10 ♤ OH. MY. DEAR. LORD. OF....

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'Take all the time you want. What's the rush?. Go out, get to know each other and then come to a decision slowly', A mantra that every persuasive family in matters of marriage says, but indirectly they only meant 'Take all the time you want to say Yes, at the end. By that time we will arrange everything related to the wedding.' Or more precisely 'Dare to say NO, this is fixed. Decision made.'

It's been a week after Arjun and Ahaana had said their decision to both their families, after the talk at the beach,clearing the initial misunderstanding they have come to a decision to take things slow, though it's almost a yes. And when told to the family, they weren't pleased but did a good job in masking their disappointment and this is what they said. And everything that they did to make it clear that slow means, snail like slow, no one bothered.

Arjun and Ahaana didn't mind it, whether they accept that's what they feel or not. They weren't too upset by rushing this, this is why they chose an arranged marriage and they had a thing between them that said more than what an arranged marriage could initially give. But they were just afraid to rush and then get stumbled upon something that they didn't want.

And today, the whole Vansh Clan was coming to see the proposed bride, that's her, officially. Ahaana was overwhelmed,super excited and tense. She had already received a heads up from Arjun on the list of the members, their names, their traits and a little bit of everything about each one of them. And she was looking forward to meeting everyone the whole week, but now it's time she was a little worked up.

"Dadiii...." Ahaana called out for Geetha, her dadi who was grooming herself. "Will you please come down and help me? They are going to turn down your grand-daughter, if you don't help me." Ahaana exclaimed.

She was already dressed in a honey full length long dress adorned with a nice jhumka. She had her hair in a messy bun, which actually previously styled and curled at the long ends in waves.

"Oh My God, what happened to your hair??". It was Nikki, her friend, who had joined her today.

"I know it's a mess. I had to put up the hair, it was disturbing me and I had to make this carrot halwa. Which is actually not supposed to be a halwa, but rather carrot mysore pak. It's my first chance to impress them, all of them, and I am going to ruin this." She whined.

"Oh dear, you don't have to do anything like that." Geetha came saying. She was staring at Ahaana with those loving motherly eyes.

"Yeah, they all love you already. " Nikki said.

"You don't know that. I don't want them to dislike me like everyone else has." Ahaana muttered the last few words thinking about her parents. She had tried calling them to finally talk to them about Arjun and family, her mother was the first she called. Out of both her parents she was more comfortable to speak with. But she didn't get her. She had tried again but nope.

Her mother was busy so much to not bother to return her daughter's missed calls.

"Ahaana, what did I tell you?. Not everyone's the same and life always doesn't go in the same axis. Don't you believe your dadi ma, I know that you know Arjun likes you. And everyone else is going to like you more." Geetha said, patting Ahaana's cheeks.

A small smile graced her lips while she continuously stirred the carrot not-halwa mysore pak.

"Ahaana, is a black Range-Rover your man's??." Nikki asked from the living hall.

Ahaana ignored the blush that urged on her friend, calling him her man.

"I am afraid, yes, he once came in a black Rover." Ahaana trailed, she wasn't sure. That man, precisely the Vansh brothers, were known to have a serious interest in cars, said a new edition business journal.

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