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Taehyung kept pushing small kisses on Yoongis lips, trying his best to lean over towards him without it looking weird or feeling uncomfortable.

"How about we go back there" Yoongi mumbled looking at the back seats after he had noticed Taehyungs tries, the taller nodding his head, quickly getting out of the car and opening the doors to push the seats down for them to have even more space

Yoongi meanwhile watched the other, not really minding and finding it kind of fun how much Tae hurried up.

When he finally could sit down on the back seats he leant a bit back, getting more comfortable only to then get again distracted by Tae who also joined, wasting no time to go on top of the smaller, pushing him against the seat while leaning down to get some more kisses.

It wasn't that Yoongi didn't like it, but it was somewhat tiresome how much Tae was going for it, not giving the smaller a break and just barely able to take a deep breath before Taehyung already pushed his lips back on Yoongis.

"G-Gosh wait a second" Yoongi eventually mumbled leaning his head back to properly breath, a second after already gasping however when Tae pushed his lips on Yoongis neck to start sucking an hickey.

"Very pretty" the taller grinned, moving a hand down to Yoongis hips.

"Not that cheeky now hm~?" he asked having to hold back an even bigger grin.

"Fuck off." Yoongi said moving a hand in Taes hair to pull a bit on it to make the male look up

"Hey hey, that's my part" Tae mumbled, Yoongi rolling his eyes.

"Keep going before I change my mind"

Tae stared at him for an second before nodding a bit happy, probably because he already had something in his mind.

A few kisses further, Yoongis shirt gone after another minute and Tae throwing his shirt to the side as well.

Being a bit of a quick mess, Tae took off his pants as well, the smaller watching while nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Speechless? Very cute~ too shy to say anything" Taehyung said with a small teasing smirk, Yoongi about to comment something back when Tae reached for his pants, putting his hands on the males shoulders and quickly shutting his mouth.

Now he definitely was feeling flustered, and the fact that Taehyung kept grinning down at him didn't help one bit after he had taken off Yoongis pants and now was sliding one of his hands again and again up Yoongis inner tight underneath the last cloth.

"Look at that, not even able to look at me hm? Such a shy mess" Taehyung commented, giving Yoongis tight a small pinch only for the younger to finally look at him and grumble a bit.

"Didn't like it? How about this~?" Taehyung asked, pushing a hand on Yoongis crotch, already having his answer as the smaller tightened his grip on Taes shoulders

"Very nice isn't it? I'm gonna be clinging onto your pretty little ass so much the next few days I swear to god"

"S-so like every other day?" Yoongi asked not really taking Taes words after they kept clinging to him anyways every day.

"Kinda but even more" Tae smiled and then pushed his hand a bit more down.

A few more minutes and Yoongi was a even bigger mess than Tae was.
He still couldn't look at the other, simply feeling weird in doing so.

"Wanna go take this further?" Taehyung asked, pushing a small kiss on Yoongis jaw, the smaller moving his hands on Taes back to pull him down, not wanting to repeat himself this time and not really in the mood for any teasing now.

"Let's do it.. But if you do something I won't like I'm gonna slap you without hesitation" he warned, Taehyung about to comment something when he saw Yoongis look and quickly held back from saying something stupid.

"Alright. Whatever you wish for my prince" The taller instead said with a small smile.

Everything after that felt kind of like one of those wet dreams for Yoongi, the taller now really going for it and pushing even more kisses on Yoongis body while trying to rile him up more.

After Tae had removed also his boxers now the only thing Yoongi was worried about was that it must be Hella weird if someone heard them, especially him as he was mostly the one making noise.

One flustered moment after another and eventually Yoongi thought he would die from embarrassment when the worst part took place for someone who got shy in such moments like him.

Having his legs over Taehyungs shoulders while the taller was preparing him and trying his best to calm down and relax, Taehyung every now and then giving Yoongi a few small praises how well he was doing.

It wasn't even wondering him that Tae had lube lying around in the car. As horny as everyone of them was they must've put that stuff everywhere in hopes they'd be able to make a move on Yoongi.

"Good.. Now just relax a bit more alright? I won't be too hard to your cute virgin butt" Tae said with a small chuckle, trying to loosen up the situation and make Yoongi relax more, though the smaller only kept an nervous look on his face trying to look everywhere at this point apart from Taehyungs face.

A few seconds later and Yoongi did look at Taehyung however, only to pull him down, arms wrapped around the males neck, pushing his lips onto Taehyungs.

This was an exception, if Yoongi wanted something he simply took it.
In this situation it didn't really matter anymore if he was shy or not.

Taehyung kissing back and every now and then a groan escaping his lips as he started to move.

An minute after and Taehyung broke the kiss, wanting to have a proper look at Yoongi while he was fucking the smaller.
He really was going crazy for him, he hadn't ever imagine that he'd go nuts for someone ever, Yoongi now was the exception.

It was truly a sight Taehyung had to manifest in his mind as he looked at Yoongi, the smaller trying to breath properly after the kiss while also still being busy moaning, cheeks red as sweet strawberries Taehyung would've loved to just keep kissing.

"F-fuck.. I do fucking love you so much" Taehyung moaned now meeting Yoongis eyes who looked at him for an second once having realized what Tae said, though quickly broke eye contact again.

Taehyung stopped his thrusts for an few seconds, Yoongi whining in annoyance and again looking at the other to see why he stopped.

"Say it back"


"I want you to say it back" Taehyung said and stared at the smaller waiting for his response.
He was sure that Yoongi loved him, there was no damn way he didn't, after all he hadn't ever been rejected if he said he liked someone. Now the difference was, that he loved Yoongi, and didn't just like him.

Yoongi stared at Taehyung, biting in his bottom lip as he was a bit taken back.

"Come on.. Just an simple reply" Taehyung said and moved a hand on Yoongis stomach.

The smaller didn't really want any more suffering and quickly get this through, he wasn't the type to show how he felt, therefore that was a bit much for Taehyung to ask in his opinion.

".. love you too"

And just like that Taehyung started to smile widely, leaning down to push his lips on Yoongis and again start moving.

It only took another minute and Yoongi was at his limit, body trembling a bit as he kept getting closer and eventually came, whining even louder as Taehyung wasn't done yet digging his nails in his back as he came as well and trying his best not to move an inch.

Tae however was grinning ear to ear, pushing small kisses on Yoongis neck and cheeks as they both tried to calm down, slowly letting the smaller go and pulling out only to then receive an slap on his arm making a loud smacking noise.

"Ow! Why did you-"

"You can't just.. We're not even at home to clean up!" Yoongi said rather upset that Tae came inside him and they still had to drive back.

"..you could keep sitting on my dick"

A reply Yoongi didn't comment.

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