Go on slap the fuck out of him! Totally justified if he keeps touching you" Hoseok said only to get a betrayed look on Taehyung face.

"You're going behind my back hobi? Come on, you're not that low!"

And there the slap was, though on the back of Taes head, having pulled Yoongi out of instinct closer on his lap.

"Okay okay! Sorry.. Is this really making you this flustered that you have to slap me?" Taehyung asked with a small pout, letting go of Yoongi who moved off his lap and crossed his arms again.

"no. It's just weird.. That's it."yoongi said and then leant against Hoseok as if to try and relax again.

" Have you seen Yoongi somewhere? "

" I think he went to his room.. Wanna go there and join him~? "Jimin asked with a small grin, Jungkook of course agreeing.

" Yoongi! "

And there was something they didn't expect as soon as they opened the door to storm inside the room.

Yoongi laying there on the bed out of breath and extremely red while Hoseok and Taehyung leant above him.

Shame/ bottom Yoongi [Gang au] Where stories live. Discover now