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"Keep going"

"B-but this is-fuck that hurts"

"Don't be such a whiny baby and just take it"

"Easy to for you to say!"

"Calm down.. Happens when you don't exercise regularly" Jungkook chuckled looking at Yoongi who was trying his best to stretch to reach his feet.

They were inside Jungkooks room. Kook was actually about to go to the gym when Yoongi was walking inside his room and decided to work out at home that day.

And now Yoongi had to pretend that he wanted to work out as well to be able to stick to jungkook, just wanting to spend time with him but not actually wanting to admit it.

"Stop pushing me down!" Yoongi then said a bit annoyed, pushing jungkook off him and rubbing his tights which started to hurt.

"You should workout a bit more, do you maybe like anything else? Do you like boxing?" He asked holding out his hands and waiting for Yoongi to hit against them.

The smaller stood up and started to punch against Jungkooks hands while thinking a bit.

"I like basketball"

"Just basketball?"

"Just basketball."

One and a half hour later and Yoongi laid a bit breathless on the ground not understanding how Jungkook was able to keep going.

"How.. Are you not.. Feeling dead?" Yoongi asked looking up at Jungkook who kept moving around.

"already out of breath?" Jungkook asked looking down at Yoongi before looking up to see Taehyung opening the door.

"What happ-God open the window" Taehyung said walking towards the window to open it himself.

"I think I'm gonna take a shower.. And then do nothing" Yoongi decided, standing up and walking out of the room to go to the bathroom and take a shower.

He definitely felt better afterwards. Passing by Jin and Hoseok before laying down on the ground in the living room, jimin nearly falling over Yoongi not having seen him laying there.

"What are you doing on the ground?" Jimin asked a bit confused, leaning down and poking Yoongis cheek.

"..im dead.. Let me rest" Yoongi mumbled closing his eyes while Jimin kept poking his cheek, too tired to do anything against it.

"How cute.. Yoongi baby is tired~" Jimin giggled, also laying down on the floor to lay besides the smaller and then take his hand to hold it.

".. Would've been more romantic if we'd have been outside and looked at the night sky.. And if you actually had your eyes open"Jimin laughed looking back at Yoongis face

"Hm.. Kinda" Yoongi mumbled though didn't open his eyes yet.

They kept laying there, jimin babbling different stuff while Yoongi listened and every now and then gave a short response.

Only when Jin walked inside and scolded the two for laying on the cold floor they got up, Jin shaking his head a bit in disbelief before pulling Yoongi closer to check on him after he did look like he was even more done with his life than usual.

"Are you sick? What's wrong Yoongi?" The taller asked worried only for Jimin to chuckle.

"He was working out with Jungkook. You can imagine how he must feel now"

Jin gave an small understanding nod, patting Yoongis back and letting him go again to let him have his peace.

"So how are you doing pretty boy~?" Hoseok asked while Yoongi was walking to his room, giving the taller only a look that said 'Shut the fuck up' and disappearing inside his room.

He really wanted to spend time with Jungkook but this didn't go as planned. It was still fun, at least at the beginning, but it also felt like he dragged himself the whole time just to speak a few words with the other and not actually get the type of affection he was hoping for, rather Jungkook telling him to exercise more and tell him his workout routine as well and different kinds of things about how to workout the best.

Yoongi had a pretty good nap that day, waking up at around 4pm and walking around the house a bit more relaxed even though his tights still hurt.

He then sneaked towards Jungkooks room, not sure if he was still inside or not and therefore giving a small knock before going inside and looking around only to see the male near his window and looking outside.

"Yoongi? Back again?" Jungkook asked as he looked back with a small smile.

He seemed more relaxed, working out must've been some kind of relaxation for him as well.

"Yeah.. I had nothing else to do" Yoongi simply said and walked closer to Jungkook only for the taller to nod his head and then walk past Yoongi as Jin called Jungkooks name out.

Yoongi, who now stood in Jungkooks room kinda lost, turned around to simply go downstairs as well and see what was going on.

"Seriously, at least throw them away. I really won't ask you to do a lot but at least throw them away" Jin spoke pushing some empty ramen boxes in Jungkooks hands, who simply sighted and gave Jin a small nod before throwing them away himself.

Just when Yoongi was about to speak to Jungkook, Taehyung showed up pulling Jungkook with him.
"Let's play this new game! I bought it a few days ago and I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it"

Yoongi again stood there kinda lost, Namjoon walking past him only to stop and turn around to check on the male.

"Yoongi? Something wrong?" Joon asked, only for Yoongi to shake his head and then sight a bit annoyed out.

"..I'm hungry" Yoongi mumbled, taking Namjoons hand and pulling the male with him to the kitchen.

He simply decided to spend time with Namjoon if he couldn't have Jungkook right now.

Though he couldn't keep his focus whenever Jungkook would walk past him that day.

The next day he therefore got up early to sneak again to Jungkooks room, pretty sure that he this time got his time, only to find his bed empty.

"FUCK ME" Yoongi screamed into one of his pillows pretty much pissed and threw the pillow to the ground before stomping out of his room and seeing Jin who stood in front of his room looking pretty confused at Yoongi what was going on.

Yoongi definitely had a bad temper that day, answering pretty much only sarcastically or ignoring the others.

When Jungkook returned at around 11am he immediately tried to get close to the male again only for Jungkook to shortly rub through his hair and then speak with Hoseok about some stuff about the house he didn't really understood.

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