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It was raining cats and dogs,it felt as if they were in a place where it would rain forever. Though he loved rain, he was feeling nothing but restless while waiting for an overland to come and drive him to the point where the construction works were in trouble.

"Are you sure we can't go ahead?" Arnav asked his driver.

"I am sure sir. We will get stuck. The road is so muddy and in this rain, it's only going to get worse." His driver replied.

"Great" He could only groan in frustration. Arnav tried to give an update to Arjun but the network was also worse.

"I think they are here sir." His driver said and turned the headlights on. Arnav could see an off-road vehicle that was coming their way.

He sighed. This was going to be a long day. The heavy rain, somewhere in a forest region, with no network and dark and cloudy sky, he didn't even know what time of the day it was. His watch said twelve and that made him groan in frustration over again.

"You should return back and give updates to Arjun. If there's any means to contact anyone, I will do it asap. So ask him to not come over. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir."

Arnav got down from his car the moment his PA came over with an umbrella.

"How's the site?." Arnav asked, he had to shout for the other person to hear in the rain and the wind was getting even worse.

"The continuous rain should have probably been favourable to us. But some ladies and even men are still rooted there. They say they wouldn't return before seeing an end to this. And to make it worse there are some village head people who are there to stand against them. It's like there are three groups." His PA updated

"What do you mean by, against them, so they, these village heads are supporting us?." Arnav asked while getting inside the off-road vehicle.

"No sir, it's better for us to not have any kind of interaction with them. These village people still live in the 18th century. They rule most of the nearby villages here and it's bad. They don't permit the women over there to work or girls to attend school." His PA said.

"Yes sir. And there comes the other group, the protesters who are against us. She's a teacher.."

"She. A woman is protesting against us." Arnav asked.

" Yes sir. She's a teacher. She along with her parents and some other colleagues from a nearby small town school take classes for the women and children. The women from the villages go to the forest each day to collect logs and wood for fire. They take the route through the east side of Karanpur Village. The women take turns to collect woods and logs while also taking classes from the teacher. Kids also study there. It's been happening for so long and there's a small establishment built over our land for classes. So basically the land we bought for our project is their hideout for learning and classes. Where no one would find them. With our arrival not only were they exposed, the only way for those women and kids who want to study was gone."

"Fuck. So we are the bad people here" Arnav said

"If we are thinking generously and rightfully, then Yes."


"Those who teach, including the teacher, her parents and others. They all come from the closest small town. That's the only nearby place where people are sane. That's the closest place with a network, town, school and dispensary. "


This wasn't something he expected. If his Dadi would know about the situation where they were fighting against a woman who was standing on her foot for a genuine reason, she would kill him. She would for sure kill, both Arjun and him for buying land before going into depths to know the whereabouts of it.

INARATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon